I did the Advent pic today but not very early. It was quite busy in Waitrose today and felt quite crowded with all the extra staff trying to keep the shelves filled. Most of the staff were wearing Christmas jumpers, looked very festive. I will have to do a little shop next week but as I am not cooking on Christmas Day I will not need much. I managed to get the ingredients for Blinis for Christmas starter. Not a nice day weather wise.
Sil has managed to get a slot to see his mother on Christmas Eve, provided he doesn't fail the test. His brother is still in hospital, he has been very poorly but hoping to be moved into the general ward next week. The rest of his family seem to be less affected.
Gemini, that sounded like a lovely night out and quite spectacular.
At last the surgery have got the injection for my bones but the nurse can't do it until Christmas eve.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Managed to get away for a few days to the Suffolk coast. Lovely little cottage in one of the back streets away from the hustle and bustle. Had a!lovely lunch at the Oysterage, never seen it so quiet at this time of year. Had a bracing walk along the sea front and not much else! No plans for the rest of the weekend,will see what weather's like.
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WeeGranny - how lovely to be having a little break. I'm sure, like Enfys you will feel better for having a break and change of scenery. I hope the weather's kind to you. Have a lovely time. xx
Plant - take care - it sounds very busy. Blinis will be a lovely starter. I hope your SIL will be able to see his mother - it will mean such a lot to her.
Nanto - thank goodness your in Laws have escaped their fate on top of your Christmas tree!
I collected Cooper this morning and briefly saw my friend M. She's looking very well and is making a good recovery from her operation. I've decorated the Christmas tree at last, and started to put up decorations. It's been a wet dreary day, and I took Cooper back home before it got dark. Both dogs were tired so they didn't protest too much.
When I got back home I felt quite tired and thought I'd sit and watch what was left of The Importance of Being Ernest and put my feet up with a cuppa. The tea went cold and I don't know what happened to the film! I enjoyed my nana nap, though.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Glad to hear M is doing well Daisy.
WG, I'm glad to hear you had few days away.
All awake in the Gemini household as GC are staying! GD has just gone downstiars to watch TV. She must be tired, as she was up late playing Scrabble with us.
GS is in our bed watching Noddy.
We have some Christmas crafts to do this morning. I told DD they could stay for lunch. so she will pick them up sometime this afternoon.
Tonight we are going out AGAIN!!! This time to the cinema to see a streaming of the Katherine Jenkins Christmas concert from the Albert Hall. Two friends are going too. We can't sit together due to social distancing but are near enough to chat before it starts.
Happy Saturday everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies .
Gem two nights out , you gad about you enjoy lovely lady xxx
Daisy sometimes a nap is more important
WG was the weather ok ? just what you needed a nice little mini break xx
Washing on and B washing the floors ,
We went to Aldi for 7am , our elderly neighbour is staying at her DS for the night and her Husband hopes to be home today ,
She rang last night worried she had run out of cat food so would I go get some ,
Not a problem , the thing is she doesn't own a cat its for all the stray ones or passing cats , honestly she's a soft touch
She has two cat igloos in her green house with blankets for any cat that needs them ,
One large Ginger tom with a collar comes every morning to be fed and only likes Salmon or Chicken in gravy ,
He also steals next doors cats food ,
I keep telling her as long as she's feeding it it will keep coming back and obviously it has a owner and is well cared for ,
Anyway we got the food im as daft as her getting up and out for 7am to buy CAT FOOD hahaha
Good morning all you early birds, and everyone one who calls in later.
Oma - how sweet that your neighbour who has got enough to worry about still cares for the local cats. The ginger tom's owners probably wonder where he's getting fed and have to keep him on a diet! Did her OH have an operation? (Sorry if I've missed it somewhere) I'm sure she'll be glad to have him home.
Nanto - a trip to the supermarket? Steady on, the excitement of it!
Gem - you are out star Gadd-about-er this week. I'm sure the GCs are having a lovely time, and you might be glad to sit in the cinema and relax tonight. The concert should be lovely, but I think it's a pity they didn't have a small, safe audience in the Albert Hall.
M has just been on the phone in a panic. Her watch has broken. It probably just needs a new battery but she's all worried about it. She wondered if I'd got a spare one I could lend her. I couldn't help as I never wear a watch, but I did make her laugh by saying she doesn't need to know the time. She can get up when she feels like it, go to bed when she's tired, eat when she's hungry. She was laughing in the end at the absurdity of worrying about the time.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I will catch up on a few posts, it was lovely and sunny this morning but cloudy now. I have actually cleaned ( well washed) my bikes, the electric one was very muddy. I have my old, huge, carrier bags back from my DS2, they had them when they went into town regular but now they have moved they don't use them so I asked if they would bring them back , they came for a meal last night and brought them, they are soooooo handy! The others I had were quite big but my shopping bag wouldn't fit in when full, they do in these, I have even sewn 2 reflector strips on as they others had worn, I do like to be seen in the dark.
I haven't got my car back yet, they garage is waiting for a filter and it should be there on Monday so DS2 will pick me up and I will go with him to pick it up. As he said last night " you have nowhere to go anywhere mum" !!!
Oma, my friends had a cat, she died last year 19 years old, but, it wasn't theirs, it was their neighbours but it seemed to prefer their house.
Gem, you would enjoy having the grandchildren, enjoy the film later on.
Nanto, that is my highlight of the day, shopping! I am going down to a friends for a meal later on, the man is cooking an Italian meal for us.
Plant, I hope SIL's brother soon recovers and gets home. I hope you get the injection for your bones.
WeeGranny, that sounds like a lovely few days away.
Bit late on today, got up late and then GS3 came for some mincepies, they were fresh from the oven. I couldn't invite him in so he stayed outside. He had a nice chat with GD2 and Sil. Sl is going to put up a gezebo in the courtyard for DS and the family to come Christmas Eve as they are not in our bubble. Sil
Sil's brother has been very poorly and because of his previous bronchial problems the hospital have told him the virus has damaged his lungs and when he goes home he has the rest, he is not sure if he will be home for Christmas.
I am feeling shocked to hear from a neighbour that a friend who lived further down the road had died after she had a fall and died of an infection. Because of the weather and the virus I hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks and she wasn't answering her phone. Since her OH died we had been going to the cinema and shopping together until the virus arrived. Very sad.
Lizzie, shiny bikes and your saddle bags back, good for you.
Enjoy your night out Gemini, sounds good.
Daisy, pleased to hear your friend is recovering well. Can't imagine why she was fretting about her watch. I do not wear a watch now.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Daisy he had a procedure to remove the blockage and goes in sometime in January for a op to sort it once and for all ,
Its strange how somethings can grow out of proportion in your mind and make you worry isn't it .
Im sure to her at the time it was very important she had a watch
Pleased she was able to laugh about it .
Lizzie of course you have no where to go your just a Mum and we all know we have tons of spare time on our hands hahaha
Gem have the GC gone ?
Nanto steady on girl don't get too giddy with the shopping hahaha
Plant how sad to hear of your friends passing it must have been a shock to you xxx
Sorry to hear about your friend Plant, what a shock for you.
we are both enjoying our little break, not doing much but relaxing, enjoying the lovely views and wine and choc too. The weather is a bit iffy, showery but not at all cold so the hot tub has been used a lot.
Haven’t read back but I hope everyone is OK and ready for Christmas. Hearing the news just now, much is changing so hope no one is affected too badly.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Good morning Nanto and all who follow. Those goodies in the graphic look very tempting.
I think we're in for another day of sunshine and showers. Yesterday I noticed the summer house was leaking and there was water on the table and part of the floor was wet. I think the driving rain has got in between the roof and the walls. Lucky nothing is damaged but trying to get it dry between showers isn't easy!
I've got a few jobs left over from yesterday, so I'll tackle those and perhaps do some baking. I've also got to do my Sainsbury's order for tomorrow - mustn't forget that.
Off to get a shower and some breakfast - chat later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "