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    Morning ladies im all done, ironed what was there , took delivery from Asda and then popped to Sainsburys to take that blouse back i bought yesterday ,
    It was lovely but had this odd frill at the hem that just didnt look right so back it went ,

    I dont have much else to do today maybe hoover bedrooms but that will take all of 10 minutes ,

    Lizzie i put all my photos in big albums from Birth to present day for both My Children and Grandchildren ,

    I gave my DD hers a few weeks ago to keep , havent seen DS to give him his but its there ,
    The grandchildren's are a on going project they will get them when they are older and more photos in them ,
    Its looking back and remembering isnt it , you do forget certain things that have happened till you look at photos ,

    Gem how did T's birthday go ?

    Daisy is Eva worn out today playing with cooper ?

    Nanto i normally have all my cards done too but just cant seem to get motivated at the minute , Note to self move your backside woman get sorted

    What is everyone doing today ?
    Will pop back later and see have a good day ladies xxx

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Avo, your floors will be lovely when they are finished, a lot of work for you. All my copper and brass are in the loft out of sight.

      Your GS knows where to come to be spoiled Oma but I know he is worth it.

      Expecting my DS at 11am, he is coming for my steam cleaner, they want to borrow it.

      Going to visit Sil's mother at 1pm with GD1, she hasn't seen her since she went into the home. I will then do my Waitrose shopping.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning everyone.

        A dull morning here.
        Nan2, you are organised Once the October grandchildren's birthday presents are bought (they are) I usually start on Christmas. Like Oma, I need to get myself motivated.
        I'm glad your SIL's mum can have visitors Plant. Still no care home visits of any kind allowed around here.

        It was lovely to be included in GD's birthday yesterday. So strange though to be on a rota, having to hurry our tea as the other GPs had arrived for their stint, and having to speak to my ex from the house with him on the doorstep, as he had dropped in with presents and couldn't come in as it took us to 7.
        As we couldn't even see little GS on his 4th birthday during full lockdown, this was of course a blessing to be able to be there at all. Just a strange sign of the times now.

        GS2 is coming for a sleepover tonight, so that his sister can have 3 birthday guests today. I will collect him from school as usual.
        Our hairdresser is due at 11.

        Have a good day everyone.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good Friday morning, everyone. The sun's shining here, too, Nanto, but I'm afraid I missed the sunrise. This is late for you writing your cards. I hope you find some you like soon.

          Lizzie - I think lots of us get a bit teary looking at old photos, especially our GCs. Those early years are so fleeting and we have to try and make friends with our memories, not let them make us sad. The sun shining this morning has made the window cleaning worth it!! Dog food is an ongoing 'thing'. It's delivered in 1kg packets, frozen, and Eva only needs about 220g a meal to keep her waistline in tact. So I partially defrost it, split it up into portions, bag it and refreeze. It's a bit of a faff, but when I see how well she is and her lovely shiny coat it's worth it. Have a lovely evening with DS2 and partner.

          Gem - I hope GD's birthday was lovely, and she's still got her sleep over to look forward to.

          Oma- what a pity about the blouse. My goodness you've had a busy day already! It's unusual for you not to have got on with your Christmas cards as well. Do you think it's because we're all uncertain about what Christmas will be like this year? Yes, Eva was tired, but she was asking for her breakfast as soon as I got up! Her new winter coat arrived a couple of days ago and she tried it on yesterday. I'll put photos up later - it's a busy day today.

          We're going round to some friends' for dinner tonight. It's OH's birthday tomorrow, so it's a week-end of celebrations! The family will be round at various times over the week-end so I'm baking and getting a couple of dinners prepped so everybody gets fed. For once the house is reasonably ok and (roll of drums!) there's no ironing to do!!! But OH has got piles of Meccano he's sorting out spread all over the dining room table so he's got to get that moved before I can give the dining room a bit of a spruce up!

          Plant - it sounds as though your dS is going to be busy! I hope you find your SIL's mother well. I'm sure she'll enjoy seeing you and your GD1, and will be interested to hear all about their baby and their plans. When does GD1 move out of the shed into their flat?

          Have a good day, everyone - I do hope you're all getting a share of this lovely sunshine.

          Gem - our posts crossed. Strange times indeed, being on a rota for visiting our own families - we've got something similar this week-end for OH's birthday. I'n sure gS2 will think he's also getting a treat having a sleep-over with Grandma. Have a good day.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, GS definitely thinks he is the winner
            I hope you enjoy your dinner tonight.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Martin starting GS off early , My Great nephew Elliott try to get on Grandad Martins bike
              I do hope he doesnt want one when he's older nasty dangerous things
              You do not have permission to view this gallery.
              This gallery has 1 photos.
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Awww, Cute!
                I agree with you Oma. My SIL2 has one.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Daisy, do you give the dog it raw? Yes, we have to make friends with the memories!

                  Oma, when my hubby was ill I made photo albums for both the sons, I had a lot of slides and had photo's made from them and the boys saw photo's they didn't recognise! The ones I do for the GC are digital but I do have albums here I have made for them over they years.

                  Gem, a strange birthday with not being able to have everyone visiting at the same time.

                  I almost decided to stop going to the gym, then this morning had discussions with a few people and I will keep going, it isn't busy and well organised, there are a few young ones but I heard this morning they are not school children. We all keep our distance and everything is sanitised.


                    I don't like motorbikes either. DS1 has one, but he is a careful driver/rider.
                    In fact, the day before my 3rd birthday,we were visiting relatives in Morley and i got down with one.

                    The last of the Christmas presents ordered from Amazon, have arrived today.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Originally posted by Oma View Post
                      Martin starting GS off early , My Great nephew Elliott try to get on Grandad Martins bike
                      I do hope he doesnt want one when he's older nasty dangerous things
                      I love riding pillion on a motor bike, but even so I was worried when GS2 started riding one. He was at uni and rang up to say he knew I wouldn't like what he was going to tell me, but ... !!! He'd started bike lessons (he'd already passed his ordinary driving test) and took and passed his bike test very quickly. The only consolation was he had plenty of road experience in the car, and hopefully a strong instinct for survival! But I'm glad he has neither the time nor the money to become a born-again biker in his 40s!!

                      Lizzie - those albums will be treasured. Yes, we do feed Eva raw meat. It's made such a difference to her.

                      Gem - you gS2 is so sweet. I bet he's very excited.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        My father had a motor bike and a two seater sidecar, I used to ride pillion, my mother went in the sidecar.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Martin has had two very bad accidents on his bike , one about 10 years ago when he was badly smashed up , Broke many many bones ,
                          A car came out of a side road and didnt see him .
                          Clare isnt keen on him using it so he hasnt for about a year but still loves his bike,

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning. Had a bit of rain,but its stopped now.
                            Supermarket shopping this morning.
                            Thats about as exciting as it will get today.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning Nan2, I like the graphic. Good morning everyone else.

                              GS woke at 3.30, saying he was hungry. I gave him water and half a biscuit, and a cuddle, then he slept until 7.30.
                              He is in our bed now watching Mickey Mouse Club.
                              Another morning of playing for him once we get up. Mummy is coming for him late morning once GD's sleepovers guests go home .
                              Perhaps we are going over to help our friend empty and put away the hot tub this afternoon. This was canceled last week due to wet weather. We will wait for an update.

                              Have a good Saturday everyone.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good Saturday morning everyone. Nanto - I like the graphic, too. Treat yourself to something nice at the supermarket.

                                Gem - I bet GS2 enjoyed his midnight feast! I wonder how GD's sleepover went. I bet they were very excited. I hope it stays fine for emptying the hot tub.

                                Plant - How exciting riding on a motorbike and sidecar. Oma - Martin was lucky to survive such a bad accident - no wonder C doesn't want him to ride again.

                                It's a beautiful sunny morning here - although I don't know how it will be later. It's OH's birthday today. We went round to some friends for dinner last night, which was lovely. We've got nothing planned for today - just a quiet day and I'll make him a nice dinner tonight. Tomorrow is DS2 and DIL2's wedding anniversary - 15 years already! So both DSs and DILs are calling round at some point - I've left the timing up to them. If the GCs didn't come they could be here together but I think the girls will want to join in. It seems silly having to make appointments to see your own family just to say 'happy birthday' and 'happy anniversary'!

                                Have a good day, ladies, hopefully with sunshine.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

