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    Good morning Nan2 and everyone else here today.

    I agree Daisy, winter is in the way. This morning my summer clothes are being put away. I hope the doggie class goes well tonight.
    WG for one week there was an art class running on Monday afternoons in the room next to the library room (well, between the two rooms) They all looked happy and has masks and all socially distanced. They never came back. Apparently it wasn't big enough for todays rules, despite being big and with doors and windows open.
    Well done getting the grass cut Enfys.

    GS1 from school this afternoon. Not sure what else I will do. OH will be on the golf course again. She got her feet wet yesterday. New golf shoes may be needed, but she only got these last year. I was with her and she was told they were waterproof!

    Keep warm and safe ladies.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem - I was thinking about putting summer clothes away as well. Winter things are starting to creep into my everyday wardrobe. I hate giving up aspects of summer! But I can't stand being cold either.

      What a shame about the art class. I guess this is why our dog training class has been reduced in size, but really for our particular dogs we could do with a few more in the room.

      Can S complain about the golf shoes? Or did she get her feet wet because of long grass (not suggesting she hit balls into the rough).

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning. Dry and bright here.

        Just had a text from DS, his op went well and he goes home on the morning (it’s evening there). He’ll feel much better now it’s over and done with.

        Gem, that’s the problem with classes, you need a huge venue to be able to socially distance. Our Family History group is 20+, we’d never find anywhere suitable so I really don’t know when we’ll be meeting up again ☹️
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Oh that's good news about your son Enfys.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Enfys - pleased to hear that your DS is ok and can go home soon. What a pity about your Family History group.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Pleased to hear that Enfys. My son has very frequent tonsillitis, he has huge pockets in them from infections. I do wish he would get them taken out.

              I am starting back to Aqua this afternoon. I prefer to go in the morning but the pool gave our instructor's slots to other groups, very naughty as she has had those slots for years. We will be a small group of 10.

              GD2 is here, working . Her partner has had a few friends around and one has a flat mate who has had a positive result for the virus, so he has had a test and waiting for the result. Until he gets his result my GD2 will not go back as her partner and his friend are isolating in their flat until he gets the result.
              Last edited by Plantaholic; 13-10-2020, 08:35 AM.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Good morning ladies , its black and heavy rain still , its just not stopped the roads are flooding ,
                We went to Tesco its about 8 miles away , the roads are very greasy ,on the way back in the distance we could see a street lamp flicking on and off , B said it doesnt know if its night or day till we got to the roundabout and it was flickering as a huge 4x4 was wrapped around it ,
                Obviously came around the roundabout too sharp in the rain and lost control .

                The driver and passenger were standing on the side of the road so not hurt as such but all the front of the car was bent in half , must have hit with some force , thank goodness for air bags , It was sideways on across the road so only one lane open not good on a roundabout .

                Enfys i bet your pleased the op is over with and he can go home , always a worry now you can relax .

                Gem i was thinking the same last night about summer clothes , im reluctant to give up the summer but it has to be done ,
                How did the quiz go did you win ?
                Poor S wet feet are not the best and i bet they were cold Brrrr

                Plant wise move your GD staying home , always best to be cautious , did you get the Jeans hemmed ? i always hated hemming Jeans always broke at least 1 needle , then its the faff on changing it isnt it .

                Daisy Eva will be excited at first i bet seeing the other dogs , shame can only have a few at a time but better than nothing i suppose , has the house sale gone through ok ? i keep meaning to ask .

                Nanto its a bit nippy here too think we have to expect it now dont we .

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Oma, thank goodness no one was hurt.
                  I came joint second in the quiz A couple of weeks ago I actually won. As neither OH nor I are the fastest phone typers we rarely get many answers right even though we know them. It's fastest finger first sort of thing. So when we do do well we feel very proud

                  My friend had a better night last night. Still feeling rough but at least he slept, which he hadn't for many nights.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Yes Oma, jeans finished and on GD2. The seam is so thick at the sides the machine failed to stitch one. It took me a very long while to find how to replace the needle.

                    Gemini, I hope your friend feels better today. Coming second is very good Gemini.

                    That sounds a very bad accident Oms, the passengers were lucky to get out uninjured.

                    I have spent part of the morning with Mr. Karcher, he has given up on me now, he needs some more energy.

                    I am looking forward to going to Aqua but also a little anxious.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      The lady from the Salvation Army has just been round. She was so grateful for all the things I had for her and she bought me a big bag of chocolate! P’s things will be keeping so many people warm this winter, he would love that.

                      I am now going to finish the blanket/quilt I started with DGD last year! She made a patchwork of lots of different t-shirt fronts, ones with picture on them and I now have to back it with a fleece blanket, it’s all pinned together so I will start sewing this afternoon. It’s so thick I’m going to use wool and blanket stitch or cross stitch...wish me luck 😀

                      Enjoy your aqua Plant, I’m sure it will be fine. Poor Mr Karcher, you. Just be more gentle with him 🙂
                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        The weather is dry here today but very clouded over and miserable yesterday it drizzled all day long,I'm still waiting for delivery of my Hollyhock plants I must get on to the Supplier and chase them up or it will be too late to transplant them I think ?
                        I picked up my little car last night and will be spending this afternoon making sure I know where indicators/lights etc are as its so long since I've driven I may even ask for a driving lesson from a local school just to be 100% sure of everything but I'm sure I will be fine.
                        I'm also putting away summer clothes and brought out my winter coat for when walking Poppy,I have found a waxed jacket that was Johns (forgot he had it) and it fits perfectly so will use that this winter as well as.
                        When looking under my bed I found a kingsize quilt cover which I was convinced had been "lost" the things you find when you're not looking is amazing
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          Glamma, I'm sure you will be fine too, but I always think a refresher lesson when getting car after a gap in driving is a good idea. I have a couple of friends who have done just that.

                          Enfys, the clothes will keep people warm this winter, and as you say it would make P happy. Well done.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            How long is it since you drove a car Glamm? How exciting for you having wheels.

                            Aqua went well, the pool building had been newly decorated, everything was well organised. We gave our names etc for click and trace and hung our belongings on new hooks around the pool. Some of the ladies had bought tent like towels and others wore toweling gowns and went home in them. There was a gazebo just outside the doors with curtained off sections for us to change if we wanted to. Alice our leader gave us a good work-out. Feeling good.

                            I am sure they will be delighted with your contributions Enfys, I sent an email to our local group but haven't heard anything back.

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Good to hear your aqua went well Plant
                              . I know how much you have missed it.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Phoned my Sister , its her 75th birthday today , i think this is the first time i havent been able to see her and give her a hug
                                Ita also the first time for many years i havent had to remind my brother to send a card , mixed emotions for the pair 'of us
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

