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    Miserable and quite cold here, just been to the greenhouse to pick the enormous beefsteak tomato, I shut the windows and the door. I said I would do something with GD1 and baby H but I am not tempted to go out. I have messaged GD. I was supposed to have my SR carpet cleaned today but the person who was coming was pinged lat night so have had to r-arrange the date.

    Brave lady donating bone marrow to a stranger Oma.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Good morning, with no Grans to occupy me earlier I got all the outside windows cleaned before I went for my treatment. There was a lady there to measure my arms for a new type of sleeve, Jobst confidence, if anyone wants a look! I get 2 pair a year from the insurance but these are new and I am the chosen one to try them out. Now for the tights.

      Oma, you were lucky that frame not hitting you both in bed!!! Well done to your nephews wife. Someone will be very grateful.

      Daisy, you had a very busy day yesterday, take a rest today.

      As I have said my BIL isn't taking the loss of my sister very well, he has a really good friend that supports him, they were both decorators and worked a lot together over the years. BIL doesn't go up ladders anymore but the other man does, last Friday he was decorating and asked my BIL to hold the ladder for 30 minutes whilst he finished his job, which he did. The next morning the lady where he was working phoned BIL, she didn't want to phone before he went to bed on Friday but the friend had fallen from the ladder, head first!! He had gone back up the ladder to do something and fell!! They have had to remove the skull to help him and he is still in a coma, his daughter lives in Australia and she was on her way back yesterday. I will phone later and see if there is any news. BIL was so upset his eldest son and wife got in the car, a 3 hour drive, to stay with him this week.


        Oh Lizzie how awful , your poor BIL must be distraught , at least he has company this week bless him .

        If the frame had hit one of us it would have hurt that's for sure. we couldn't get back to sleep we got such a fright and then having to pull the bed out and clear up

        Plant its not the best weather to have carpet cleaned anyway so maybe it was fate you were not meant to have it done today .

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good afternoon, very blustery here but dry so,far.

          That was a lucky escape Oma. Sad news about your BIL’s friend, Lizzie, I hope all goes well for him. What a journey for his daughter, she must be so worried.

          I had a lovely lunch with friends yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that everyone was wearing masks just like before. The screens between the table still n place and lots of hand sanitiser around too. Noticed the queue outside the post office, people still wearing masks and social distancing.

          Had a busy morning, although I’m still being careful with my hip, blitzed the bathroom and everywhere dusted and polished. That’s it now, lunchtime then I’m settling down with my knitting this afternoon. Want to start my online courses too. But I must get up and move around every now and then so I don’t get stiff. Too blowy to get out in the garden, I’d be blown off my feet.

          Have a good day everyone 🌞
          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


            Oma I hope your nephews wife is resting well today. What a shock the picture coming down must have been.

            Oh Lizzie that poor man. Awful for your BIL too

            Enfys, we have been pleasantly surprised by how much mask wearing and social distancing etc is still around.

            We have had a morning of animal colouring!
            GS has had a very busy week, and it's raining so we are both happy with a day inside😊
            I'm going to make our lunch now.
            Fish and chips for tea.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Lizzie, what a terrible accident, I hope he makes a good recovery. Well done your Bil for not climbing ladders anymore.

              Gemini, sounds a nice quiet activity with GS2.

              I am waiting for my GS1 to arrive, we are going to a garden center to find some plants for his new border, I get a discount at Dobbies. It is a bit between seasons but I hope he finds something.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Gem that made me giggle I had visions of poor Henry getting a make over , Maybe a nice Purple or Yellow

                Plant there are still a lot of plants in the garden centres , they seem to have a lot this year , well up here they do , I HOPE HE FINDS WHAT HE WANTS XX

                Enfys we were pleased to see people still sticking to the rules , after all we not out of the woods yet are we ,
                What are you knitting now , or are you still doing the Blanket ? xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Plant, my BIL hasn't climbed ladders for a year or maybe longer, he was dizzy and decided it was a good idea not to climb any more. This man was younger, 72 I think BIL said, I have just spoken to my nephew and he said by the sound of it they are keeping him alive until the daughter arrives, poor family! Having to fly all that way to lose your father in that way. Maybe there is hope, they will hear later on today.

                  Plant, there are still plenty of plants around for you borders, at least here there are. One of the supermarkets here sell plants, they have racks of them outside, when I passed this morning it was very colourful!

                  Gem, it is raining slightly here at the moment, not much wind so my clean windows are safe.

                  DS1 just phoned, he is on his way to a hotel near the German border to have a meal and spend the evening there with DIL and GD2 then DIL picks GD! up tomorrow. They have been there a lot over the years and try to go once or twice a year, if possible. He was saying that so many Dutch cars on the autobahn on their way to Croatia, Italy etc. At one time he saw nothing but Dutch number plates, that is why it is so quiet here, the village was deserted yesterday afternoon when I went for something.

                  Enfys, a few wear masks here but not many really, DS1 said hardly anyone wore them in Germany where he was. We do keep to the distancing though.


                    Lizzie,what terrible accident your BIL's friend had. Hope he makes a good recovery.

                    Oma, you both had a lucky escape with the picture falling down.

                    The rain has finally stopped,how long for i don't know.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Lizzie, what a dreadful accident. Your BIL must be so upset and it sounds very serious. I hope the friend's DD arrives in time from Australia and your nephew and his wife have done the right thing in driving down to your BIL's. Let's hope it's not the worst-case scenario for the friend. Have you had any more news yet?

                      Oma - goodness me, you're not safe even in bed young lady! (Not sure if that reads how I intended it!) Thank goodness the picture dropped behind the headboard. I bet the new mirror will be so secure the whole wall would fall down before the mirror does! For once, I can really understand why you couldn't get back to sleep. xxx

                      Plant - I don't blame you not wanting to go out if the weather's that miserable. All my tomato plants are outdoors and the big beefsteak ones haven't started to ripen yet. They're my favourites and I love them sliced with basil, garlic, olive oil and seasoning. Yummmm .... I'm sure you will find some good plants for GS1's border.

                      Enfys - I'm so glad you enjoyed your lunch out yesterday, and what a pleasant surprise to feel safe like that. I hope you are having a relaxing afternoon after doing housework. How's the knitting coming on - or did you start one of the online courses?

                      Lizzie - it sounds as thought Holland is in holiday mood! I do hope everyone stays safe.

                      I went shopping in the village this morning. Tesco Express was horrendous - crammed aisles, carts for shelf stacking and loads of visitors! It took 20 minutes to collect a couple of prescriptions from the chemist. Only 3 people are allowed in at a time, so I had to stand outside till someone came out. Then the credit card machine kept rejecting the next customer's card, then the next customer couldn't quite make up her mind what size of the item she was buying she wanted. In the end the pharmacist came out and had a word with her. Then the lady serving couldn't find either of the prescriptions I was collecting. She seemed to have trouble understanding my surname (well, it is very unusual - not!!) I had to write it down for her. Then she couldn't find OH's because it was in the fridge. Then I had to fill out a little form to get 2 Covid test kits (just in case - I think we must be the only people who haven't got any!) The lady waiting behind me was very patient!

                      Then I spent quite a long time in the card shop. That was busy with children getting sweets (they do a lot of pick and mix), and the lady behind me in the chemists was in front of me in the check out queue in there. We were beginning to feel like old friends!

                      It felt very relaxing to go to a tiny local plant centre that also sells garden ornaments etc. It's DS1 and DIL's tenth (tin) wedding anniversary soon. Tin isn't very appealing for a present, but I found a cast iron sundial, which I hope they will like.

                      It felt like I'd been on an expedition by the time I got home!

                      I got some washing done and it's drying well outside in the gale!

                      I think I'll get dinner on and we can eat before the Sainsbury's order arrives tonight.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy, I haven't heard anymore, I was talking to my nephew on the phone and he said he is working from home so he can easy work from my BIL's and be there for him at the same time.

                        Daisy, it seems like it was very busy for you getting medicine etc, now if it had been my Scottish surname here in Holland I could understand it, I often have it to spell it out, not to mention them trying to pronounce it.


                          Daisy,what a palaver with your shopping trip.

                          Quite cool here,we have got the heating on.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Nanto - our central heating kicked in this evening! I didn't realise it was that cold.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Watery looking sun this morning. Still feels cool though.

                              Going into town this morning,then supermarket shopping on the way home.

                              Have a good day ladies.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning, Nanto, and all who follow. Enjoy your shopping trip.

                                It's dull and overcast here but the forecast doesn't look too good.

                                I'm determined to get the washing and ironing up to date today, then this evening a niece and her OH are coming round for a meal. It will be lovely to see them - nice and relaxed and time to catch up properly.

                                I'll pop back later to see what everyone's up to.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

