Good morning ladies
Daisy it was same here it was dark all day , went to bed as it was snowing but got up to just snow on the car it rained very shortly after it stopped snowing ,
We actually have the sun poking through
Gem a busy day for both you and DD i hope the rain stays off so they can move quickly and dry
have a lovely day with the GC they will be so excited to spend time together ,
This pandemic will have stopped lots of cousins spending time together , so hard .xxx
Nanto I feel so sorry for those flooded , we have been near to being flooded a couple of times in our old house and this house the garden has been under water , now new drainage has been put in the roads and we are on a slight bank we don't get that now ,
The old peoples bungalows at the bottom were all flooded out a few years ago ,
It was amazing how the community rallied around especially the young men who helped lift stuff onto the work tops to try to save stuff for them .
I have just been cleaning my tables , last night Storm was in the garden before DD picked him up we forgot he was out there and when he decided to come in he was soaking then he shook himself and the water covered my coffee table the fire place the TV , it seemed to go everywhere ,
I cleaned as much as I could but needed natural light to see where it had all gone ,
Lots of spots of water but its all done now , I didn't have the chance to grab a towel before he shook himself
DD just text Storm took himself off to bed at 10 last night and he has just gotten up , talk about being like a teenager
Daisy it was same here it was dark all day , went to bed as it was snowing but got up to just snow on the car it rained very shortly after it stopped snowing ,
We actually have the sun poking through
Gem a busy day for both you and DD i hope the rain stays off so they can move quickly and dry

This pandemic will have stopped lots of cousins spending time together , so hard .xxx
Nanto I feel so sorry for those flooded , we have been near to being flooded a couple of times in our old house and this house the garden has been under water , now new drainage has been put in the roads and we are on a slight bank we don't get that now ,
The old peoples bungalows at the bottom were all flooded out a few years ago ,
It was amazing how the community rallied around especially the young men who helped lift stuff onto the work tops to try to save stuff for them .
I have just been cleaning my tables , last night Storm was in the garden before DD picked him up we forgot he was out there and when he decided to come in he was soaking then he shook himself and the water covered my coffee table the fire place the TV , it seemed to go everywhere ,
I cleaned as much as I could but needed natural light to see where it had all gone ,
Lots of spots of water but its all done now , I didn't have the chance to grab a towel before he shook himself

DD just text Storm took himself off to bed at 10 last night and he has just gotten up , talk about being like a teenager
