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    Oma and Lizzie, the same happens to me! A change of meds may be needed Oma, sometimes they don't work as well after a while.

    Oma, mum's bungalow has to go on the market as she will run out of money to pay for her care. I want it on by summer. Lots of work for us before then. She really has no idea her money is dwindling or that I will probably inherit nothing. She keeps telling me it is all mine!

    Mum was bit confused today as electricians are in working in the home and were in her room this afternoon. We had to go into a small unoccupied room downstairs for my visit. Mum didn't like this room and she claimed she had no memory of her own room! I think the temporary change of location had upset her. I assured her she would know her room once she gets back up there, and that I would be visiting her in there, as usual next week.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem, hope your mum feels better when she is back in her own room.
      I bet the bungalow will be snapped up when it goes on the market. they are quite sought after.

      Oma, i can remember my sister in law having to drink those powders. She said they were awful.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Originally posted by Oma View Post
        BP raised slightly so having it taken again in two weeks then if the same might have to change my meds , I felt fine till I got into see nurse then i started to get agitated
        My own worse enemy
        Oma - I'm exactly the same, no matter how hard I try to stay calm! I bought a BP monitor in the end, so next time I'm due for a check up I'll use it for a few days beforehand and take the results and machine in with me. I hope B's ok. I'm sure he'll be looking forward to a proper meal after tomorrow. Is his appointment early in the day?

        Glamm - I hope you had a lovely time with your little GD and her daddy this morning. Did you get back to the decorating afterwards, or were you too tired? I don't think it's in the least bit selfish to want to have your nails, etc and hair done. I hope you don't have to wait too long. I always believe the right dog finds you. Sadly there are such a lot of Staffies and Staffy crosses in the rescue centres. Eva is one quarter Staffie and she's the most affectionate dog we've ever had - she just wants to be close to you. But she is very strong! The perfect pooch is there somewhere and you'll find each other.

        Plant - I do hope you're ok for your jab tomorrow.

        Gem - what a shame your visit with your mum coincided with the electrical work in her room. It must have been confusing for her as visits are still a 'new' thing in her time at the Home. I hope you can get her bungalow on the market as soon as possible - prices seem to be rising so that might help a bit. As Nanto says - bungalows are very popular. It's a lot of work though, isn't it. xx

        I've done my domestic goddess bit today - not enough to get a halo, but downstairs looks a bit better. It was too chilly for gardening, so I did a bit more painting. Oma - it's yet another seascape. I didn't get a lot done, and Eva decided it was time I stopped - she laid down between me and the table and kept stretching backwards so in the end I couldn't even reach the water pot! Little monkey.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning. We've had a bit of rain.

          No set plans for today,apart from going to in laws.
          Hope you all have a good day.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning all.

            I hope B's procedure is soon over with and all is well Oma.
            I hope you get your jab, Plant.

            We had unexpected emergency overnight guests!
            DD and SIL 3 had a pipe burst in the house - then they broke the stopcock trying to turn it off The water board eventually came yesterday evening to cut off the water to the property and a plumber is due early this morning, sourced by OH as they had spent hours trying to get one. They have gone home now for the plumber.
            We were just about to eat when DD phoned, so we quickly made up the bed, and they brought fish and chips with them. Odd to have any adult in the house apart from when collecting the GC, but lovely to see them and chat. They were very glad of showers, and just generally relaxing after a stressful day.

            Sainsburys Click and Collect this morning. This afternoon we will do more sorting out at mum's house. This evening OH is helping friend with a blind at the house she is moving into this weekend. Presumably allowed as a tradesperson!? They will wear masks.

            Have good Friday everyone.
            I hope B's procedure is soon over with and all is well Oma.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              I hope B's procedure will go okay and that he doesn't have to wait too long.

              Cold still in evidence, will keep up the paracetamol today. I have been taking my temperature, no problem there. DD said she will take me, just hope I don't cough or sneeze whilst I am waiting. I would like to go to the farm shop today, short of veg and fruit.

              Gemini, what a calamity for your DD and Sil, good job you were able to help them out, quite frightening for them. Sorting out your mother's house must be quite sad for you.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Morning ladies , B off to Hospital he is hoping to be home by lunch time he is famished

                Plant at least if DD takes you you dont have to find parking ,

                Gem what a carry on , if you remember we had a drip from the stopcock a few weeks ago , B would normally sort it but we were afraid of it breaking off just like your DD's luckily it wasnt a huge drip and the plumber came the next day only took a few minutes to fix , hope DD's is the same but it must have been nice having her sleep over

                I have done my housework and ironing , taken down the old shower curtains , I hate them but as its a shower room we cant have screens , the curtains are very long and weighted ,
                We need two and they are fairly expensive at the length and weight we need , but I managed to get two on sale so only cost the price of 1 for two

                They will go up later i need to give the bathroom a good clean down the tiles at the top of the walls are looking a bit dull I know the water doesn't get that high but steam does .

                DD has been recycling a set of Drawers and she has hand painted flowers on them , sent a picture last night they look lovely .
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                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  They look gorgeous Oma!! Well done DD,

                  They found it quite exciting staying over they said! They had their fish and chips and I gave then beer, and they say they slept well.
                  We have remembered we have newsletters to deliver, so we should prioritise those today and go to mums another day. It is sad at mum's , it was my home from 3 years old, so the only one I remember in my childhood.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Oma, I hope B is home and eating soon, I love the drawers, very clever DD!

                    Gem, I am laughing about the burst pipe, not the burst pipe, that is an awful thing to happen, but the broken stopcock, many years ago, I was a young girl, we had a burst pipe and my father went out into the path to turn the water off, he broke the stopcock and it was like a fountain!!! I hope theirs is better than that and soon repaired.

                    Daisy, we must all be the same having our blood pressure taken.

                    It is better weather here today, I have my washing hung out and I have hoovered my car and the garage out.

                    I bought a small leather bag for my phone when I am cycling, the phone I have now won't fit in my pocket, the strap wasn't long enough, it was knotted at the ends so I decided if I opened the knots and got is sewn that it would make the strap longer, I daren't do it on my machine as it was quite thick so I have taken it to the Turkish tailor man in the village and he will do it, I can pick it up at 12am, not expensive at all.

                    Gem, it will be sad emptying your mums home after all the years growing up there.
                    Last edited by Lizzie48; 09-04-2021, 09:06 AM.


                      OH MY GOODNESS ,
                      I feel so embarrassed , doorbell went it was Amazon ,
                      Standing chatting saying how the sun is out but its very cold blah blah blah ,
                      Chatted for about 5 minutes , all the time the Amazon man is smiling at me and I thought what's wrong

                      I smoothed my hair down , casually rubbed my nose in case anything on that etc all the time you could see he wanted to laugh ,
                      Anyway said goodbye closed the door looked in the hall mirror and there I am with my Blouse inside out ,
                      Tags on show the lot

                      The thing is B didn't even notice when I got dressed ,
                      If it had buttons I would have noticed but its a pull on top so didn't , I could have gone out like that
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        They used to say that if that happened Oma it would be bad luck to change it. Rubbish! I thought you were going to say your top was undone.

                        I hope you have some nice food for B when he gets home. Love your DD's up-cycling.

                        Lizzie, you seem to have all sorts of useful shops near to you to help with your projects.

                        Sil gone to sit with his mother, the doctor said it could be a few days.

                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          B back and fed took more biopsies said high in his bowel its very red , they saying again they think its all caused by the amount of Chemo and drugs he has had ,
                          Need to get results back before they decide what to do , They did say though there was no Cancer so that's a relief .

                          Plant a sad time for SIL and family xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            That IS a relief Oma! Sad poor B has to suffer though. I hope there is something they can do.
                            More than once OH has told me I am wearing a top inside out. There is no help for you and me once we are really old Oma!!

                            Update on DD3's problems. They have discovered that beneath the laminate throughout the ground floor, it is concrete. Things are never simple are they? This is all rubbish timing as they have got the house ready to sell and are having it valued.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Plant, we are lucky to have almost all we need in the "village", not all shops are open but as this is a repair, tailors etc it is open. I like having all I need just a bike ride away!!

                              Oma, I bet the Amazon delivery man has seen worse things than a top put on inside out!!!! I hope they can help B with his agitated bowel.


                                Oma, good news for B about no cancer.
                                You probably made Amazon mans day. He might have had a giggle to himself.
                                Love your DD'S drawers. The furniture ones.

                                Plant,sad time for SIL.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

