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    Good morning ladies ,

    Plant i agree those AB's may not be suitable now , do you take them with food ? I know some have to be taken like that or they cause sickness and upset stomach
    Hope your feeling better today you did a lot yesterday .

    Gem how's the mouth today just as well you made that appointment , hope its not dry socket xxx

    Daisy I had a quiet afternoon ,

    Not a lot on today , we are popping to DS's soon to drop off Grandsons Birthday card he is 13 tomorrow ,
    We have put money in and I don't want to put it in post so we will pop it through the letter box he will get it when he comes home from school .

    There is a Lidl close by them so will pop in there on way back ,
    House work done and I have just ironed so will just potter today give the drive a sweep and tidy bits in the garden

    Have a good day ladies i will pop back later xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning Nan2, Oma and everyone.

      I hope GS has a good birthday Oma. I'm sure he will be delighted to get the money .
      Plant I would try ringing the doctor again (easier said than done I know) if the tablets are making you feel the same today. Sensitivity and allergy to drugs can start any time. I took penicillin for years before I became allergic.

      I slept OK thanks to Co Codamol. My appointment is at 3.45, so I will get into town for about 3 and hopefully secure a parking space. The nearest one will be full at that time but there should be space in the one about 10 minutes walk away. I hope it is dry socket as that is easy to treat. I think I may need antibiotics as well.
      No other plans today. I have an order waiting at M&S which I haven't felt up to bothering to go for, so I must do that today. Maybe a round trip on my way to town.

      I hope all have a nice Friday.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Thanks for you concerns, what I do not understand is that the evening tablet doesn’t affect me and the morning one I take with my breakfast just makes me feel rotten for about an hour later. The cystitis is much better thank goodness. I am not going to take the morning one tomorrow, I don’t want to feel groggy at the wedding. I don’t feel sick, just unwell for about an hour.

        Oma, I hope your GS has a lovely birthday, how old is he? He will turn up on your doorstep one day, I am sure he has very fond memories of you both. Will he ring you?

        Gemini, I hope the appt. with the dentist sorts out your problem.

        Our bungalow is behind nine houses and yesterday one of neighbours came and told my Sil that they would be having a big screen in the garden to watch the football on Sat.,that’s okay as we will have company for the wedding. Low and behold last night they had a very noisy party in their garden, I felt sorry for their neighbours. They only have a small garden and he wants us to sell him some of ours. He needs to buy a bigger house with a big garden. They have 3 noisy children by the way. Sil said he would have words if I was disturbed too much.

        Blinis making for me this morning and then lunch with GS3 if he feels okay after his jab.

        I will pop back later to see what you have all been up to.

        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Plant he will be 13 , wont get a phone call but might get a photo of him opening his card like we did with Sophia

          I hope the day stays lovely for the wedding xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Plant - you've had such a busy week, on top of cystitis and feeling unwell after your morning AB. I hope you manage a bit of 'down' time to relax and get ready for GD1's big day tomorrow. Your neighbour isn't going the right way about encouraging you to sell a bit of your garden - just bringing the noise closer to you!

            Oma - I hope your GS2 has a lovely birthday tomorrow. It's hard to believe he'll be 13, but I'm sure he'd love to be able to see you and B. xx

            Gem - I hope you found a parking space ok, and the dentist can solve the problem whether it's a dry socket or something else. Sending hugs - that sort of pain drags you down, so no wonder you haven't felt like collecting your order from M&S.

            Nanto - the graphic made me smile.

            I'm trying to get the house sorted out a bit before OH's brother and SIL arrive tomorrow. My 8 am Sainsbury's order has just arrived - 2.30! - the refrigerated unit on the van wasn't working this morning, so they phoned to ask if I could go and collect it! It's a 30-mile round trip and I didn't feel like taking an hour out of a day when I've got so much to do. So I politely declined. Anyway, it's arrived now with lots of apologies etc. Good job I didn't need any of it this morning.

            I've done a few loads of washing while it's still dry - I think we're in for rain for the next week!

            I do hope everyone's ok. Has anyone heard from Grauntie? xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Dentist's verdict is it is dry socket but no sign of infection. So I have had the clove dressing packed in (very painful at the time as they have to press on the socket, but worth it) It feels a lot better already and should keep working over the next few days and allow the socket to heal normally.
              OH and partner won the round at golf today so are through to the next round of the competition.
              I had left a line of towels out and when I got to my car it started to rain. When I got home it hadn't rained here at all, so the towels were saved

              Daisy I was thinking about Grauntie too.
              Plant I think a big screen in the garden is a bit selfish, even if they do warn neighbours.
              How exciting to be having guests to stay Daisy!! I'm glad the shopping arrived in the end.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Well you were right to make that appointment Gem , fingers crossed the packing works well ,
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Well, GD1 still has nothing to wear tomorrow and said to her mother she will have to wear her bride dress, DD isn’t in favour as it will get dirty. Watch this space.

                  Had a nice lunch with GS3 and he came back, had a chat with sil and then GS2 arrived ready for tomorrow and they had a nice chat, they don’t see each other very often. GD2 is due any time. I have just made about 50 blinis, I shall decorate them in the morning.

                  Daisy, pleased you got your shopping in the end. Have a lovely time with your relatives over the weekend.

                  Gemini, good job you had made that appt. with the dentist. I hope the healing is quite quick.

                  Yes I had a message from Grauntie she said she is on the mend. I will send her a message asking her to get in touch.

                  Oma, I hope you do hear from GS. Perhaps he might phone.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Oh Plant I thought GD had found something to wear Poor girl nothing has gone to plan has it ,
                    If she wears her Bride dress she will have to take great care not to get it dirty bless her .

                    Glad someone has heard from Grauntie , Thanks for telling us Plant xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      So much to catch up on today.

                      Gem, hope your mouth feels better soon.

                      Plant,hope the cystitis is getter better, even if the AB's make you feel awful.
                      Pleased you finally got to have lunch with GS.

                      Daisy,glad you got your shopping eventually.

                      Oma, would be lovely for you to get a photo of GS opening his card.

                      Today turned out to be busy for us,but good.
                      I was late leaving in laws.
                      Brother in law rang to ask hubby help him move a shed.
                      I went as well.
                      Later,we all sat in the garden eating fish and chips.
                      Thats 2 days running i have been to someone else's house.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        You little gadabout Nan2! 🙂
                        I hope all goes smoothly tomorrow Plant.

                        We had fish and chips for tea and watched the film Yesterday.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Plant - I've obviously missed something about what GD1 is wearing tomorrow. Could whatever she wears be dry cleaned afterwards? There are dry cleaners who specialise in bridal wear. I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch with GS3 - and I bet he felt the same. Despite all the problems, changes and worries, I wish them a very, very happy day tomorrow.

                          Gem - thank goodness you made that second appointment at the dentists - it was a very good move. Hopefully now you will be on the mend and can put dentists out of your mind for 6 months. Sell done to S and her golf partner on winning today.

                          Grauntie - if you are looking in, I'm so pleased to hear you're on the mend. Sending loads of virtual hugs.

                          Nanto - you're getting a proper gadabout - visiting other people two days together.

                          My busy day is becoming a busy week! OH had forgotten he was helping with the annual sprucing up of a local amenity tomorrow morning. Our visitors are due mid-late afternoon, and our lovely neighbours are coming round to watch the football tomorrow evening. Then on Sunday, we are doing a barbecue for a friend's birthday. Another friend is helping, but I'm making a birthday cake! Monday morning OH has the dentist and then someone has asked him if he could go and photograph something being unveiled for them, "because I know you've got a good camera" (this is like saying you must be a good cook because you've got a Le Creuset saute pan!!). I think it was a roundabout way of asking if I'd go to the event, but these things always end up in a load of work afterwards, and with visitors here I want to spend my time with them. At least OH can just hand the images over saying he doesn't know how to prepare them for whatever is needed. There was a time when I would have said I'd do the shoot, but I'm not geared up for that kind of event any more. Am I finally learning to say 'no'!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Looking a bit overcast.

                            Gem, hope your mouth is a bit less sore.

                            Plant,hope all goes well with the wedding.
                            Hoping the weather keeps fine.

                            We are going to Wakefield today. Not been for a couple of months.
                            I'll shop in Sainsburys,like to go there now and again.
                            We park up in Trinity walk.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning Grannies.

                              Daisy I am a bit puzzled about the bridal wear too. I hope all goes smoothly at Daisy Hotel Well done at saying No. I'm really bad at that too!

                              Nan2, I hope you have a good day in Wakefield.

                              I hope a lovely day is had by all Chez Plant.

                              I think we are going to DD1's this afternoon. OH wants to saw the lengths of decking which we need, to the required length. I say Think as thundery showers are forecast!

                              Have a good Saturday everyone.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning ladies ,

                                Plant im keeping my fingers crossed for good weather ,

                                Gem same forecast here , how's the mouth today ? did you sleep ok xx

                                Daisy this week is going to be manic for you , don't worry if you cant get online we all know your entertaining Have a lovely time with your visitors xx

                                Nanto enjoy your day out buy yourself something nice , you deserve it all the looking after your in laws you do xx

                                Grauntie if your looking in hello and hope your feeling better xxx

                                WG , Clover how are you two doing ?

                                Lizzie are you ok ? didn't see a post from you yesterday hope your not poorly xxx

                                We off to get Bread from the little Artisan bakers next to a local garden centre , its out of our way so we don',t go much but its lovely when we do ,

                                I was up with the dawn chorus after a very restless night so all housework done and washing , not sure what else we will be doing apart from popping to DD its their Wedding Anniversary tomorrow so take card and gift down only flowers and wine you never know what to buy do you .

                                Have a good day ladies xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

