Well if i recognise it i will tell you Lizzie hahahaha
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Ladies, I finally have a few quiet minutes to try and catch up on here.
FQ put the flags out! A dry day in Manchester is cause for celebration. The fairies will love the pile of leaves 🍁.
Oma sorry you had another bad night. I was hoping the good news about your parathyroid would help you sleep like a baby! I wasn’t wishing the right baby on you -sorry! Storm is a spoilt doggy. 😀
Gem, enjoy your lunch with DD3.
Plant, it’s a good idea making pictures out of the leaves etc. I collected some pretty maple leaves last year, but then didn’t have chance to use them when the GDs were at our house. Poor SIL, gout is such a painful condition. Has he been to the doctors - I think there’s medication to help.
It’s dull and dreary here today - we’re still at DS1s. It’s quiet at the moment. In addition to everything else that’s going on, the last two days have been chaotic. They are still having jobs done on the house after the extension was built. Inevitably there are glitches though. Over the last two days there have been two plumbers - one for a lesk in the spare room shower, with water cascading into the kitchen, another for what we thought was a leaking pipe in the kitchen, but the leak was traced to between the house and the road, so that resulted in the water board coming out to check. Yet another plumber to put up lead flashing on the half finished porch, three men putting in the foundation for steps which building regs require, an electrician to wire in the outside light at the front, plus normal things like grocery order arriving and this morning taking both their dog and cat to the vets for their annual injections. The dog has a little lump on his shoulder and the vet did a biopsy just to check. We were teasing DS saying if we’d known he could have gone with Bailey and saved the trip to the hospital. 😀
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Ouch Plant , my FIL used to get that terrible im not sure what he took for it now ,
Daisy a lot going on at DS's house not really what he needs at the moment but must be done ,
Can you remember my Nephew split his head open from front to back while on holiday last year he had staples and said they came out without fuss or pain , fingers crossed its the same for P .Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oh Oma, don't show us again!!!!!
A bit chaotic sounding at your DS's Daisy!
It was lovely to get together with DD3, and a mild day here so we were fine outside. Her OH is now back at work every day so she's working at home alone. It's getting to her, so we are going to try to meet up, somewhere with covered outdoor space, once a week.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Oma...pleased to hear the good news about your parathingy!
Daisy....pleased that DS1 is home and hope the biopsy shows nothing nasty lurking there. I remember DS had a nasty cut on his head, glued together. Hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
All others who haven't been feeling great, hope you all soon feel better.
Plant...my OH takes daily medication for his gout. Too much red wine can cause it!!!
Lizzie....is that Kinderdijk? Loved going there when we lived in Holland.
Family have just gone home this morning. It was lovely them being here, but they do tend to fill up the space, if you know what I mean!!However, SiL did put up a key safe for me and they've set up a Ring doorbell, though it's not on the door yet!!! He'll do that when he's next back. Doggo was moulting, so the hoover shall be busy over the coming days. I gave him a brush this morning and it was amazing just how much hair was coming off.
Have just booked a cottage for a long weekend in Aldeburgh for our wedding anniversary in December. Haven't told OH yet, as he'll start fussing about it as soon as it's on the calendar.
Have a good evening ladies xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WeeGranny, it isn't Kinderdijk, it is on the Rottemeren, not far from here. Near Bleiswijk.
Something to look forward to, the cottage, DS1 just called in for coffee and I told him I was looking at a house on the beach, Hook of Holland for a few days in January or February. He said that GD2 and her mother had been there with friends in May for a few days and loved it.
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Good morning. Breezy but mild this morning.
I think both of us had the best nights sleep for quite a while.
Neither of us had any trips to the bathroom, which is very unusual for me.
We are popping into town this morning,then to the supermarket.
Daisy,one heck of a day at DS1's yesterday. Stops you all from being bored.
Oma,good news about your parathyroid.
Lizzie and WeeGranny,lovely to have something to look forward to.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good morning dear ladies all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
I love the graphic Nan2. A no bathroom trip night, that's cause for celebration!
I hope your team win FQ!
I will light the pumpkin and witches hat tonight, for those on the Pumpkin Trail around the village. I have made our front window look 'Halloweeny' too.
OH hates the Trick or Treating part (even though it's me who answers the door!) so she will be happier about this years arrangement.
Have a good Saturday
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning ladies
We were up and at Lidl for them opening at 8 ,
Piles of Halloween sweets reduced the lad o the checkout said no one is buying this year like normal , well B had to have two bags of chews didnt he
Gem ive decorated the window but its forecast heavy rain and high winds from tea time so i dont think we will get any little ones out but just in case , and i bought some new decs this year too , never mind next year may be better they will do for then .
FQ hope you have a nice lazy day
Nanto isnt it nice when you dont have to get up for the loo , we didnt understand this when we were young slips of girls did we
Not much to do today so once im done im going to spend the day catching up with some programes ,
I missed the second series of Harlots and now the 3rd has started so im watching on catch up,
Daisy hope GD stayed at her sleep over and DS had a good night ,Im not fat just 6ft too small