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    Mimi we had a Tesco order yesterday. The only unavailable thing was Green and Black chocolates, half price from £11 to £5.50
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning ladies. I usually pop into this thread first, but for some reason today I didn't, and now I'm running out of time, so I'll be back later.

      We escaped both frost and fog last night, although it is quite chilly.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Just after my last post Tesco delivery arrived. The only thing they didn't have was mince pies .

        We've been for our usual walk, it was so foggy we couldn't see very far in front of us. Its nice to be back in the warm drinking a much welcomed cup of tea.
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Oma, take care.

          Crikey,its turned really cold this evening. Hubby has just turned the heating up.
          Both pairs of shoes arrived today,happy with them.
          Received a letter from the clinic today,asking me to make an appointment for hypertension clinic.
          Going on Monday the 7th.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            I don't know where today's gone but it has! It's gone cold here as well. It was 8.5C on the car temp thingy at lunch-time but it feels even colder now.

            Mimi - there's nothing more welcoming than a nice warm drink after a walk on a cold day.

            Nanto - glad you're happy with both pairs of shoes. Pavers are very good, aren't they! I hope your hypertension review is more thorough than mine was back in the summer. The review was 3 months late. I had a blood test. They told me to check my own blood pressure for a week and phone them the results. And that was it!! Nil/zilch since then. Good job I'm still standing.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Chilly but dry.

              Daisy,in the letter it said a practice nurse will ring me with the results,will let you know.

              Supermarket shopping this morning.
              Delivering birthday presents for DS2 partner. Its her birthday on Tuesday.
              Might as well take them while we are out. Taking their Christmas presents as well.
              The Christmas cards i need to post, will be posted in the supermarket.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning everyone
                Nan2 you are the Christmas post lady today

                Today we are going to get the tree and decorations down from the loft. We will probably get everything up over the next few days. Nothing on the agenda apart from a walk with a friend for OH on Monday, and school run for me on Tuesday, so we may as well make a start. I have never put anything up before mid December before!

                Have a good Saturday ladies, whatever it holds, Keep safe and well.

                All who haven't posted for a while - WG, Clover, Nana, hope you are doing OK. FQ too, although as she isn't looking in she wont know we are thinking about her. No one is having a wonderful time at the moment, so don't worry about lowering the mood by posting!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning ladies ,

                  Its very frosty here today ,
                  We were in Morrisons at 7.30 . I got what Asda didn't deliver yesterday ,
                  Also bought a Duck I didn't intend buying but they were on offer £5 for a whole duck ,
                  We will have the Breasts and Storm can have the legs so feed 3 of us

                  Gem I was thinking of our absent ladies too , I think a lot has happened these past months and lots of sadness around ,
                  Some may think they cant post because they have nothing to say that isn't jolly ,

                  Ladies that isn't the case you don't have to have a conversation just a quick hello so we know your there and ok xxx

                  Nanto I have some cards ready to post I think I will do that Monday ,

                  Gem it is early for the decs but it is surprising how many people have started early just to have some colour and cheer in these dark days ,
                  Has anything been said about the children's nativities this year ?

                  I was wondering if it will only be for the schools this year I doubt parents will be allowed , another thing everyone will miss out on this year .

                  The sun is peeking out so the frost will go in no time , have a good day ladies xxx

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning everyone. It's grey and damp here - suits the general mood at the moment I suppose!

                    At least I caught up with sleep last night - a good 9 hours after a run of restless nights. It's not sleeplessness like Oma, and others, but unusual for me, so I'm glad to have re-set the sleep mode

                    Nanto - I hope you do get your hypertension review results. I can only assume if there was anything seriously amiss they would have made sure they let me know! You have quite a few family birthdays at this time of year, don't you. It's a good job you are so well organised.

                    Gem - I think a lot of people are thinking the same about Christmas decorations this year. We probably still won't do them until a week before Christmas, but we do leave them up until at least 2 January. We probably won't do as many as we won't be home for Christmas Day and aren't having a NY Eve party.

                    I need to write Christmas cards to go abroad - I don't suppose the post is very good anywhere at the moment.

                    EDIT: Oma you posted while I was typing. There is such a lot of sadness, but I find it helps to have contact with friends here, even if you don't feel much like joining in - and we do worry about our lovely Grans. xx

                    Lucky Storm, getting the duck legs - and wings and feet? Eva doesn't like just duck on its own but she loves wings and necks to crunch. Freeze the feet - they make a tasty snack (for Storm - not you!!) even though they look a bit creepy to me.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Oma, I will start a thread on that nativities and other school Christmas plans
                      How is your shoulder today after you banged it yesterday?
                      Daisy after terrible nights sleep the previous night I had a good night last night too.

                      We are talking about sorting out the conservatory today - a glorified playroom. Wish us luck!!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Daisy he loves the feet , he loves chicken feet too , I make him go in the Garden just the sound is enough to make me cringe

                        Gem its a dull throb today , but I can cope with that with heat packs and pain killers but the pain from yesterday was horrible , thank you for asking though xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I see from FB that it is Qwerty's birthday today.

                          Late start again but no plans. The high chair I had bought for expected baby came yesterday, they had great fun putting it together, it is quite a Rolls Royce of a chair, it is still in my SR must get it moved today into my spare room/study/sewing room. I have told DS and Dil that I will not be going down to Cornwall, they really shouldn't be going either.

                          The food you feed to your dogs these days is very different to the food the family fed their to their lovely Retriever. If they have another dog, I wonder if they will feed it on raw food.

                          I shall be watching the Rugby this afternoon, Sil will have to come into my SR to watch it as it is on Amazon Prime. I presume the BBC are not able to match their fee to broadcast the matches. Amazon is getting too powerful.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Afternoon all.
                            As it had stopped raining we went for a walk but had to cut it short as I became very shaky and feeling faint .I have had this happen a few times when I have been working in the garden but its happening more often. Honestly old age doesn't come alone does it.

                            Oma how is your shoulder. You had a bargain with the duck, its not something I like and OH isn't very keen on it either .I have never even cooked duck.

                            Talking of Christmas decs we have noticed lots of houses with the decorations up earlier than usual, we won't put ours up until the mood actually takes us . I think by the second week in December we will have put them up .Our Christmas mugs generally comes out from the back of the cupboard, washed and in use on the 1st of December.

                            I must tackle the Christmas cards ( if I ever stop shaking) . I will post them earlier than usual because of covid.

                            Have a good day everyone
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Plant its Qwertys pretend name Alice King's Birthday not her real one

                              That sounds a very impressive High chair hope it fits in their flat

                              Storm loves Raw food he wont eat dry unless it has gravy on

                              Mimi have you had your sugar checked , that can cause those symptoms , or a trapped nerve in your neck ? I would have it checked out before you fall and god forbid break something xxx

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good afternoon all. Ladies you’re right about nothing cheery to say but thanks for encouraging me to post something!

                                It’s very dank here today after two lovely sunny days. I did go for a short walk round the houses and called in at the shop for a TV magazine.

                                I wrote my Christmas cards yesterday. In some I had to tell the recipient about losing G which was not easy. Signing them all just from me was another of those “firsts” we have to go through.
                                I’m not sure what my Christmas plans are ,apart from having both DS’s here for a few days (three households though DS1 is already in my bubble) I was hoping to go to DD for a few days after that but at the moment travel from Wales to England is not allowed.

                                Though I speak to family every day and Zoom a couple of times a week the days are long on my own. I try to keep busy but along with everyone else at the moment ,motivation is hard to come by.

                                I hope everyone is ticking along as well as can be. I know there are a lot of worries and poorly people around and my good wishes and prayers go out to them.

                                Sorry nothing much positive to say but at least you know I’m still here and I am very grateful for you thinking about me. I do hope the others as you say (WG and Enfys in particular )are coping.

                                I sometimes think about friends we’ve left by the wayside ,Libra,Qwerty and Jane (can’t remember her forum name) plus others. Some were members for so long we got to know them and wish them well now whatever they’re doing.

                                I must try try and wrap a few pressies ,all bought on line this year. I used to love looking round the shops at this time of year and truly hope we all can shop normally before too long.

                                Have a good weekend friends❤️

