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    Enfys, i'm sure you will be ok. I know you will be sensible.
    Hope you both enjoy your get together.
    Oma, good of you to give the neighbours a lift. We would have done the same.
    Gem, pleased to hear your friends are improving.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Enfys - isn't it a lovely day! The sun makes you feel so much better. I hope we're sharing it with everyone else. I'm sure it will be fine at your neighbour's and she will be so pleased to see you. I think we need to find ways to see our friends, neighbours and family otherwise life will become very grim. I was cautious going to dog training last night, but there were only 4 dogs (plus owners) and the trainer in a village hall. Social distancing was no problem - it's what we practice anyway because some of the dogs are reactive. It was 10.30 when I got home so I put all my clothes in the wash and put on my pjs just to be on the safe side.

      Gem - I'm sure C and P really appreciate your kindness, and there's nothing like fresh flowers to cheer you up. I don't think there can be much risk of giving someone a lift when you're wearing masks and have the windows open. You friend must be frustrated not being able to drive. Have a lovely evening.

      Plant - glad the Zoom practice went well. How did Aqua go? Sorry if I've missed it.

      We're having a quiet half hour. Both dogs are fast asleep - ssssshhhh .... don't wake them!

      I cooked our main meal for mid-day today, so when I get back from taking Cooper home I can relax. Last night was quite tiring after 6 months of no dog training. But it went much better than I expected.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Well its raining again
        Honestly we have had so much rain this week we need to build a Ark.
        Im sure I seen Noah and some animals walking past the fence
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          A short posting as I have been busy all day, all week in fact, it has taken me longer to decorate one small toilet then it did to do the lounge! in one of my dark moods I painted the door, woodwork etc grey, in fact I have never liked it or understood why, now it is lovely, shiny and white again! I wallpapered the top walls today, 4 hours+ for one roll of wallpaper! There is no room to move so had to create steps etc to get to the back wall, I did manage it and it does look much brighter, I want to emulsion them now but I think I will choose the lighter colour. A friend came up with peppers and cucumber, his SIL is a grower and he has brought me them all the summer, I swop them for bramble jam. He asked what I was doing and I showed him, he had just left and I got an electric shock! I almost went after him to see if he would help, he had said he would, but after that I coped on my own. In-between time I had put beetroot on to boil, forgot about it and it boiled over so I have had to clean that as well.

          The lady I go to for my MLD treatment asked if I could go today instead of Friday so I managed to get changed and went for the treatment, all tidy now and will decide which colour I am going to choose.

          We had our new rules yesterday, a semi lockdown, restaurants, bars etc all closed again, no more than 3 visitors and then just the one group of 3. Shops have to only have so many customers in at one time, etc.

          My DIL phoned whilst I was on my way to the hairdresser and her apartment has most probably been sold. Now DS2 has to sell his. I hope that goes soon then that will be settled.

          I am being very selfish today telling you my news, I will read through all yours,

          Gem, I do hope your friends soon improve, have they any family at all? Enjoy your meal out.

          Daisy, you have been kept occupied with the dogs. It is lovely weather here so if it is the same where you are the dogs would be able to play in the garden, by the way, like you, I wish I could message as fast as I can type. I am a one finger person on the phone then don't always press the right key!

          Oma, that was a nasty accident, good thing no one was injured. We seem to have lost the rain for the time being, nice forecast for tomorrow and Friday I think.

          Enfys, I hope you enjoyed your cup of tea and a chat with a neighbour.

          Last edited by Lizzie48; 15-10-2020, 03:30 AM.


            Lizzie, you are not selfish, we like to hear your news
            My OH has had to decorate our small downstairs loo twice. Like you she said she would rather do a big room!
            Our friends have a DD, SIL and 2 GDs in Stoke. Not only are they far away they have to be careful as their DD has MS. Their DS, DIL and 2 GS's live locally. I'm sure they will help, but they work, so I have more time.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Lizzie,love to hear your news. What a busy time you have had.

              We had lovely sunshine till about 3ish,then the heavens opened.
              Had another heavy shower about 5ish.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                I have a friend coming tomorrow for a coffee, we will keep our distance. I will also have a plumber here tomorrow morning to fix my cold radiator. He can get into the bathroom without disturbing us.

                I hope your your friends will soon shake off the virus Gemini, I am sure they appreciate all you do to help them.

                I would have done done the same thing Oma, I am sure they were very grateful. You are right Oma, GGD is developing into a little character.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Good morning. A bright start to the day weatherwise.

                  Cooked some pie filling yesterday so need to get those done today and in the freezer.
                  Also got a pile of ironing,just don't know which to do first. Decisions decisions.
                  Have a good day ladies whatever you are doing.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning ladies.
                    A bright and sunny one where I am.

                    It will be nice to see your friend Plant. I think by now we are all pretty good at keeping distance when socialising.

                    I keep thinking about making pies Nan2, but never seem to actually do so!

                    I had a good evening with my friends. Nice to eat out for a change.
                    The friend who I was giving a lift to had to work late anyway, so walked to the restaurant. I gave her a lift home. I discovered that I was unable to drive wearing a mask as my glasses steamed up! I hate driving in the dark, I cant add steamed up lenses She wore her mask and we had the windows slightly open. It's only a five minute drive anyway.

                    No plans today. I will go to my mum's house to put the bin out and check on things. Apart from that my day is my own.
                    Have a good day everyone.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning ladies
                      Nanto i think the pie making is a better job

                      Gem i cant wear my glasses in the shops even with the nose bit of the mask tight on my nose my glasses still steam up ,
                      B's mask comes under his glasses at the bottom so works much better than mine

                      Off to The Range shortly i want some new photo frames for the hall and a light weight quilt for the spare room ,
                      I went in the spare bed last night as i couldnt get rested but the quilt is too heavy for me i ended up putting it on the floor and covering myself with a sheet

                      Will Pop back later xxx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, I put my glasses in my pocket in shops as they steam up whatever I do. I have a lot of masks, and none of them, no matter where I position them prevent steaming of glasses!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          My glasses always steam up as well. Can't wear them in shops.
                          Well the ironing is done,so coffee time before i do the pies.

                          Gem,enjoy your free day.Pleased you enjoyed the meal with friends.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            If you fold up a tissue and put in on the bridge of your nose beneath the mask it helps to stop your glasses steaming up. Worth a try !

                            Well it was a beautiful sunny morning here, but guess's black clouds now and looks most definitely like rain. Glad I hadn't got round to putting the washing out!

                            Not sure what's on the agenda for the rest of the day. There's a pile of stuff waiting to be sorted out and put in appropriate bin, so I suppose could get on and do that.

                            Enjoy whatever you're up to today ladies x
                            Last edited by WeeGranny; 15-10-2020, 10:55 AM.
                            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                            Theodore Roosevelt.


                              I have never had to drive with a mask on Gem, I have enough of them steaming up when I am shopping!

                              WeeGranny, I have actually got all my washing dry this morning, sunny but now and again a dark cloud appears.

                              Nan to, the pies sound really good, with being on my own I never bother with pies.

                              Oma, I hope you got the frames you are after.

                              I have done the walls of the toilet, got them done quicker then I did the wallpapering yesterday. I just have to hang a few things up tomorrow and that is finished!


                                You are good Lizzie48 doing your own DIY. I am hopeless with a paintbrush.

                                Enjoyed having friend visit, the plumber didn't disturb us and had the heating back on as soon as it felt cold. I now have to give some thought to him dealing with my shower cubicle.

                                I have another problem wearing a mask as I have glasses and hearing aids and if you are not very very careful you can pull the aids out when unhooking the mask. I bet there have been a lot of lost aids.

                                No plans for the rest of the day, I might make some Garibaldi biscuits.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

