Originally posted by Oma
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Clover - I'm glad you are getting out a bit, but your bus service sounds about as good as ours. We've at least got the train as well. I'm glad you got the shopping you wanted. xx
Like Gem, I've got a friend who wears a lot of jewellery - all good stuff and really beautiful. Years ago she used to keep most of it in the bank and just get it out when she wanted to wear it, but now I think she's got a safe at home. I feel dressed to the nines if I wear my wedding ring!

We managed to get the lawn cut this afternoon as rain is forecast for the next few days, and I washed all the bedding from the guest bedroom, including the valance, the mattress protector, the duvet - everything. It all dried, too. I've now got a pile of ironing waiting for me. After dinner I took Eva out for a walk - it was a lovely evening and quite warm. Came home and portioned up some food for her and am now ready for my bed. Night night everyone.