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    Plant not the best time to isolate for him but for the best in the long run ,
    What would they do without your repair skills

    B went out to bring the bin in this morning and had a nasty fall on Black ice he didn't see
    Went down with a bang on his knees , one is cut quite badly and is going to have a big bruise ,
    Its on his bad leg he hasn't much feeling in that leg so didn't realise that one was worse than the other till blood seeped through his Jeans .

    Got him cleaned up and plasters on , years since he had scabby knees
    Just had another look and the bruises have started to come out bless him .

    So if anyone going out watch out for black ice xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oh no, poor B 🙁

      It's not icy here now but was at Mums so I walked across her front lawn rather than risk the path.

      Do what feel is best for you Plant. You remember your friend in your own way, no need to watch the funeral screening unless you want to x
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oma, poor B, it is nasty that black ice, I once went out with the dog, bang on my back and banged my head, it actually shook!!! I had concussion and headache for weeks, the worst thing was, my neighbours were cleaning ice off their car, saw me fall and never helped me. I did see that my niece was warning of black ice this morning, she lives in Howden.

        Plant, it will be difficult for you not getting to the friends funeral, corona has a lot to answer for!


          Oma - poor B - he'll leave the bins for you next time it's icy. Have you got any Arnica cream to put on his bruises? I think it's really good but they do say start using it as soon as you can. I hoped you kissed him better. Black ice is my pet hate!

          Plant, I agree with Gem about your dear friend's funeral. Do what feels most comfortable for you. I do hope Daddy-to-be doesn't get the virus from his friend. He needs to be fit and well for his little DD's arrival.

          Nanto - you're a trouper, getting on with tomorrow's jobs. I think I would have enjoyed a day off.

          Gem - was everything ok at your Mum's? It's hard looking after an empty house anytime, but with winter weather and Covid it's much worse.

          Lizzie - your neighbours were beyond belief - fancy watching you fall, bang you head and not help you. What mean, selfish people! How is your BIL?

          We ended up taking Eva to the paddock. OH had to take a MyHermes parcel to a shop in the same village, so we did that and then went on to the paddock. By that time the sun was shining, but, blimey it was bitterly cold. I'd put the fleece lining in my coat but had left my gloves in my other coat, and I hadn't thought about a scarf or warm trousers and I was perished! But Eva had a wonderful time and has slept since we got home! We ended up having lunch about 3 pm, so I'm just off to do dinner now.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I know Daisy, selfish. My BIL is coping, he will be pleased when the cremation is over, I can understand that, it will be 5 weeks then since my sister died. His DS2 goes daily, but, luckily he has got another job and won’t be able to go daily, knowing my BILhe will cope.


              Oma, hope B is ok. He might be sore tomorrow.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Lizzie - your BIL is doing well, bless him.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oma, that sounds like a nasty fall, arnica is good for bruises but not sure if you should put it on broken skin.

                  Daisy I expect Eva was pleased to go to the paddock, she can get a good run around

                  Nanto, I agree with Daisy, a day off should mean spoil yourself, meaning no housework.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    We have Arnica but you cant put it on broken skin but I did rub it on around the area ,
                    Daisy he wont let me do the bind he recons its his job

                    Plant I can understand not wanting to watch it , When my Brother died and they had the video of the Boxing club lining the street I was ok till the hearse came into sight and I seen his coffin , that was just too much for me I got very upset,
                    Do as the others have said what you feel is right xx

                    Lizzie some people amaze you don't they , you would think they would have helped when you fell
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good morning. Very cold here. I haven't been able to open the dustbin lid,to put the rubbish in.

                      Lizzie,you would have thought they would have helped when you fell.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        I know Nanto, it is quite a few years ago, but, I don't forget things like that, I did ask them why they didn't help me, they said " you looked fine"!!!!!!


                          Good morning ladies.
                          A very cold frosty one where I am. I am glad I don't have to go out!

                          Our friends C and P are due for a conservatory visit this morning. I think we may have to de-ice the path, as it's a long walk right round the house to the back and into the conservatory. As they have recovered from Covid I don't want them slipping and breaking anything!! To be honest if it's still this bad I think I will be tempted to let them just walk through the house to get to the conservatory!

                          * Edited to say I have realised it is this afternoon they are coming, so hopefully it may have thawed a lot!

                          Have a good day everyone. Stay warm and safe, no slipping on ice!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning ladies ,
                            We were at Aldi for 7.30 back in the house for 8.05 ,
                            Its very cold and icy .

                            Gem as long as they go straight to the conservatory I would think its ok to let them in the house , have a good catch up xxx

                            Nanto ours was like that last year I remember once having to pour boiling water on the bin lid to get it open ,
                            Can you remember when we were young and winters were hard when we had tin bins , I can still see my Dad with a hammer tapping around the bin lid to break the ice to get it open

                            B feeling a bit sore today but not as bad as we feared , we have been up since 4am so he's had time to get his joints moving , fairly bruised though

                            I have a dark wash done and in the drier , having a hot drink then im going to wash the floors , Storm was in and out of the garden yesterday , not muddy prints but wet ones

                            Have a good day ladies i will pop by later xx

                            Forgot to say MIL had her first Covid jab yesterday rang last night she's ok , so pleased she listened to her Dr and seen sense .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Poor B, I'm glad he's not as bad as you feared though. Take care both of you!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning everyone. Nanto - your graphic sums things up perfectly!

                                We've had a sharp frost here, but the sun is out now so hopefully any icy bits will thaw.

                                Oma - I hope B is ok. I meant the arnica cream for bruising not the areas with broken skin! It's a good job other grannies were on the ball!

                                Gem - yes, hopefully the path will be ok by the time your friends arrive.

                                I've got to finish my Sainsbury's order today, and I'm soooo fed up with trying to think what to get for a change. I'm definitely not in a 'kitchen wizard' zone at the moment - quick, easy but tasty is what I want. I've run out of inspiration! Has anybody got any suggestions for quick easy meals, please?

                                Whatever you're doing today, stay safe, warm and on firm ground, ladies. xx

                                Edit: Oma, you posted while I was typing. Glad B isn't too battered. xx
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

