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    Good morning, Nan2, Oma , Lizzie and all who arrive later!

    At least we can get everything we want in the supermarket now Nan2. Remember those awful days of no loo roll, hand sanitiser, flour, pasta etc?!
    You will be tired today Oma, get some rest!
    Nice to have lunch with your son Lizzie. In 9 days time we can mix more. Outside and in gardens which we will stretch to include our conservatory if it's not warm or fine enough to sit outside. On the same day golf begins, we have that date marked in our calendar

    Things were better with my mum yesterday and she really appreciated the things I took her. I will update her thread over the weekend.
    This afternoon DD3 and I are meeting for a walk and a chat. We will take flask each so we can sit and have drink.

    I have wardrobes crying out for attention, so I intend to spend part of the weekend being brutal and removing things I never wear!

    Happy Saturday everyone.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good Saturday morning everyone.

      I love chip shop chips. It's so long since I had proper homemade ones that I can't really remember what they were like. I wasn't always patient enough to cook them twice though!

      Oma - do take it easy today. I wonder what the helicopter was searching for? Eva thinks it's cruel to deprive Storm of his cheese, and she's worried in case we do the same to her!

      Lizzie - you are such a busy lady. The crocheted monkey is amazing - what a clever lady.

      Gem - good to hear your mum was happier. I need to do a wardrobe clear out as well. We've got a Bags4school collection at the end of this month, so I'd better get sorting. Let's hope the 29th is warm and dry for us all.

      Plant - how kind of your friend's family to invite you to her funeral. It must be hard when numbers are limited. I can't believe GGS will be 4 on Monday. How that's flown. I'm sure he will have a super day - he won't miss a traditional party because he has probably not had one, but he'll know it's his special day. xx

      I got nothing done yesterday - a lovely friend rescued me with a phone call and it was great to have a good old natter (you know who you are!). Then DS1 phoned. I'll write about that elsewhere, but I did manage to cut the lawn.

      Nanto - Happy Saturday to you as well - and everyone else.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Such a funny morning the sun can't decide if it is going to come through or not ? I've been down the garden to fill the bird trays and have been having a welcome cup of tea whilst watching them feed.

        My DD and her partner have just left they always call first thing Saturday mornings they bring my week-end paper and fresh milk every week she is a good girl.

        Grandson no 5 washed my car for me it cost me a few £s but he did such a good job and gave him some pocket money for himself .

        The plants I ordered arrived yesterday so to day I am going to pot them I got some trailing Petunia in purple & in white for my baskets I am waiting for the Busy Lizzie to arrive I get them treated with a fertiliser treatment prior to posting which only costs a £1 extra and saves me doing it ,the ready made baskets I ordered from them last April are still in full flower they have been amazing my neighbour commented on them last week and said she had never seen plants last so long. I have also ordered 3 x potato tubs and 18 seed potato's 3 types of each they will go on my back patio rather than in the veg patch this year so yummy potato's for summer in my house again.

        To morrow I am having my lunch at my DD's partners house all socially distanced of course being served in his conservatory with doors wide open into the garden I have made a trifle and individual cheesecakes it will be the first time I will have met his parents they have both had both injections the latest one over 3 weeks ago.

        I went and had blood taken yesterday and have to wait for results possibly Monday I just can't understand Dr saying fibromyalgia is not a stated medical condition just a term used for a collection of complaints its madness when its well noted on NHS pages I'll just have to wait and see what the results are.

        Enjoy the rest of the day ladies xxx
        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


          Morning all.
          We have been so busy the last few days that I haven't had time to update on here.

          My appointment at Specavers went well,eyes are healthy which is good and I didn't need a change of glasses.
          Since then we have been painting the garden fence even though there wqs only 4 and a half panels to paint we were exhausted by the time we had finished. Its now gone from a neglected shabby brownish colour to a lovely shade of grey . The fence isn't perfect but taking it down and putting up new is something we couldn't face at the moment. Also the fence backs on to the local tennis club and we would have to go on to their property to clear ivy and weeds from their side.
          OH annoyed me mind you,as he stood back admiring the colour of the paint he asked why haven't we used a colour like this before..... Grrr ....

          Glamm hope your bloods come back OK

          Daisy I never double cooked my chips also . Its been years since we had homemade chips,oven chips aren't the same are they .

          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Good morning. It’s a lovely morning here so far. I had a really good nights sleep, didn’t wake up until 7.00, unheard of for me. I had my walk earlier then DD popped in for a coffee. I’ve just done half an hour in the garden and chatted with my neighbour over the hedge. I plan a relaxing afternoon, with knitting or crochet catching up with either Line of Duty or The Handmaids Tale.

            I am feeling so much better these last couple of days. I have two very good friends who keep an eye on me, I get lots of texts and phone calls from them and they have really helped me over this last wobble. Thank goodness for people like them ❤️.

            I have been taking my BP twice a day as instructed by the Doctor. It seems to be hovering just above the Level they recommend so not drastically high. I go to see them on Monday so will see what they say. Otherwise, all good here, I have homemade chilli for lunch and I will treat myself to a glass of wine too.

            Have a good weekend everyone 🌞

            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              DD been for her 2nd Jab this morning , i feel better knowing she is fully covered ,

              SIL and GS1 came and transported all the soil into the back garden and into the new raised beds , didn't take them long but we have about a quarter of a ton of soil left
              B going to put it on freecycle and FB market place for anyone who would like to take it for free .

              Going to the Tip in the morning with all the old plant pots and general rubbish so my garden will look a bit tidier , it looks like a bomb site at the moment .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oh I'm sure you do feel better knowing she is fully vaccinated Oma.
                Enfys, good friends are worth a lot. I'm glad you have had a better couple of days.
                Daisy, cutting the lawn isn't nothing, and chat with a good friend is a tonic
                Glamma, that lunch tomorrow will do you a lot of good.
                Deep breaths Mimi, OHs can be annoying!

                It was so lovely to see DD3. We had a lovely walk in a nearby wood which has plenty of benches so we could walk and stop for sit and chat, then carry on.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  DS2 went for his jab this morning.
                  DS1 hasn't had his yet.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Help! Please can someone remind me of what to put into a vase of tulips to stop them from flopping? I have looked back but I can’t find the original conversation.
                    A friend has given me a beautiful big fat bunch of yellow tulips. How kind.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      I think it was a 2p piece Grauntie x
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Just any copper coin.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          And very little water in the vase.


                            Looks a bit dull this morning.

                            Grauntie,i always put a couple of 2p pieces in the vase with tulips.
                            Another tip i always di,prick a pin through the stem about an inch below the flower.
                            I had some bought for Mothers day,and they still look good.

                            No plans here,just another day of nothingness.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning ladies.
                              Nan2 I had read about making little hole near the top of the stem of tulips but have never tried that.

                              This afternoon we will be having a driveway chat with friends C and P. It is C's birthday tomorrow, so we will drop her card in. They are busy decorating but will happy to take a break mid afternoon

                              I hope everyone's Sunday is good.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning ladies ,

                                Lizzie i do the same with all flowers i put a small amount of water in so the stems don't rot and get slimy ,

                                Gem how are they now after Covid are they still feeling tired etc , decorating will take it out of them .

                                We have just loaded the car to take all the pots etc to the tip , it opens at 9am so having a cupper before we go , my back is breaking now ,
                                lots of wooded troughs and planters , Astro turf that had to be trimmed away where new boarders have gone , stuff from shed Cardboard boxes , uncle Tom Cobbly and all has gone in the car
                                Then it all has to come out the other end .
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

