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    Very keen frost this morning. Everything outside is all sparkly.

    Supermarket shopping this morning.
    Just sorted out a load of lights washing,so going to get in to wash.

    Hope all goes well Plant,for your jab.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Gem, pleased your results came back OK! Always a worry waiting for results.

      GS will be pleased with his new room, I hope they soon get the house sorted.


        Good morning ladies.

        Very keen frost here too Nan2. Lovely tulips.
        Worry seems to be a natural things for some/most of us doesn't it Lizzie?! I have worried each year, and this year it all seemed worse due to having to have it in covid times, and appointments being the only thing any who has them has on their calendar! Nothing nice going on to distract us from worrying.

        I have no plans today, apart from colouring my hair, which hasn't been done for a long time. OH and a friend are going for a walk at midday. I was planning a shorter walk myself. Down to the village for flowers and Gaviscon, which I forget on the weekly shopping order. If it stays icy I won't be going though.

        I hope all goes well with your jab Plant, and mummy and baby are doing well.

        Happy Saturday everyone.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning ladies ,
          Nanto we have a hard frost too , looks lovely but its very cold ,

          Just put a dark wash on and B is cleaning my Cooker hood and putting a new filter in ,
          Its long overdue I should have done it a few weeks ago but with my arm its difficult to stretch up to remove the filter so I had to concede and ask B to do it .

          Plant what time is your Jab ? my sisters was 5.40 in the evening

          hope we are all well today despite the cold ,

          Gem have you heard if GS slept ok in his new room ? .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning one and all. We've had a sharp frost as well, but the sun's shining and everywhere is sparkling.

            Nanto - Lovely tulips. They always seem to make a nice vase of cut flowers - a nice sign that spring is on the way.

            Oma - that reminds me - our cooker hood needs a new filter. They're awkward enough to clean normally, and I'm glad you're not risking making your shoulder worse.

            Plant - I can't really say enjoy your jab, but you know what I mean. Is your DD taking you?

            Gem - hopefully the weather warms up a bit so you can go out for a little walk. I shall probably take Eva in the forest late afternoon. If I go just as it's getting dark it's really quiet and she's much calmer. Week-ends get so busy!

            I've just put the bedding in the wash and have a couple more loads to do. My heart sinks because then I'll have a whole new pile of ironing and it's only a couple of days since I did it all.

            Is anybody else having trouble keeping their car batteries topped up with not going anywhere. We usually use my car to take Eva to the paddock (the only place we go regularly) and OH's car isn't being used. We'll need to move it before Tuesday because we're having someone in to trim back all the overhanging trees and it will be in the way. We feel guilty just going out for a run in it though! Lockdown throws up some silly problems and dilemmas, doesn't it!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Gemini, I hope it will not take too long for your DD and Sil to get their new home clean and straight.

              Lovely sunny day again, not so frosty. We are forecast to have snow tomorrow. I am going for my jab at 3.30, my DD is going to take me. Presents and cards keep arriving for baby H, I think they have received 7/8 blankets so far. H is getting more aware of things around her, she is very good, only screams when she is hungry.

              Oma, I think my cooker filter must need changing, will you send B around.

              I am trying to get my latest knitting project finished as I have some lovely yarn waiting in the wings. I had a short stroll up the road yesterday, Open Reach have been digging it up so they can update our broadband. I hope they re-instate okay as it is a private road and we all contributed to have it made up and pay an annual amount to keep it maintained.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                I was thinking the same about the cooker filter Plant!
                Daisy, I worry about my car sitting undriven! I drove it to my hospital appointment last week, which was the first time it had moved off the drive for a while. I am going to collect the GC on their day here next week, so it will get about an hours round trip, as I usually come back the longer way through town. I can also drop off some flowers for mum so will be killing two birds with one stone, whilst also saving DD or SIL a trip over here.

                GS! had a good night and woke happy today after his first night in his new room .After initially being very excited about the new house yesterday he had burst into tears and said he wanted to go back to S----! (where he had lived all his life)
                Happy again this morning anyway, and delighted with a lot more places for hide and seek. DD says it's surprising how much unpacking you can do whilst taking a long time to Seek! He has been outside cracking the ice which had formed on the flooded back lawn.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning. Very cold here but the sun is trying it’s best to shine. Just getting organised for my trip to the doctors for my jab, it’s so long since I’ve been out out!! I have to be there for 11.50 and it will only take 10 minutes to drive so I’m having a quick coffee. I have to wait for 15 minutes afterwards to see it I get any adverse effect so am taking my book. Hope yours goes well Plant.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    We take it in turns with the cars but as our trips are short we have topped up the battery with the charger. We also have two of our sons cars here as they are having an extension built and the builders need access where the cars are usually parked.
                    Horrible weather here today after a lovely sunny crisp day yesterday. We have damp, grey, mist yuk!
                    At least having the pup it makes us go out otherwise I’m sure I’d just huddle round the fire!

                    Mr Tesco is coming this afternoon........ I’m debating whether to put my lipstick on! 😜

                    Last edited by Avo; 23-01-2021, 11:21 AM.
                    Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                      Last week my battery on my car went flat after a very frosty night the door locks where frozen and I had to spray them to get in and hey-ho not a sign of life from the battery,lucky enough my Johns friend Stuart lives just around the corner and he came around took the battery off and recharged it for me his Jag was having MOT work done at the time so I let him borrow my car for 2 days so he could go to work,he works part time at Sainsburys 3 evenings a week so he needed transport the drive to work for him boosted up the battery for me and it has been fine ever since,I have made sure that every day I take it out for a little run to keep it topped up.

                      Gems so pleased to hear your results I am due for mine about May it comes around so quickly doesn't it ?

                      Plant I have just had an achy arm for a day since I had my jab the type I was given was the Oxford type next one 3-12 weeks time but I think the medics are trying to get the second one done well before the 12 week period.

                      Its been a sad few days with out my little pal I keep forgetting when people knock at the door as she always ran to the door to greet everyone I look to make sure she doesn't escape then remember she's not here. Oliver is looking everywhere for her he must miss his little friend even though she used to chase him around the house.

                      Has anyone tried Hello Fresh ? I took advantage of their recent offer of 70% off 1st order and 50% off the next two orders which looked interesting I was impressed with the delivery and packing and the quality of the produce but what palavour with the recipe's so complicated and as soon as the box was delivered they took the payment of the next two orders from my bank before I had chosen my meals for following weeks I was furious its a good job I have plenty of funds in my account if someone was budgeting their funds they could find they where overdrawn at some point.They did not make to clear that the meals where for 2 people I thought it was for one person good job my neighbour Lyn was able to use the excess that I cooked,Jim next door the other way is still in hospital so couldn't offer it to him I may open up a soup kitchen in the near future xxx I have passed the rest of the meals over to my DD and her partner for their supper tonight he has a big appetite so nothing wasted

                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        That is a bit of a cheek taking the money for goods you haven't received. I have seen the ads but never tried them.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Glamm - one good turn ... it worked out well that your car battery got charged up as well as you helping the friend by lending him the car.

                          My DS2 used Hello Fresh for a good few months some years ago, and the portions were for two, but I don't know if you can order for just one, or with most recipes freeze one portion for another day. He loved them and it persuaded DIL to be a bit more adventurous in trying some new tastes. It started his interest in cooking and he now does all their main meals and most of the family meals when they can all eat together. He stopped having them when he had intolerance problems with gluten. The only problem he had was sometimes Yodel didn't deliver within the given time frame and he used to have them sent to work. If they were late they couldn't be delivered because the shop would be closed! Hello Fresh did their best to ensure the deliveries were on time, but it was out of their hands really.

                          I think they were rated easy/advanced for cooking skills and he never had anything that was more difficult than he could cope with.

                          I'm so glad you didn't have any really troublesome effects from the vaccine. Poor Oliver looking for Poppy. You can't explain to them can you. And I know that feeling, you just keep expecting them to be there in their usual places, expecting them to bark, ask to go out or just lying somewhere where you have to keep stepping over them. Sending hugs. xxx

                          Avo - you've got quite a fleet of cars at the moment! A friend of OH's called round to drop off a wood turning magazine OH had lent him and he was 'giving his car a run'. He reckoned it needed about 20 miles to top up the battery. I don't know how true that is. They stood and chatted for a while - friend on the path and OH on the doorstep - and when he turned round to come in I noticed he'd got a mark right on the front of his jumper and looked really scruffy!! I'm sure Mr Tesco will think you look fine with or without the lipstick.

                          Gem - I'm not surprised GS1 misses his former home, but I'm sure he will soon settle down and be fine. It's nearly 3 years since DS2 and family moved to their present house and one day last week GD2 was looking very sad. She said she was missing her old bedroom. She cheered up when she remembered there wasn't room for her to have a full-sized bed, let alone the midi bed she's got now, and she shared it with her sister!

                          Enfys - I hope your jab went ok and there are no after effects. It is a bit cold, isn't it!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Very well organised, Daisy. Didn’t feel a thing and feeling fine so far.
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              That's good to know Enfys. Great to see our members being vaccinated.
                              Avo, I sometimes feel tempted to get dressed up for the Tesco delivery
                              Glamma, we do miss our pets and look for them when they have gone, don't we?

                              It's been very cold today. OH and her friend went on their walk though.

                              I have done a little bit of housework, coloured my hair and done some washing, but mostly lazed around and watched TV!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Been very cold here as well.
                                All i've done today is supermarket shopping.
                                Had a bit of a tidy up before we went, and did a load of washing.
                                Parcel arrived today from Damart.
                                I ordered 3 cardigans on thursday, i was surprised they came so quick.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

