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    It must be hard for your DS to rest when he's used to being active Daisy. Good to hear he's tolerating the meds well though.
    Oma we walked on the beach yesterday evening, not been down with our beach chairs yet.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Its been a quiet week-end here just done housework and tided up the garden a bit I've changed the hanging baskets from back garden to front of the bungalow now they are starting to flower and trail from the baskets nicely,it is now that I start deadheading them every night when I do the watering etc.

      Has anyone ever put something away and not be able to find them again ? I know that last time I went on holiday with DD I unpacked my 3/4 linen pants and harem flowered pants I have looked everywhere for them and just don't know where they are I have certainly not given to charity bags which I sent to charity shop and they are not in my holiday suitcase.4 x pairs of white and denim pants and 2 x pairs of floral ones its a mystery

      On Friday I go for my eye treatment at Spa Medica about the clouding behind my eyes after the cataract treatment after the tests hopefully it won't be too long before they do the laser treatment and get me back to normal vision again I have to taxi there and back as the drops don't clear for a couple of hours after so no car driving for me on that day.

      Everyone enjoy the longest day I was awake at 2.30am with the light through the window this morning even the birds where up and about earlier than usual.

      Off to do a wee bit of ironing and then to start the hunt for the missing 3/4 pants !!!
      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


        Oh I have lost things several times Glamma! It once took me weeks to realise that the navy linen trousers I kept looking for were actually in a hotel in Harrogate! Amazingly they still had them, and even more amazingly they posted them to me free of charge!

        Definitely no driving after those drops Glamma, they prevent you seeing to much for several hours don't they? I hope you soon get your treatment.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Oma, pleased to hear your niece is continuing to get stronger

          Nanto, hope all goes well with your check-up

          Exciting visiting the shops today Daisy, hope you find your teapot and stand, that sounds posh.

          I will be playing bowls indoors with my long standing bowls friends in the Village Hall at last. This evening at 7.30 the WI are relaying a talk by Joy Blades, he was a speaker (via Zoom) at the AGM. I believe it was a very interesting talk so I will tune in.

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Check up went well.
            Doctors words were, absolutely fine,i'll see you in a years time.

            Daisy,pleased to hear DS is doing all right. He shouldn't overdo things though.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Well well well who would have thought of putting the missing pants in the bedding ottoman under the towels???
              Also whilst searching I found 2 x pairs of sandals and a few tops I had forgotten about in my overhead luggage bag so an eventful morning all now in the washing machine being freshened up.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                its the longest day and shortest night of the year, but it's like winter in Yorkshireland.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Glamm - yes I've lost various things! Mostly I've just forgotten where I put them and they eventually turn up, but it drives OH mad. I tend to shrug and think they'll turn up somewhere, but he would take the house apart trying to find whatever it is! I'm glad your trousers and some tops and sandals have turned up. Your hanging baskets are doing well - they sound lovely and I'm sure they add a lovely splash of colour. I hope your eye appointment goes well on Friday. Those drops make you very light sensitive, don't they.

                  Plant - I do hope you enjoyed your indoor bowls - at long last. xxx

                  Gem - it sounds as though you're having better weather than us.

                  We went shopping late this morning. We went to an electrical shop first, looking for a new kettle and starting to think about possibly getting a new oven. There's nothing really wrong with what we've got, but being gas it's one oven and a separate grill, and I'd really like a double oven.

                  We couldn't find a kettle we liked, so went on to Sainsburys. No kettles we liked there either, but we got a few odds and ends. It's the first time I've been in a supermarket since March last year and I was shocked at how empty the shelves were! Then on to Lakeland and got a new teapot, but no teapot stand, plus some oven cleaner, washing up brushes, and a few other bits and pieces. Still no kettles we liked. Then into the garden centre next door. I spent some garden vouchers I'd been given on a new birdbath - really pleased with it. We got a few plants to put a bit of colour into the front garden - it's looking very green, but not much else - and some peanuts and nyger seeds for the birds. I got soaked going round the outside area looking at plants though, and it took me ages to warm up again when we got home.

                  We were both shattered when we got in - when did shopping become so tiring!

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Sun is shining. Hope its a warmer day than yesterday.

                    Daisy, i would have thought that with the amount of kettles on the market, that you would have seen one that you liked.
                    I would recommend a double oven. I only use the big oven a couple of times a year,but its nice to know its there if i need it.

                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning everyone.

                      Nan2, I'm so glad your check up was a good one.
                      Are you a very selective kettle purchaser Daisy??! I think a double oven is a very good idea. We would like one.
                      Glamma I'm glad you tracked down the missing things!

                      Phone and internet connection can be patchy in our holiday cottage, but I have managed fairly well.
                      This morning my laptop won't connect at all but my phone will!

                      Today is the best forecast for the week, so we plan to spend most of it on the beach. We have been very lucky so far. No rain at all and sun for more than half of each day. This is not the case at home!
                      I will write up about my day yesterday in my holiday journal.
                      I get photo updates on Henry every day and he is fine.

                      Have a good day everyone. I hope you all see some sun!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning, sunny here with a breeze, Daisy, shopping is tiring! A strange question maybe, why are the shelves empty?? My DIL's both have double ovens and use them both as well.

                        I have just hoovered my bedroom and moved the bed, too heavy really but has to be done. I am going for a bike ride soon, relax first. I went to Aqua yesterday, enjoyed it, just 3 more before the school holidays start.

                        Do you have TooGoodTo Go in the UK? My neighbour told me about it, supermarkets, bakers etc etc box what they have left at the end of the day and instead of getting rid of it you can buy it, very cheap, then pick it up at the time they state. I had one last week from the local farm shop but I wasn't impressed, the veg I get from my man is much fresher than anything they had in the shop, not to mention much cheaper. Yesterday I got one from the Lidl at the other side of the village, very good! Fresh veg for a week, we share and swop! I won't bother with the bakers etc as I have no freezer and with me being on my own I wouldn't know what to do with it, next door neighbour got one from the Makro, so much meat for €10, the one at the Lidl was 2,99 and well worth it.

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                          Good morning ladies ,
                          Not a bad morning ,

                          Lizzie our Lidl do those boxes but so far they haven't been to good not as fresh as yours looks .
                          Sometimes having a Freezer you end up buying more than you really need and its not always as cheap as you think .

                          Nanto pleased everything went ok and you don't have to go back for a few years , I bet you were smiling when you came out

                          Gem fingers crossed the good weather lasts , Henry sounds fine doesn't he,

                          Daisy its hard finding just what you want sometimes , then when your not looking you see loads

                          How are all our other ladies , ?
                          Plant did you hear back from Grauntie is she ok ?

                          Had MIL out for tea last night it went fine but she insisted on having a Carvery then complained there was too much on the plate,
                          She had to choose what she wanted and watched the chef plate it up ,
                          I said to her do you think that's too much ,
                          I knew she wouldn't be able to eat it all but she did a good job of what she did manage

                          Done two loads of washing this morning that will need ironing later ,
                          Went to Aldi now having a cup of tea and then pop to Lidl ,

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, I was surprised how fresh it all is from the Lidl. I agree with you though, you can buy too much and it doesn't always work out cheaper. When I got this kitchen fitted, 16 years ago now, my then neighbour told me I wouldn't cope without a big freezer, I have done up to now! I have a small one in the fridge and it is big enough for me, I can get to any shop I need to in 2 minutes. I have never liked frozen vegetables so I wouldn't use it for that.


                              Well if you don't need one Lizzie why use up space with one
                              I think if I lived on my own I wouldn't need one either
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Lizzie48 I have a double fridge/freezer in the kitchen which does me fine now I am buying just for myself I do have a medium sized chest freezer out in the shed which I used when I was doing a big supermarket shop I hardly ever use it now,next week I shall store some meals for my GS after he has had an operation on his ankle he will be in a cast for 6 weeks and have difficulties walking around so I am doing to make him some scouse.chilli/curries/etc I;ll prebake some baked potato's for him and get them down to him at his little house at least I will know he is well fed poor boy.

                                Staying home again today and finishing my ironing I can see the bottom of the basket at last its not my favourite task but feels good when all pressed and ready to hang away,yesterday when searching for my lost pants I found 4 x shirts which where my John's so have washed them and going to iron and pass on to old Jim next door I on;y see him in the same 2 shirts so I think he will be grateful for a change .

                                Daisy some colour will look really good in your front I can't go into a garden centre without coming home with something last week I bought a metal bumblebee which hangs on the shed door it looks cute and my little GD Willow is delighted with it so I have promised to buy her one next time I go browsing she has a mini garden of her own with a little insect garden and grand-dad and grandma garden gnome's I am going to buy her a little bird table for her so she can start looking after the birds that visit their garden she is old enough now to understand .

                                Gems I hope the weather is good for you both when do you come home it sounds delightful I wish I could get away I would even go away on my own if it was possible but until my eyes are sorted I can't make any plans.

                                Enjoy the day ladies off to start ironing again x
                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

