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    Oh dear Daisy, what a day! I do hope you find out where the car is letting water in, it could be, the interior of the door, we had that years ago.


      Good grief Daisy, feet up with a glass of wine then an early night I think!
      OH's last car started to let in water like that. It was somehow coming down the wing and through the windscreen. I hope you find the cause.

      We brought some old paperwork back from mum's and and spent a long time on that this afternoon. I also completed her census online and sent in her meter readings.
      We played Scrabble too and I hoovered and steamed the floors. I hung out a line of towels, with many pegs on each one! They dried well in all this wind.
      That's quite enough for today!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Daisy could it be the seal around the door ?
        We had a Magan Convertible a few years ago and when the metal hood was up when we went around a corner you could hear water in the roof slosh from side to side ,
        It went into the garage several times and they couldn't find how water was getting in ,
        They finally had to replace the whole roof.

        Gem you have been busy today ,

        the rest of the sideboard turned up today , B has mostly got it built just the doors to go on tomorrow , its lovely . well I think so anyway
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          What a frustrating and busy day Daisy. I hope you can get the leaking car sorted soon.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Daisy,what a day you had yesterday. Hope today is better for both of you.

            Its a lot calmer this morning. Just a bit of a breeze.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning Nan2 and all who pass this way today.
              Nan2, I love that graphic.

              Friday, and it seems funny to not be preparing for two sets of home schooling and lunch and dinner for 4 of us
              Back to Friday school pick up for the GC, and them back to us for tea. I am dropping off a small present for mum with her card as I will be in the village. Flowers arriving for her tomorrow via M&S. I wouldn't normally spend the stupid amount for flowers to be delivered but as I haven't seen mum for so long I wanted to make this special. And should the worst come to the worst and I don't pass the covid test and so can't see her on Sunday, she will at least have the flowers!

              I have no morning plans at the moment.

              Happy Friday folks.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning ladies ,

                Nanto that is a beautiful Graphic really lovely .

                Gem a good idea just in case you cant see her but i hope you do lv its been so long hasn't it xxxxx

                Went to Aldi for it opening ,
                Im feeling tired and lethargic today so maybe a lazy day ahead ,got a headache too .

                I will pop back later see how everyone is
                Have a good day ladies xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning everyone. Nanto - I like the graphic too.

                  Many thanks ladies for suggestions about where the water is getting in. It's a known problem with sunroofs on Yetis, it seems, and everyone except Skoda knows they can be a problem. But like you, several knowledgeable car-mad friends have said it could be round the windscreen, down the door pillars, the door seal etc - depressing long list! I hope in a way it is the windscreen because we had it replaced about a year ago because of stone chips. It's just started to pour with rain, so no chance of drying it out at the moment. Anyway, it's a first-world problem, and I can ignore it today.

                  Oma - it sounds as though you should be listening to your body and having a quiet relaxing day. The sideboard sounds nice - can you post us a photo when it's finished?

                  Gem - Your mum will be delighted with the flowers, but you WILL pass the Covid test so you can see her on Sunday. It will seem strange today after so long doing Friday home schooling.

                  I might do some housework today. But I might not! There's plenty to choose from.

                  I hope everyone is ok.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    It is raining here but no wind, I am making a trip to Waitrose later, not dressed yet).

                    Nanto, what an amazing graphic, no meals ideas today?

                    GGS was so tired after his day back at school, DD finished up feeding him his dinner, he was upset because he had 3 accidents, so unlike him. He isn't 4 yet and a full day straight away was a bit much for him.

                    Good idea Gemini, your mum will love the flowers I am sure. I hope your visit goes well, lots of hugs to make up for lost time.

                    Sil's mother is able to have visits now. They have managed to sell her house, went very quickly. The children and GC are having some of her furniture and kitchen stuff but they wanted to keep it furnished whilst it was on the market. Cash buyer, probably a developer.

                    GS2 and his partner are very excited about the flat they are buying. They were lucky as their were loads of buyers wanting it but the owners picked them, the agent said, because he works for the NHS. Their furniture is in the garage and spare bedroom next door, he is having the dining chairs from Sil's mothers house, hope the family will let him have them now the house is sold. Baby H had her first jab yesterday, I wonder how she is today.

                    Try and have a me day today Oma, Are you allowed to drive to the coast?

                    Right, I am off for a shower now. Take care everyone, talk later.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Daisy you are right housework will always be there so no rush! I did plenty yesterday, that will be me for at least 3 days
                      Rest today Oma and I hope your headache goes xxx

                      My poor OH has just set off in the car in pouring rain to meet friends for a walk!! It is torrential, I doubt they will be going. Four of them had decided to meet for a walk in two sets of two, which is allowed. I suggested they change to this afternoon when there is far less chance of rain, but unfortunately one of them has a Drs phone appointment this afternoon and you can't be sure of the exact time of those. I am home, dry with my morning coffee watching the rain on the windows

                      Some sort of goody box arrived from DD1 whilst I was typing! I rushed off to answer the door as the poor delivery girl would be getting soaked! I got box from DD3 through the post a few days ago. I will find out what they contain on Sunday
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Very tiring for GGS Plant and he is so young. It will take a while to get used to it all, but little ones are very flexible.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          loving it , The laptop was to try the lights We need a USB extension lead
                          You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                          This gallery has 2 photos.
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Plant it must have been a long first day back for him bless him hope he isn't to upset about his little accidents , I bet he wasn't the only one .

                            Gem how exciting something to look forward too on Sunday Its brilliant sunshine here and blue sky's so far although that can change very quickly can't it

                            Daisy B said could it be coming in the windscreen .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Ooh that's very nice and posh Oma
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Oma - your new sideboard looks lovely - very sleek and modern. Say thank you to B for me. The windscreen is getting a lot of votes - I hope they're right as it's the easiest fix.

                                Plant - poor little GGS, he must have been shattered. I hope the little accidents don't put him off going to nursery, although I'm sure they won't. How lovely that the vendors of GS2's flat gave them preference. No wonder they are excited - it will be great for them. I'm sure your SIL's mother is delighted she can have visits again. How is she? Was she worried/upset about selling her house?

                                Gem - it's very showery here, so if it's the same for you, S may get her walk in the sunshine. I hope so, anyway. I think you're going to have a lovely Mother's Day! (Well deserved)

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

