Thanks so much for the best wishes ladies I have just got up after a really bad night every time I moved I woke up,I have tried to get through to my Drs just now for a telephone consultation but I have to ring at 8am in the morning to try and get one for tomorrow.
Plant I have always suffered with back problems but never as bad as this my youngest son came last night and said it sounds very much like fibromyalgia and will need to tell the Dr the symtom's to be honest having the discomfort of that broken shoulder/arm does not help matters.Every joint in my body is painful to-day I dispair.
Oma I will take your advice and walk slowly around my back garden it is quite mild here today and the fresh air will give me a boost.
Daisy I am fine for shopping etc my freezers are full plenty in the fridge for snacks etc lots of fruit as youngest son brought me a box of fruit yesterday and some flowers in case he has to work on Mothers Day and can't get here,he is a good boy.
Will talk again soon girls xx
Plant I have always suffered with back problems but never as bad as this my youngest son came last night and said it sounds very much like fibromyalgia and will need to tell the Dr the symtom's to be honest having the discomfort of that broken shoulder/arm does not help matters.Every joint in my body is painful to-day I dispair.

Oma I will take your advice and walk slowly around my back garden it is quite mild here today and the fresh air will give me a boost.
Daisy I am fine for shopping etc my freezers are full plenty in the fridge for snacks etc lots of fruit as youngest son brought me a box of fruit yesterday and some flowers in case he has to work on Mothers Day and can't get here,he is a good boy.
Will talk again soon girls xx