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    Glamm if you do get to York I will try to get there too even if B has to drive me
    Good your eyes are better than you expected

    Gem good you survived and you were not sick a bonus

    Well Shed is done just the edging wood to replace the other was a little rotten , Lots of stuff to take to tip AGAIN

    I have just finished reading the Philip Schofield book , it was on Amazon Kindle for 99p one day offer ,

    A ok read but waffled on about producers and directors etc that unless you are in the profession you wouldn't know who they were
    A lot of funny bits and the last chapter talked about him coming out and putting things straight what the papers and gutter press lied about
    So worth a read if you have nothing to do .

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Lizzie,that was sad news about the footballer.

      Oma, i have never liked Philip Schofield, so i won't be reading the book.
      And i hate those silly adverts he does for WeBuyAnyCar.

      Gem,pleased you had a good day, even though you were sat in the back.

      Glamma, pleased your eyes are ok.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Just to say Hi. As Gem says, the social life has taken over this last couple of days. I’ll be back home sometime tomorrow. I hope everyone is ok. Xxx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning, very early this morning, I went for a bike ride yesterday afternoon and decided it is a bumper year for brambles/blackberries! I wasn't going to bother but changed my mind so I will make an early start. The friend here in the flat (caravan friend) loves the jam, she will be 70 years old in November and I have an invite to the party so I will make her a nice parcel of homemade jam as a present. This I decided yesterday when I saw how many there are.

          I called in at DS1 and GD2 has got her crate for the bike, orange! It looks good on the black bike.

          Daisy, you must have had a busy weekend.

          Oma, I am pleased you enjoyed the book, I don't know much about Philip Schofield, only what I read now and again. You will be planning a trip to the tip now, do you still have to book?

          Gem, it would be difficult getting out of a low car, DS2 has a lounge set in the garden, far too low for me to get up from!!

          Nan, it was sad news about the footballer, there seems to be so many bad accidents at the moment, or shootings!


            A nice morning up to now.

            Lizzie, good luck with the blackberry picking.
            I like to put some in the freezer. We like blackberry and apple pie/crumble/sponge.

            Don't think much is happening for us today. Will just go with the flow.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good Monday morning everyone. I hope everyone is ok - I’ll catch up when I get home later today. 👍😘😘
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning,
                An early start Lizzie!
                Sometimes go with the flow days turn out busy Nan2!
                Have a great day Daisy

                This morning we are taking a box of crockery to the charity shop. We had more boxes than they accept at once when we last dropped stuff off, so we had left these in mum's garage.
                Then later off to Burniston, near Scarborough. We are lunching out with our cat sitter friend. Our treat as she is so good. She is a social butterfly living in a remote place married to one who is happy doing that, so any meetings with friends make her week! And cat sittign where we live is a great opportunity to meet up with old friends, and go into town
                Quiz night tonight, my turn to host.

                Have a good week everyone.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Late up again, woke up at 7am, decided it was too early to get up and then dropped off again until after 9am. I had plans to clean the SR and bedroom but have an appt at appointment at surgery.

                  Enjoy your trip to Scarborough Gemini.

                  Lizzie, that orange crate sounds good.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Morning ladies ,
                    We have been to the Metro Centre this morning ,
                    I wanted new PJ bottoms and ended up with another Handbag too
                    B bought more T-shirts that will sit in the wardrobe with the tags on and he will wear the same old ones time and again

                    We called into the huge Asda there for a few things , their shelves were well stocked

                    Lizzie is GD pleased with her crate colour ?
                    I love Blackberry's and with Apple like Nanto .
                    What a lovely gift I wish I was your neighbour very lucky lady

                    Gem have a lovely day out relax for a while xx

                    Daisy you will be meeting yourself coming back

                    Plant nothing wrong with a lie in if you can , make the most of it xxx

                    Nanto lovely graphic as usual

                    Hope everyone is well and ready for the week ahead xxx

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma, I haven't yet picked enough to make the jam, the ones I have are in the freezer, I love them with anything! There is a grower not far from me, he does Too good to go boxes as well, only, I am never keen on cultivated ones, as my dear old mother used to say, " the wild ones are the tastiest"!

                      How nice Gem to take you cat sitter out for lunch, I have just spoken to my neighbour, the one with the Ragdoll and he definitely has to go! To be quite honest she looks ill from worrying, Her granddaughter would love to have it but she doesn't get her house until February so they are trying to find a solution. He has scratched her legs open and she said enough it enough!!!!!

                      Oma, this is a photo with the crate on. I got yet another box from the the Lidl yesterday, so good value, I have taken some to DS1 and family as it is too much for me, 2 huge melons in it this time round. I have got one from the local baker this afternoon, it is no use me doing that on my own so I will take it to DS1 and family as they are all at home at the moment and can enjoy whatever is in it.
                      You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                      This gallery has 1 photos.


                        Good morning to everyone,Its so good to be able to read everything so clearly now and catch up on everyones news and being able to see the keys clearly on the keyboard I was getting so depressed not being able to reply and keep up with things.

                        It was lovely having my friend to stay and we will meet up again in a few weeks she is going to come with me when I find a mini-break that interests me still looking at York Gems I have never been there also looking at Dunoon in Scotland I have been there years ago and loved it.

                        The sun is out here on Merseyside and the sun shining through shows that I need to clean the windows but a wee bit to do them now I will get started tomorrow morning before the sun comes up too high I can see all sorts now my eyes are OK

                        Right now I am going to go and wash my locks I haven't washed it since Friday when I put a colour on it I am still contemplating (have been for ages) having a pale pink or lilac colour on my hair I know it will wash out if I don't like it but just may not get back the blonde colour everyone is used to one of my neighbours went "pink" last year and I was really impressed just so unsure if it is for me she is in her 80s so very stylish even down to the maxi dresses and white pumps which are all the rage this year.

                        Bye for now off to do the hair will catch up later x
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          That's the downside of being able to see Glamm , you now notice all the bits that need doing

                          Be brave go for the pink , a rinse out one only lasts a few washes doesn't it so if you don't like it it isn't permanent
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Lizzie that will be ideal for her she can get plenty in , does she ride it to school ? all her school books will fit in if she does ,

                            I tend to take stuff to my DD if I have too much , In Lidl here they do large tubs of Potato salad in Yoghurt ,
                            B isn't keen so I buy a tub keep so much for me then give my DD the rest , same if B makes a cake we will keep a couple of pieces for us and take rest to DD's .
                            SIL & GS love cake

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Glamma, if I was fair I would definitely try those colours!!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Yes Oma, she goes on her bike to school so everything will fit in. At the moment she goes from friends to friends, one has a pool in the garden so she goes there a lot!!!

                                I do that as well, cake, pasta sauce etc, I make too much then share. The same with this jam plan I have!!

