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    I'm glad you didn't go on the bike Lizzie!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning ladies ,
      It has lashed down with rain all night here , and its very windy ,

      Lizzie that must bring so much light into the floor below is he pleased with it ?

      Gem it must upset you but I bet your Mum forgets about it more times than she remembers , pleased to hear GD enjoyed her trip , now you wont need to worry when she goes on another

      Nanto wish I had legs like that , mind you the rest of my body looks as wrinkly and round as that hahaha

      Well I went to bed at 9.30 last night and didn't wake till 5 , so almost 8 hours
      I have been like a tornado so far ,
      I have washed every surface downstairs , Polished ,dusted , cleaned the floors , All Kitchen cupboard doors done ,
      Two loads of washing done and dried ,
      Beds stripped and now that's in wash .

      Im having a rest then I will do the same upstairs while I have the energy

      I had B drag a table out of the loft that I like to put in place of a ugly desk he uses in the spare room ,
      He couldn't see what was wrong with it but I hated it when he bought it its a horrible colour so that's done,
      Then I made him change some pictures around that I have in the hall , I wanted one by the front door putting on the wall up the stairs and im not tall enough to reach .
      Then one I had in the loft putting in its place
      He sometimes should have a medal living with me i know

      All this energy just because i slept , by lunch I will be burned out
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, they love it, it was a wooden frame work for years then they had this done, DS1 needs an office so this was the solution. I see there is no door on it yet in the photo but there is now. Their kitchen dining room is on the ground floor and living room on the first floor.

        Oma, B must be used to his mother so he can put up with you!

        Gem, it will affect you when visiting your mum, it must be so difficult. Pleased GD enjoyed her school outing. OH would be doing water golf here!


          Good Morning everyone.I'm just back from The Farmers Market with DD & her partner its held once a month in West Kirby right opposite the golf course so we left super early as parking is difficult at times.

          If I ever see inside a shed again in the near future it will be too soon not so much as clearing the excess stuff out but finding someone to do the clearance for me, I searched all the adverts on FB Marketplace and found 4/5 people advertising I contacted them all and not one have replied in the end my friend messaged me offering me the service of her son and his pal who are coming this afternoon they are both in the entertainment business and have not had any work for such a long time with venues being closed so at least I can pay them and make life a wee bit easier for them.

          Daisy I am now going to sit and fix the crystals onto the light fitting so steam may be visable above the Glamma house in a couple of hoursI keep telling myself it will look good once finished. Off now to start the dreaded deed x
          Last edited by Glammanana; 22-05-2021, 06:22 PM.
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Not long been up, I saw 2am come round, so slept late. No plans today. I want to get in the garden but yesterday was a wash-out and so far today is no better. I don’t think we are expecting any of the family today. I shall do some sewing on there machine.

            Gemini, It must be very emotional for you when visiting your mother but it is early days for a face to face visit, it might get easier. Pleased you were able to see your GD and hear she had s lovely time. Good ideas to change your visiting day for a bit.

            Oma, slow down, you are making me feel tired, poor B. I find too that when you change something in the house, it leads to wanting to change other things.

            Lizzie, be careful on that bike. Love the office your DS has created.

            Good morning Nanto, you are looking gorgeous.

            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Glamma, my DD3 has been advertising mum's fridge freezer and washing machine, both fairly new and in good condition,and bargains.
              She and her OH have been let down twice now waiting at mums for buyers to collect who didn't turn up. Why do people just not let you know when they can't do something or change their minds?!

              I'm glad it worked out for you getting the stuff removed in the end.
              DD1 is going to list the white goods on Ebay now, as they have to pay upfront so will presumably show up!

              I hope B's rate of pay is good Oma

              I had a lovely chat with my auntie this morning. We are going to see her on Monday. And have a HUG!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Glamm, you were early at the market. Good luck with your crystal threading..! You will be pleased with what your friend suggested, you get your shed cleared out and help the young men at the same time.

                Plant, thanks, the office does look good and very handy, both DS1 and DIL work from home, DIL can use one of the other rooms and they won't be fighting for place! That with the 2 girls that were home schooling so they had a full house.

                Gem, I know what you mean about the fridge and washing machine, people can be very inconsiderate. I have something for sale, a neighbour gave GD2 it, I had a look on line and I said I would try and sell it for her as it is a building set, quite old but never used. A lot of people are interested, it is Rien Poortvliet, very popular here for his books etc. I get offers then they change their minds, one person last week decided they had the same one as a child and would like it, we agreed on a price then I got a mail this morning stating that someone had told him he should get one cheaper so I mailed back and wished him luck as I aren't going any lower, I would rather bring it to the second hand place.

                It will be nice seeing your auntie Gem and getting a hug.xx


                  Morning all.
                  I've just ordered a pair of ' comfy ' trousers for lounging around in from M and S . Its been a long time since I had any new clothes. Some of my trousers have seen better days . Thought I'd see what these are like before I go over board and get too many . I have also orded a pack of undies that were on offer with my sparks card .

                  Later today eldest DS is coming up to wach tv as Hereford is playing at Wembley this afternoon. Its great excitement here , well for OH and DS , not so much for me as guess who is cooking for them ?

                  Any one watching Eurovision this evening. We generally tune into to see how many countries hate us this year . Terry Wogan was correct all those years ago when he said its no longer a song contest, its become apparent that its political now .

                  Oma, poor B, have you any jobs lined up for him tomorrow? 😂😉

                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Mimi, I haven't watched the song festival for so many years now, maybe when Abba won! Are you feeling any better now after losing your cat?


                      Listened to our entry, don’t think it stands a chance. I would like to be proved wrong. I shall not be watching it.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Gem - I'm glad your mum was happy to have both you and DD visiting, although I feel for you when she keeps asking questions which don't really have an answer. I hope OH's golf wasn't rained off today.

                        Lizzie - definitely not cycling weather. Your DS's office looks very smart and modern. We're having oak hand rails and newel posts - they seem to be quite popular here and hopefully will look nice with our oak internal doors.

                        Glamm - I'm glad you found somebody to clear your shed stuff - and good for those lads for being enterprising because they can't do their day (or night, in their case!) job. I haven't heard of any major disruption in your area today, so I hope that means the crystal fitting went smoothly. Did you buy anything at the Farmers' Market?

                        Oma - goodness, what would you be like if you slept like that every night. xx

                        It's so frustrating when people say they'll come for something and then don't. I always leave selling or giving away things like that to my OH because I get soooo cross!

                        Mimi - I'd be interested to know how the comfy trousers are. I've got two or three pairs just to wear around the house and they are all but falling apart, and in one case, falling down. I hope Hereford won!

                        I think the Eurovision song contest has become nothing but ritual humiliation for us. We've got some great musical talent in this country, but as far as I can remember most of the recent years we've been dire. Also, I agree, politics reared its ugly head, and as the first one post-Brexit, I don't see things being much better this year.

                        I've had a busy day (though not as busy as Oma!) - cleaned upstairs, changed our bed, done some washing and have just a bit of ironing to finish. In between showers I got a chance to cut the lawn, and as it was starting to rain again, OH came and finished it while I trimmed the edges. Did a bit of weeding, and just have to portion some food up for Eva, cook dinner, and possibly make some flapjack. then I'm done for the day.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Daisy the threading went better than expected and it looks good now it is up,he fixed the mirror on the wall whilst I was in the garden seeing to the boys moving the shed stuff and when I went back into the lounge the mirror was too far up the wall I would have to have been over 6ft to see my face in it so he lowered it to suit me .
                          At the market I got some freshly dug up King Edwards,chardanay carrots & fresh cauliflower cut this morning,also a small cheese loaf and ginger chutney oh and a pair of Manx Kippers straight off the 6am ? Isle of Mann boat so quite productive really.

                          GLAMMA'S GARDEN SHED IS NOW JUNK FREE
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Had a good day in town. It didn't rain.
                            Just as we came out of the supermarket the sun was shining.
                            By the time shopping was loaded into the car,sun had gone.
                            Sun decided to shine again, and its been pleasant in the sunshine.
                            Been busy since we got home.
                            Nephew called and we had a lovely couple of hours with him.
                            I did some more tidying up. Had a chat with my sister in law who lives in Wigan.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              After lunch I got the tops of kitchen cupboards washed then took the hems up by hand of my bedroom curtains only needed shortening by half inch but it made a difference ,
                              Only trouble was holding the needle I find it difficult to hand sew now ,
                              I then made up the bed and Ironed what was washed and dried this morning ,

                              Tomorrow I have nothing at all to do and I intend NOT finding anything either

                              Glamm I love Kippers but hate the smell in the house ,

                              Daisy did you get the Flapjacks made ? ages since I had flapjacks

                              Nanto its nice to finally see family isn't it .

                              Mimi no im giving B a day off tomorrow

                              Plant i havent even heard this years entry to the euro vision but we wont win anyway will we

                              Gem will this be the first time you have seen your Auntie since lockdown ?

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Glamm - I'm so glad you survived the crystal threading, although I had to laugh at the thought of you needing to stand on something to see through your new mirror. The Farmers' Market sounds yummy. You can't beat freshly picked vegetables, can you! It's what I miss about my allotment, tht and spending a summer evening down there listening to the birds and watching the sun set.

                                Nanto - I'm glad you didn't get wet - you were in the right place, today. Was your nephew's visit unexpected? It's lovely to be able to see family again, isn't it.

                                I've just got back from taking Eva round the block, and realised I've forgotten to portion up her food. I'd better do that before I go to bed.

                                Oma - I didn't get the flapjack done either, but it's very quick and easy to make, I'll do it in the morning.

                                Gem - I'm glad to hear your auntie's ok, and I'm sure she will be delighted to see you on Monday.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

