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    Good morning ladies ,
    Daisy i havent heard yet this morning , no doubt I will if he takes a bad turn , fingers crossed I dont hear no news is good news so they say

    Its very wet here today and grey ,

    I ended up sleeping on the sofa , well laying on the sofa with very little sleep involved .
    I couldn't get up the stairs ,
    I could have used B's stair lift but laying down was a problem I needed some support on my back and any movement was agony ,

    I varied between the sofa and the recliner chair all night
    Several pain killers and heat packs later and I managed to get to the bathroom get washed wash my hair and get dressed .

    So today is a not do much day a keep moving day but not doing any lifting etc

    Lizzie I hope that little girl is ok how awful her poor parents must be going through hell xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma - ouch, your back sounds so painful. Definitely a day of not doing much except gentle moving. No pulling the sofa out to clean behind it today, young lady! Take care. xxx
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Oma, have you always had back trouble??? I do hope you soon feel better. TAKE IT EASY! That is shouting!! Yes, it must be awful for the parents, they are immigrants so will have the language problem to cope with as well.


          Not sure what has caused it Lizzie it just came on , but no doubt a day or two and I will be fine ,

          Daisy I couldnt pull anything today hahaha
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning ladies

            Oh Lizzie, what awful news I do hope that little girl will be OK.
            Lots of rain here as well Nan2. It is forecast all morning with less this afternoon.
            Daisy enjoy Cooper day. I need to get to the post office too with a parcel for my sister's birthday later this week. As I won't be seeing her this time, it is long journey just to drop off a present and cards so I am posting them.
            Oma, I wonder what you have done to your back? Trying to rest but keep moving as you say is the best thing. Fingers crossed for some improvement soon.

            I think we have an announcement from Boris later today, don't we?

            I need to go to the post office, as mentioned. This afternoon (when hopefully the rain has eased if not stopped) we are borrowing another jigsaw from friends - this is the last for now. We will have a driveway chat while we are there. I am pleased I was proactive and asked on FB for jigsaws for my OH. Not only does she now have several more to keep her busy, it has provided much needed social time for the swaps!!
            Tonight is the WhatsApp quiz. My turn to host, I prepared it all last week.

            Take care everyone, have a good day, and week.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Looking very dull here, I hope the weather is okay tomorrow, someone is coming to prune the apple trees and the Wisteria. I am going to make a trip out later to take a returns parcel to the drop off place. I was going to do a bit more gardening but it doesn't look very inviting out there. It is very quiet here, no activity, seems strange. DD and Sil moved Sil's desk back into the sitting room used by GD, they will gradually get straight. I have my utility room back but do not like the quiet without that little family. GD's partner is working today so it will be GD1's first day on her own with baby H.

              I hope your uncle is okay Oma and how is your back today? Our posts crossed, I have just read the you are in a lot of pain, so sorry to hear that. You might need to get some help from a medic.

              Lizzie, I hope that little girl is okay.

              Gemini, what a good idea swapping puzzles, perhaps it might continue after lock down is lifted.

              I wonder what Boris will have to say.
              Last edited by Plantaholic; 22-02-2021, 09:48 AM.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                The rain's stopped here, but I think everywhere is too wet for gardening, and it's difficult to do much in the greenhouse because both dogs insist on keeping me company in there. It gets a bit crowded!!

                Plant - it must seem very strange and quiet, but at least they haven't moved far away. It might feel strange for GD1 having her first day on her own with her baby.

                Lizzie - is there any news about that little girl? I hope her parents have got someone to help them with the language etc.

                Gem - you've done well with finding jigsaws to borrow or swap. The jigsawers in our road operate a swap system via our Whats App group. It seems to work very well. Enjoy your quiz tonight.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I have just had a look on the site and there is no more news of the little girl, the parents will get help, from the same bureau that I (usually) do the coffee mornings for.

                  I forgot this but one of the businesses I pass on the way to DS1 has spelt Spring in snowdrops, all in full bloom now, looks lovely.
                  Last edited by Lizzie48; 22-02-2021, 03:03 PM.


                    Lizzie - it's reassuring to know the poor little girl's parents will get help.

                    What a fantastic idea to plant snowdrops like that. It must make everyone who sees it smile.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Lizzie, i bet the snowdrops spelling spring look lovely.
                      Any news about the little girl.

                      Off to in laws in an hour. Need to call at the post office on my way.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.
                        Snowdrops spelling the word spring is such a cheerful thing Lizzie!

                        GS1 day today. No plans other than spending the day with him, and dropping OH at the garage to collect her car once the MOT is done.

                        Have a good day everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning, I haven't read anything else about the little girl yet.

                          It is dull here at the moment but very warm.
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                          This gallery has 2 photos.


                            Good morning ladies ,
                            Lizzie lovely Tulips

                            its a bit dull and trying to rain and cooler than yesterday ,

                            Im still unable to move much spent the night in the recliner chair ,
                            Tried laying in bed but it was agony turning over and I do a lot of tossing and turning , went to get up to the loo and the pain took my breath away
                            easier to move in the chair just press the button and I can sit up without effort .

                            It has gone very quiet out , no birds so I think rain is on its way

                            Have a good day ladies xxx

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Beautiful flowers Lizzie.

                              Oh Oma, this is taking it's time isnt it?
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Thanks, the tulips are lovely now, I read to put copper coins in the vase to keep them upright.

                                Oma, I do hope you soon recover, back pain is so painful!

