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    Good morning everyone.

    Nan2, you have got an early start on the day.
    Daisy I think you are being very brave and upbeat about your poor face. All you can think is each day is one day forward towards recovery xx
    WG, you have such a lot going on at the moment. I bet you wish you could fast forward to when you are moved and settled in your new home. I hope all goes well for OH today. His overnight stay will be a bit of a break for you.
    Take it easy Grauntie.

    Golf for OH, I am going to my mums house for a couple of hours.
    First we are taking our cat to the vet as he has had a bit of a weepy eye for a couple of days which isn't getting better. He may have bit of an infection in it.

    Have a good one ladies.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Sunshine atm, and no wind, hope it lasts, I have outside bowls this afternoon. Just had a call from plumber, he is coming next Tues to fit the new shower cubicle.

      WG So sorry you have been having a bad time, it can't be easy dealing with a poorly OH and moving house. Look after yourself.

      Daisy, I remember playing bowls with someone who was using that cream, his face was a real mess. I met him sometime later and it had all cleared up nicely.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning ladies ,
        I did my housework at 3.30 this morning and two loads of washing almost dry
        We have been to Morrisons and now I feel like I could go back to bed

        Gem poor puss hope it can be sorted with just cream , How are you going with Mums house are you seeing the light at the end of the tunnel yet

        Daisy hows the butchers block today bless you it must be sore xxx

        WG hope it all goes to plan at hospital for OH and you get a few jobs done while he is away for the night .

        Graunty how are you doing today ? its early days and you will be feeling like a rag doll at the moment i bet ,

        Spoke to my Niece this morning her Stoma is bruised and swollen but her drains are clear so they talking about her being home by tea time ,
        She and her son will be staying with her Mother (my sister in law) for a few days , depending how she feels she may go home for the weekend and go back to her Mams during the week , they have said its a 6 week recovery .

        How are we all today ? well i hope ,xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Plant our posts crossed ,
          It is dark and very very wet here , we had hailstones first thing , enjoy your bowls xxxx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Back from hospital. Got there just in time to hear his name being called. Dirty looks from some of those waiting when I asked to go in with him to check if they had my phone number...they hadn't, so just as well I did. Felt like shouting when I came out...I AM his carer and am allowed to go in with him. Hope he'll be OK, when I woke him he said, Oh I thought I'd been there yesterday!. Not looking forward to having to dress the wounds though, but at least the dressings won't have any hair to not stick to!

            Off to tip later with old magazines which have been gathering dust and a few other bits and pieces, then a trip to Emmaus which is accepting donations again. Got a skip ordered for next week for the shed and garden rubbish. Anything else will just have to go in the household bins!

            Sun is shining here, but there is still a bitterly cold wind and the black clouds are gathering. The ground is so dry at the moment. The birds appreciated the water we put out yesterday...lots of baths rather than drinking!

            Hope anyone feeling under the weather is soon better and that everyone has a good day. x
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              Good morning, WG, I hope your hubby is home and recovering.

              It is raining here, very dull and bitter cold. I have been to the doctor, I have had a burning pain in my groin a while now, it seems to be getting worse so I phoned this morning and I was there at 9-30am, the doctor said it could be a ruptured groin, it could be a few other things as well but she doesn't think it is anything to worry about, I do of course!!! I have to phone now for an ultra sound.

              Oma, it must have been a big op for your niece, 6 weeks recovery is a long time. I hope she gets home today.

              Gem, are you almost finished sorting at your mum's? The 2 daughters of the lady on the first floor, she died just after New Year, they haven't finished sorting everything out yet! I was talking to them the other day and they have almost finished.

              Daisy, I do hope your face soon heals, my swimming friend had that cream for his nose.


                Good morning everyone. Nanto - for some reason I looked at that bright cheery graphic and saw a railway track, then realised it was a colourful fence!

                Gem - I hope His Highness is ok and the vet can give him something for his eye. I agree, I really hope you can get your mum's house on the market quickly and catch the surge in sales, even though it's very sad and must be a real wrench for you packing up your family home like that. xxx

                There must be something in the air - both Oma and Nanto doing their housework in the wee small hours. I had to set the alarm to make sure I was up for the Sainsbury's delivery at 8.30 today!!

                Oma - thank you for asking - the butcher's block still looks like a war zone, I'm afraid. I've always used loads of moisturiser as my skin is so dry and it's horrible not being able to do anything to stop the dryness and itching. I've resorted to paracetamol at night so I can get to sleep! Plant - I'm glad your friend's face cleared up. Unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight. The worst thing at the moment is that I can't stand the sun on it or getting too warm (a face mask makes it bleed!) and I've got a very dear friend who has recently lost her husband and we so want to meet up but all I can give her at the moment is virtual hugs online. I do hope your niece can go home today - I'm sure she will be much more comfortable in her own bed or at her mum's. She's a very brave girl, and I do hope it all heals up quickly for her.

                Plant - thank you for the reassurance about my face. xx How exciting getting your new shower cubicle fitted next week. How long will it take? I hope the sun stays on duty for your bowls this afternoon. There's a chilly wind here, but the sun's nice.

                WeeGranny - I hope everything goes well at the hospital for your OH. I know you want to get things done while he's there, but don't run yourself ragged - your health is important as well. Are your buyers being a bit of a pain? I hope not, and everything gets sorted out.

                Grauntie - how are you today? I'm sure you feel pretty grim still and probably just want to get the next week over and done with. I hope your Head Nurse is doing a great job of caring for you. Sending gentle hugs and good wishes. xxx

                We had an early start (for us) with Sainsbury's delivering on the dot of 8.30, and don't seem to have done much since except have breakfast and chat on here. I'd set aside today for housework - no wonder I'm still chatting!

                Take care everyone. xx

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Lizzie - our posts crossed. I do hope the doctor is right about the pain in your groin, but better to get it checked out. I know it's all too easy to say this, but try not to worry. xxx
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Daisy, I have an appointment on May 19th, if the pain gets worse I can go back to my doctor. I will try not to worry!!! xxxx


                      Back from the vet.
                      Henry has conjunctivitis she thinks. She can't see a foreign body. We have antibiotic cream to put on his eye twice daily. As well as the cream we put into alternate ears daily. He's going to love us!

                      Don't worry Lizzie, I'm sure it will be easily sorted out by the doctor. Still quite a lot to do at mum's house.

                      I'm glad you got OH safely delivered WG.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Lizzie my Niece had to have emergency surgery year before last as she almost died of a Ruptured bowel , resulting in a permanent Stoma being fitted ,Plus quite a few other surgeries on it
                        She had a very large Hernia inside the Stoma and had to loose almost 6stone this year to have it repaired .
                        She is only 37 and has gone through a lot poor girl ,
                        Due to scar tissue this op took 4 hours in stead of 1 hour , but shes doing fine
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, that is a lot for a young girl to go through!


                            Oma - I didn't realise your poor niece has had to lose so much weight. That can't have been easy, she must have been very determined. I do hope she makes a good recovery from this latest surgery.

                            Lizzie - I'm glad you don't have to wait too long as long as you're not in agony with it. xx

                            Gem, poor Henry, eyes and ears. As you say, he's going to love you. It's impossible to reassure a pet that you're trying to make them better if they don't like what you're doing to them!

                            WeeGranny - people will think what they think. You are allowed in with your OH for a reason - ignore the miserable people glaring at you. xx Just a thought - would your surgery's district nurse be able to come in and dress the wounds at least for the first few days? It's worth asking and patients are more likely to accept care from a professional in a uniform than from their dearly beloved who is doing her best.

                            It sounds as though you're getting on well with the sorting out. xx

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Daisy, it is more a burning sensation, I have had it a while so will see what is causing it.


                                WeeGranny, hope OH makes a speedy recovery.

                                Gem, if Henry could talk he'd probably ask what the h*** are you doing to me.

                                I got a letter form the hospital this morning. My gynae check up should have been on 6th June.
                                It is now on the 20th June,due to unforseen circumstances.

                                Lizzie,another one hear saying try not to worry.
                                Easier said than done i know.

                                Todays weather is a mix of sunshine and rain. Very cold.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

