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    Raining this morning.

    Had a lovely visit to GD1 last night. We didn't stay too long.

    Your poor neighbour Oma. Bad enough with husband being in hospital.
    Pleased B got things sorted for her.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning ladies , its wet and very dark here ,
      Ladies what lovely Graphics this morning they have mad me smile

      Gem another busy day , I meant to ask is this week the last at the library till after xmas ? i cant remember if you said or not , i was thinking about it last night .

      Lizzie its nice getting to the shops early isn't it , its less stressful

      Daisy hope you had a good nights sleep try not to do so much today xxx

      Mimi how's the back today ?

      Plant any news about SIL's family how are they ?

      Nanto i bet it was good seeing GD even if it was a short visit , we are all missing our families and not being able to spend quality time with them xx

      Took Chris my neighbour to Aldi this morning , it cheered her up told her to take her time there was no rush as she doesn't walk well now ,
      Its the years of being a Ballerina ruined her joints especially in her feet ,

      Robert rang from hospital this morning waiting for a CT scan and they have him nil by mouth as they may operate today , he just has to wait and see .

      I intend doing a small amount of ironing I have then empty the kitchen cupboards to wash the shelves and re organises them ,

      Have a good day ladies xxxx

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I'm at the library next Monday Oma, then not until January.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Yes Oma, love the early shopping!


            Oma, that poor lady, worried about her OH and then gets scammed, good job she has you and B as neighbours.

            I am not sure how Sil's brother is but I have seen a post from him on FB saying he hopes to be out before the weekend.

            I hope all the ladies in pain feel some relief soon.

            I will pop in again later, must get dressed I have a Zoom WI meeting at 11 and I need to get showered and dressed.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good Moaning each.
              A super exciting day here today. Ironing this morning and Tesco delivery later. Maybe I’ll iron later. Oh how is a girl to choose?
              I hope your day is filled with as much loveliness as mine!
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                Looks like it’s definitely an ironing day for us Grans today! Just finished mine. Got a fruit cake in the oven, then heading out to farm shop for some veg and to son to collect some cold bags.... my freezer has gone on the blink. New one coming tomorrow but have to empty Old one as they are taking it away. My turkey has gone for a holiday in son’s freezer just in case it conks out completely! Our puppy is now sleeping through the night, what a difference it makes when you have a full nights sleep even if it is a little shorted than it normally would be! She’s teething and very bitey at the moment.
                Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                  Avo thank goodness your Freezer has acted up now and not Christmas eve
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning everyone. What lovely cheerful graphics - thank you, ladies. xx

                    Avo - electrical appliances always choose the wrong time, so your freezer has behaved reasonably well - next week would be much worse! I'm so glad little Bella is going through the night, but that bitey stage when they're teething isn't much fun. I suppose it's worse for the puppy though. We seemed to spend weeks giving Cooper things like frozen carrots to bite on.

                    I hesitate to say what the worst appliance failure was for us - it seems like tempting fate!!!

                    Oma - I do hope they make a decision about your neighbour's operation soon and get on with it. I imagine he must be in a lot of discomfort, if not pain, poor man.

                    Nanto - I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing GD1 last night, even if it was a fleeting visit.

                    All this talk of ironing is worrying me! I'm sure you all have better/nicer things to do, even if it is watching paint dry. I'm being a bit smug because I only have about 3 t-shirts to iron. The smug grin disappeared though when I went to put something in the laundry basket this morning - it's overflowing!! How did that happen??? The bedding's in the wash at the moment, so everything else will have to wait. Probably for a few more days.

                    Plant - I hope your SIL's brother is home for the week-end. How did the WI meeting go?

                    I might try and do a bit of housework today. Just a bit. Not too much. In fact, not much at all, but the intention is there.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Ironing certainly seems to be the topic of the day I have a KS quilt cover and pillow cases to iron along with a valanced sheet (oh the pain)

                      I have a decision to make today regarding xmas day and it has kept me awake most of the night, I had arranged with DD to spend the day with her but with the news of a new mutation of Covid in the media and from the scientists in the know I am undecided as to go or not.

                      DD is in my bubble and I see her 3/4 times a week for an hour or two and she is tested every week at work always being negative so no worries there,what worries me is my GCs (the older ones who live at DDs) one works in Liverpool as a builder and has other people working with him/one also works in Liverpool in an office with other people/youngest DGS goes to College 3 days a week so is in contact with other students all 3 of them travel back and forth on public transport which is my greatest worry as I have seen people travelling without masks.

                      I can see me having to have a really serious conversation with DD tonight and can see me staying home which I do think is the best option.

                      Some bad news last night for travellers off home to Belfast from Liverpool Port 6 of the crew members tested positive and the Ship was closed off for an emergency testing programme on 342 passengers those that have tested negative are sailing this afternoon on another ship brought over from Belfast over night but those positive are being kept on board what a terrible situation for those people going home for xmas.
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Glamm, what a difficult choice to make. As you say there are lots of opportunities for your GCs to have picked up the virus. You have to do what is right for you.

                        I saw about the Stenna Line ferry. How awful for all those involved. I suppose the trouble is that passengers and crew could test negative but be incubating the virus - would that show up in the test, I wonder?

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I was wondering that also Daisy and had thoughts of the Ferry being tied up at the Port for 14 days quarentine .
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            What a difficult decision you have to make Glamm. We will not be mixing with DS and his family this Christmas although they do not live far away. So far we are only 2 households here together at Christmas.

                            Zoom meeting went very well, the Secretary is great at getting us all together and we are learning which buttons to press. Apart from business, we had a quiz about birds and a talk from a member who lived in Hong Kong for some years as a newly wed.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Decision decions Glamma.

                              Its dark, raining and a virus about. What more do we want.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good afternoon all. DD andI are having a relaxing time together...much chocolate and wine is being consumed. We have just come in from a dip in the hot tub, it’s surprisingly not cold here in south Devon, so feeling even more relaxed.

                                The house is looking lovely with the Christmas tree and lights, so welcoming.

                                Glam, I am making a similar decision. DD wants me to spend Christmas and Boxing day with them, which I am able to do as they are my bubble. However, the nearer we get to Christmas the less I feel like celebrating, also both DD and SIL work with the public which makes me cautious although they take all the necessary precautions. So I have discussed it with DD today and I have said I will have Christmas Day lunch with them but go home late afternoon. That is all I feel like doing this year. She understands and they are only over the road if I change my mind. We will still watch our social distancing etc but I couldn’t cope with any thing else this year.

                                Last edited by Enfys; 16-12-2020, 04:26 PM.
                                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

