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    Oma - you posted while I was typing, but I'm really pleased to hear you're no longer doubling (Haha, see what I did there!) for the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

    The weighted blankets don't feel like a duvet. If you've ever used one of those neck pillow thingies you warm up in the microwave to ease neck pain, they feel more like that. They are very calming and soothing - my GS1 has one for when he can't sleep and it does help. The downside is that they are quite warm for summer use. It's a similar effect to a thunder shirt for anxious/frightened dogs.

    Plant - I'm sure the garden will look great after its tidy up. Your lady gardener sounds a treasure - no wonder she's busy. If I were you I would look at having those cine films put on to something more current than a CD. A USB stick perhaps? If you ring the company I gave you the link to they will be able to tell you where their nearest outlet is - they are answering their phones even though they're closed. They're very experienced and knowledgeable.

    Enfys - thank goodness your Amazon account is now sorted out and safe. You should be ok using it if you don't save your card details on there, and it will be a different card, different passwords etc. It's nice to know you can actually speak to a human being at Amazon. Sending hugs xx

    Nanto - have you seen your binmen yet?

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy, i heard the bin men,but didn't see them. I did see the postman though.
      Oh, and the window cleaner came and i saw him.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Daisy thank you for that advice, I haven't spoken to my knowledgeable son and GS's but I did think there might be something more up to date than a CD, but I thought at least then they can be viewed by more than one person at a time, or can a USB stick do that. Would we be able to play it on the television. Enfys, I would love the slides to be viewed, I must look into that.

        Enfys, I am so pleased you have got your Amazon account sorted. I spoke to my GS and he said if I wanted to keep my Amazon Prime Account, they need my card details so he advised changing my password to something that was stronger than the one I had. I spoke to an Amazon adviser, they were very helpful.

        I haven't experienced these weighted blankets, the name sounds as it they are very heavy.

        Had a nice day playing with my GGC. GGS told me he loved me, I think it was because I played his dinosaur game with him. He was able to get into the garden, we have had another warm day. GGD is beginning to make her wishes known but she is quite a comic.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          I'm arriving very late today and had a day off yesterday,in fact I had a day off everything I just showered put on nice PJs and watched NetFlix all day,my friend told me to have a look at "Behind Her Eyes" and I got so engrossed and forgot about time.Its nice to have a day doing nothing.
          To-day I have put out all sorts for the guy who collects metals etc he has taken a tall metal standard lamp/safety gate/dog crate/my front looked like a car boot sale until he collected them.I have lots of space on my outside patio now and am going to look for a table and chairs for Summer as I think that is where I'm going for my holidays.
          The Govenment on the Spanish Islands look like they will be asking for Covid passports so that is us out of the mix as my DD is not due even her 1st one yet so I just can't see us going in June even if I have my 2nd one by then she will not be able to go.

          My neighbour Jim has come home from hospital he is very frail poor man but thankfully he has agreed to a care package from SS. He is having the same carer who calls to the gentleman next door the other way,the carer is such a nice man and spends some time with him chatting which is what he needs as he is so lonely.

          I have made myself a fish pie for my evening meal DD brought me some mixed fish from Morrisons and I have done some colcannon mash to top it off I have some chardenay carrots left so hopefully it will be tasty.I am getting lazy cooking for myself and relying on ready meals which really I should not do.

          Have a good evening ladies will try and catch up tomorrow again x

          Last edited by Glammanana; 25-02-2021, 12:05 PM.
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Been for my Jab , Had to sit 25 minutes instead of 15 in case I had Anaphylactic shock as I got the Pfiza one
            Last edited by Oma; 24-02-2021, 07:24 PM.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Daisy, yes pricking the tulip stems helps to stop them drooping too soon.

              Oma, glad your back is a bit easier.

              Enfys,good to hear your Amazon is sorted out.

              i have heard about weighted blankets,but i don't know anyone who has one.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Oma I had the Pfizer one and have pencillin allergy. OH has no allergies and had the other one!
                You would have thought those of us with allergies wouldn't have the pfizer.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Well when I said I carried Epipens it was a bit of a panic , the nurse said she wasn.t sure what to do ,

                  So off she went to find a senior nurse who came and asked me the same questions about my allergy , asked if I had my Epipens with me ,

                  No I didn't as I was expecting to get the Oxford one but only lived 2 minutes up the road so could ring B to bring them as he had dropped me off ,
                  I could wait for the Jab till he came with them ,

                  She then said she would have to check with the Hospital , so a couple minutes later she came back and said it was ok to go ahead as long as I waited 25 minutes and B brought my Epipen's just in case ,

                  I then had to sit in a side room instead of main waiting room with the door open and a helper watching me to see I was ok , I was fine no problem ,

                  I am sure I cant have been the only person who carried Epipens out of all the hundreds they were doing ,
                  B said maybe I was the first one those particular nurses had came across .

                  Gem B is allergic to Penicillin too he had the other one .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning ladies - an early start for me!

                    We're having some work done on the roof next week and the scaffolders are due any minute to do their thing, and Sainsbury's are due as well. So a quick 'hello' and I'll be back later.

                    About which vaccine you get - I think it's random - they just use whatever is delivered that day, and don't necessarily know in advance. That's what the nurse told me. So glad you were ok, Oma.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Its a beautiful morning. Going to get the bedding washed,clean the washing lines and hang the bedding out.

                      Will catch up later.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies, nice cheery graphics today

                        A busy start to your morning Daisy.
                        Nan2 I love it when we can start to dry washing outside.

                        A lovely sunny morning here.
                        Our bins have already been emptied! It is often afternoon by the time they come but they were here just after 8. We had put ours out last night so no panic!
                        We have Tesco delivery this afternoon. No other plans as far as I know.
                        I have to bake brownies with GS2 on his class Friday Zoom tomorrow so I will spend today quietly worrying about that!!

                        Have a good day everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Moaning.
                          It’s cloudy here, looking like rain.
                          Today is the day I am going to dig up hoss muck for my front beds where I intend to plant roses. I have a lovely well festered pile dedicated to me at DD1’S yard. This is the highlight of my day and I can tell how jealous you all are.
                          Also I sold the knitting machine on EBay, so that is being collected today to go to it’s new home. Also, a new remote control is being delivered as the current one has given up. Also, a parcel from Boots containing face cream etc. comes today! Oh the madness goes on and on in Grauntieworld. My life hasn’t been quite so exciting for a whole year!
                          Have a good day ladies.
                          Gem, good luck with the Zoom brownies, you are a brave woman.
                          Last edited by Grauntie Mag; 25-02-2021, 08:57 AM.
                          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                          Eleanor Roosevelt.


                            Grauntie, when I agreed to do GS's Friday Zoom class with him no one mentioned cooking!! I knew they had done that on a few Fridays but didn't realise it was every week. Then a Nigella brownie recipe arrived from DD2, saying they would bring the ingredients tomorrow.

                            So much excitement at Grauntie Mansions today, keep calm
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies , Im a bit late this morning ,
                              I didn't sleep at all last night just no sleep in me then about 8am I couldn't keep my eyes open
                              I went up to bed and I have slept two hours and feel so much better

                              So far only a sore arm after jab that will do me nicely thank you .

                              Grauntie a manic day ahead you know what they say about horse muck , where there's muck there's luck

                              Gem im sure you will breeze through it if not no one else will see , if they go wrong you have made mud pie cakes simple

                              Its a lovely sunny morning , it makes you feel brighter doesn't it
                              Have a good day ladies xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Gemini, if that was me I would have a practise run.

                                Grauntie, a well festered pile of much sounds delicious, I am sure the roses will love it. Don't get it confused with the face cream. I expect you were pleased to see the knitting machine go to a good home. Get the needles out.

                                Oma pleased you managed to get a couple of hours.

                                Nanto, love the graphic, enjoy your wash day.

                                I am going out later (not dressed yet) just around the area to deliver something to a friend and post a card to GD and partner. Haven't seen them, I am pleased that she is managing everything, it is the first time she has left home, she is 26 and knows more about horses than babies.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

