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      Sorry, done them now.


        Oma - your mask looks rather regal - Queen Oma, for sure! B's looks as though he could survive a cloudburst of acid rain - very sturdy. The main thing is they help to keep you safe.

        I'm afraid I've only got a couple of OH's woodworking ones which are washable, and the disposable ones. I ought to get something more stylish!

        I haven't yet got the hang of the fact that there's no point in wearing lippy under a mask!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning. We had a lovely sunrise this morning, a bit chilly though.

          Lizzie,the flower arrangements look really nice.

          Daisy,in laws don't worry too much about the virus.
          They know we will all be sensible, and they would rather have us go and see them,rather not go at all.

          DS1 and GD2 coming for dinner tomorrow, been pondering what to do.
          Anyway, i have decided to do a roast beef dinner.

          Today,we are having chicken in breadcrumbs with roasted new potatoes and veg.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning all.

            Lovely morning picture Nan2. I'm sure DS and GD will appreciate that dinner!

            A nice day for us today. Our friends C and P are coming this afternoon for a catch up. We will then all have fish and chips for tea. This was planned for outdoors in the summer, but never happened. We will not be eating outside tonight

            Have a nice day everyone.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good Moaning Each.
              I am back in the land of the living. As usual, Nanto2 has made my mouth water. 😁
              Love the masks Oma. In a waiting room recently a young man was wearing a grotesque mask. It was a good job there weren’t any children about. Very scary I thought.
              Things are moving nicely now and I’m able to wear a bra and put my arm in a sleeve! OH is still keen to cook, and who am I to dampen his enthusiasm? The left handed ironing went fairly well yesterday, but I must try to use the right to regain as much movement as possible. I am told it will never be as before, so that’s my Discus and Shot Put career finished then. 😆 A friend also pointed out that a Mexican wave is probably a no-no too.🙄
              Have a good day ladies, will try to catch up properly later.
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                Morning ladies ,

                GM im like you at the minute cant fasten my bra or raise my arm above my head so getting tops on has been a challenge , so has washing my hair im doing it one handed

                I take it the Olympics is not getting your input then gives other shot putters a chance hahaha

                Gem well better late than never having C& P over , not the day for outdoor eating though is it ,
                If anything like here its freezing and dull and windy .
                How's your Mum ? any updates on your sister too xxx

                Nanto i bet DS and GD appreciate a roast dinner

                Not much sleep last night so everything done early and we have been to Aldi ,

                Have Plumber coming sometime after lunch to sort Toilet flush push button and Radiator in Utility anytime between 12-5 he said ,

                Will ring DD just now she's loaded with cold and feeling a bit sad , her friend who is only 37 lost her battle with Cancer yesterday , she leaves 3 small children behind
                Life is so cruel isnt it .

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Pleased to hear your arm is improving but sorry to hear it will never be as it was. Are you enjoying your OH's cooking? Shame about the Discus and Shot Put career.

                  Tried to buy some cream for a small outbreak of athletes foot (or is it feet) and I have a small patch of Eczema on my chest. Boots the chemist said they couldn't sell me anything as I take warfarin. Phoned the surgery and a very nice doctor phoned me back this morning and said he will get a prescription sent to the pharmacy. I will go and collect it later. DD looks after GGD today so I will have the pleasure of seeing her later.

                  Nothing like a roast beef dinner, I am sure DS and GD will appreciate it Nanto

                  Gemini, have a nice chat with your friends and enjoy your fish and chips.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Good morning all. Wet and dull here. We are having a boiler fitted today so stuck in! Oma, how sad about your daughters friend. 37 is so young- how tragic.
                    Life can be cruel indeed.
                    GM glad your arm is getting better. I had a frozen shoulder once and it was agony. It will take time to heal I would imagine. Sorry about the discus and shotput career 😅
                    Have a great day ladies! x

                    ps Nan you tea sounds delicious 😋


                      Good morning everyone. Overcast again here - I don't know what the forecast is but at least it's dry and fairly warm.

                      Sorry Lizzie we posted together so I didn't see your flower arrangements - what a lovely idea. I'll show my OH because he has always got lots of tree trunks around for his wood turning, and I think they would make a nice present.

                      Nanto - that's a lovely cheery graphic. Roll on Spring - I think it's going to be a long winter, so we need these cheery reminders of better things. I'm sure your in-laws are confident you are all careful, but sometimes people worry when they don't need to, so I'm glad they're happy.

                      Gem - have a lovely afternoon and great fish and chips. I'm sure you'll have a good catch up with your friends.

                      Grauntie - well done - you're getting there. I bet you never thought you'd be happy to wear a bra. It's sad about your discus and shot put career, but I think the medics are always pessimistic and you should continue to work for discus supremacy at least and perhaps the high jump would be a good alternative to shot putting. Well done to your OH on taking command in the kitchen. Do take care though and don't overdo things - especially things like ironing. xx

                      Oma - sorry you've had another sleepless night. Your poor DD - losing her friend on top of all the other stresses she's working under. How awful, and those poor little children left with no mum. Life is cruel and unfair. Sending them all hugs and sympathy. xxx

                      No plans for us today. My left hand is very painful, especially my thumb, and it's all swollen. I know I need to rest it but I'm not good at that! The surgery won't treat it in normal times so there's no hope at the moment. It's nothing compared with what some of our grannies are suffering with, but it makes me feel a bit useless.

                      Edit: FQ our posts crossed. It's a good time of year to get a new boiler - it should keep you nice and toasty for the winter. Are you in lockdown where you are? We've got two nieces in the St Helens area and they are.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Our posts must have crossed Oma. Very sad about your DD's friend.

                        I am waiting to hear from a plumber, when I spoke to him about my bathroom radiator he said he would ring me the next day, that was over a week ago. I will phone him today and find out if he has any intention of coming.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Oh plant plumbers drive me mad! I’ve lost count of the times they’ve said they’re coming and then they don’t. That said I’m sure there are some good ones out there but they are difficult to find.
                          This company we have got for our boiler just specialises in boilers and they are based in Liverpool.

                          Daisy we are not in lockdown at the moment but our risk level is high.


                            FQ that's what i have a Frozen shoulder , i didnt think it could cause so much pain , its not just in my shoulder but my upper arm and like toothache into my ring finger ,

                            I have had Tennis elbow before but even that wasnt as painful as this , i cant get any rest as its always worse at night isnt it and i really dont know where to put it that's less painful

                            Ouch Daisy , do you know what the cause is ? is it that horrid Mr Arther Ritis playing funny B****rs xxx

                            Plant i remember you saying you had spoke to a pumber , i hope you can get to speak to him again today get it sorted xx

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, how sad about DD's friend A friend and workmate of mine died (several years ago) aged 40 of breast cancer, leaving two small children. Her funeral was such a sad day.
                              It will be lovely to see your little GGD Plant. I miss a baby in the family!
                              Try to rest your poor hand Daisy. It sounds no fun. I know how painful my carpal tunnel was.
                              Good to hear that things are improving Grauntie, and about OH's cooking Shame about the Olympic hopes however.
                              Oma, they said mum was on good form yesterday. Probably still basking in post birthday glow.
                              My sister is fine thanks for asking. No visits at the moment of course but at least she won't mind or miss us.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Oma, what treatment are you having for your shoulder? If I don’t exercise it it comes back. It’s still there a bit and I have physio for it if flares up.
                                Last edited by Fairyqueen; 30-09-2020, 11:06 AM. Reason: Typos

