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    Oma, I hope you hear back from Fairy Queen

    Sorry you are so tired and tearful Oma, constant pain is so wearing and without sleeping makes it worse. I can't believe they can't do anything, surely the amount of pain you are in they could arrange for you to see someone. Our babies are always putting a smile on our faces.

    Love the graphic Nanto,
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Plant its because we are in the shielded category , we had our Government email to say stay in last week , they wont see me till its over , so pain killers it is till then
      Its not being able to lie in a comfortable position to get any sleep at all that's the problem .
      I know im rubbish at sleeping but I do get some usually , but not at the minute

      Never mind it could be worse i will survive , im a brave little soldier

      Gem some people just don't like a quiz she might just find them tedious
      Its not a bad morning for delivering is it , it is quite bright here although cold , wrap up well xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, it is not good waiting for treatment when you are in pain! I was going to suggest a cushion under the shoulder but I expect you have already done that. I do believe you are a brave little soldier!!!

        I have been for a walk with my Nordic poles, I can move again after the treatment! I also do 20 minutes of exercises each morning, it is on our TV and easy to follow so I set my laptop in my bedroom and do the exercises. I can't or won't go to the sport school but I am enjoying the exercise. It keeps me occupied as well.


          You are an inspiration I should follow Lizzie, always keeping up with your exercise!

          Change of plan today, I am now no longer collecting GS1. DD has what she thinks is the start of a cold. GS is fine, it's almost certainly a cold but to be safe we are not having him. She is coincidentally taking part in some sort of random covid testing tomorrow, so she will find out anyway. Fingers crossed.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I have to Gem,with the Lipedema it is better to keep moving. I do enjoy doing it though.


              Good afternoon one and all! It's a better day today - bright and sunny and not cold.

              I don't know what happened to this morning! I've done a bit of ironing - only about 6 items, so don't think I'm a born-again domestic goddess! Designed a new number plaque for the front of our house - the current one is about as old as the house and hidden by the caravan, so OH wants to make a new one. Had a chat with DS2. - Ah, that's it, I had a looooong chat with DS2.

              Oma - I wish I could do something to help with the pain. You need your sleep, you don't get much anyway. Sending gentle hugs. xxx

              I hope FQ is ok, and is just busy. She wasn't very well a couple of weeks ago but said she was feeling better.

              Gem - I think it's frustrating doing some things on a phone, so I can understand how S feels, but as you say, it's good to have some contact with friends during lockdown.

              Plant - I agree - babies (and our pets) are such a cheery star in our lives.

              Lizzie - you certainly do keep active, and how lovely to have a bit of late summer weather.

              Nanto - glad the windows are nearly finished. It's surprising how long you spend on tea duties when you have workmen in the house. Are you pleased with the windows?

              Mimi - I wonder if those people with the big white Christmas tree will be fed up with it by Christmas?
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Daisy,we are very pleased with the windows.
                Will post a before and after photo tomorrow.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Thanks, Nanto - I look forward to seeing the pics.

                  Nice to have got the job over and done with. xx
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Gemini, I am, as Oma said, a person who hates quizzes. It is a pet hate of mine. The Secretary of our Trfoil loves quizzes and if we don't have a speaker for a meeting she organizes a quiz.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I often used to do quizzes at college at the end of term when nobody feels much like having a proper lesson. I always thought it was hard to pitch them at the right level - too hard and everyone gives up, too easy and you have 15 winners!!
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Looks like a nice start to the day.

                        A few years ago,we used to go to a pub quiz. Then some started using their phones for answers.
                        Some of us complained, but nothing was done/said about it. Quite a few of us stopped going.
                        It took all the fun out of the quiz.

                        Ah well, onwards and upwards. Have a good day ladies.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning dear ladies.

                          Nan2 I agree, quizzes are no fun at all unless all are playing fair.
                          Daisy I have set quite a few quizzes over the years and you are right. It's harder than it looks. You have to have a balance. A few easy questions, a few very hard ,and the majority somewhere in the middle. I remember one of the quizzes we went to at the golf club. Everyone hated it, it felt like taking a very hard exam. No fun at all!
                          Plant, not everyone like quizzes, as OH keeps reminding me! I have dragged the poor woman to many over the years. Our friends seem to like them, so I will still have someone to go with if I choose to. She can easily drop out of the online one. This group of friends were all her friends originally, but it is I who am keener to do things with them!

                          No plans today. I feel some cleaning ought to take place though!

                          Have a nice day everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good Morning ladies ,
                            Already done Housework , 2 lots of washing and been to Aldi ,

                            I now have the back door mat in the wash Storm decided to run through the leaves yesterday and his paws were filthy , luckily I got to him before he got into the house .

                            Gem I like a good quiz although im not very bright and im rubbish at them I still like to have a try and have a good laugh, Never win mind you ,
                            Well I did on a family quiz but B got most of the questions right especially the geography ones

                            Poor S she puts up with it doesn't she hahaha .

                            How are we all today ?
                            Hope everyone is ok and getting on with this lockdown , will pop back later xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning everyone. It's not bad here, cloudy but not so wet and quite warm.

                              I like quizzes but never do well in them - I know nothing about sport, films, tv etc and there are always questions on those, and my general knowledge is pretty limited, but I did have one shining moment. The quiz had been set by a librarian, and there was a college friend and me in our team. One section of questions included the Dewey decimal system - how libraries classify books - Roman numerals and lots of acronyms. They were all things we taught on various business courses! Mind you, we would have been very shame-faced if we'd got any of them wrong!!

                              Oma - You've already had a busy day - I hope you got some sleep last night, you'll wear yourself out again. By the way, people are bright in different ways and good at different things - enjoying a quiz and having a laugh is great. xx

                              No plans yet for today, but it would be nice to get some tulip bulbs planted if I can.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                No not much sleep Daisy ended up on the sofa again but im ok really ,
                                Yes a good laugh is what its all about ,

                                Im full of useless facts and B said if they had a quiz on cleaning I would win hands down

                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

