Oma, your poor MIL! A shame she didn't stay in when she had the chance. I hope she soon
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Lizzie they have her on a Morphine drip and she is asleep now , the Vascular team have been down and everything is ok there ,
They think its very deep bruising and at 87 with thin skin it isn't heard of .
They have also x rayed her arm and wrist in case it has been broken in the process as she does have osteoporosis ,
Waiting for those results
They had her on nil by mouth till she was checked out but Dr said she can have something to eat now but she just wants to sleep as she didn't sleep last night with the pain .Im not fat just 6ft too small
I've just had a quick look in Chat before heading off to bed, and Oma, I'm sorry your MIL is having a bad time. I'm sure she now wishes she'd stayed in last night. I was surprised she was 'allowed' home the same day at her age, but now realise it was her choice. But I do hope she's ok. xx
Plant - I remember one of our nieces who is a nurse saying about practising on an orange first. I hope the nausea soon passes on your 'prison' diet. Take care. xxx
Grauntie - I'm sure it must be really hard to inject yourself, especially when you know it's going to hurt.
WeeGranny - that was an awfully long time to wait."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning, Nanto and all who follow. Thank you for the pretty graphic. It makes me want to get the best cups and saucers out. I've only seen the headline online, but what a dreadful thing to happen. Was it just random shooting or some kind of family feud?
Oma - how is your MIL this morning?
Plant - did you sleep well, and are you feeling better? That nauseous feeling is horrible. Did you find out if it was something you ate?
Grauntie - how did your crazy golf go, and the trip to Mulberry Harbour. It's great when all the GCs can meet up together, isn't it. What is the age range of your brood? I would leave the little mouse a nightly snack as well! What a good idea to film it.
This morning I need to write all the labels for OH's chutney-fest! My writing's awful, but it's a bit less awful than OH's, so it's my job! The washing's still piling up so I might do that if it brightens up. Sainsburys are due late afternoon, and we need to take Cooper home before going round to our next door neighbours for a drink this evening. Then tomorrow morning we have to be out early to go up to DS1's for the day. There's some kind of car event on in Camberley and OH, DS1 and DS1's step FIL are all going - petrol heads, all of them. DIL and I are planning a lazy girly day!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies ,
Daisy at least when the men have gone off you can just relax with DIL and laze the day away
Plant hope you are feeling better and taking it easy ,
MIL had a good night the Morphine made her sleep , SIL rang earl this morning but that's as much as we know at this point ,
We off to the Tip this morning then I have my Diabetic bloods at 3 .
GS1 called in last night after work so we gave him a little reward for doing so well in his exams , he celebrated yesterday by having his hair dyed Blonde
Its not the first time he has had it blond he looks like a Gypsy with the way it is cut and his eye brow pierced , in fact I asked him if he had a pony and trap and if he tarmac's drives now hahaha
We went out for Tea last night just to our local Harvesters nothing special and in walked our neighbours Daughter from our old house who we haven't seen for about 17 years since we moved in fact
Was lovely to see her she hasn't changed just got older .
Wasn't it sad about the shooting especially the child
Its one think Murdering a adult but why the innocent child , I just cant understand thatIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning Nan2, Daisy and others!
Happy label writing Daisy. I would not be the one for that job!
Oma, I hope your MIL feels more comfortable today.
A coolish start here but today's forecast is good here and for Scarborough where we are heading later.
After doing our lateral flow test ourselves for the first time, we will head off to collect my mum for 11.30, then take her to the coast. DD1 was hoping to be able to meet us for a short while to surprise mum. GS1 has been asking to see her for a long time. There is a washing machine repair man due though and SIL has a rare day in his office in Leeds . So they can only come over if the man comes and is finished in time. We hadn't mentioned it to mum of course, so she wont be disappointed if they don't make it.
No idea how our day will go, but well I hope. I will report back tonight.
Have a good day everyone. Friday already!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
I am sleeping very well thank you Daisy, and the prison diet is helping. I have to confess that I am sure what triggered this off was a tin of out of date apricots, I wondered why they were all mushy when I added them to other fruit, within an hour I was being sick. I have kept away from baby H but saw her yesterday, she has two teeth.
I am having my SR carpet cleaned this morning at 10am, Warfarin check at 11am and a physio appt. at 4pm Busy day,
Oma, I hope your Mil is feeling better today, she is in the best place.
I will pop back later in between appts. As I had better get showered and dressed.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Gem have a wonderful day with your Mum I hope DD and GS can get there, sun is peaking so maybe a good day ahead xxx
Plant a busy day nice to hear you slept well xx
MIL phoned she is feeling better the swelling has gone down a lot and she can move her fingers now ,
X ray was clear but they want to do a MIR scan today just to make sure nothing else wrong so she may even get home later .
Been to the Tip it was packed as usual talking to the man at the gate and he said its like that all day every day so many people recycle now .Im not fat just 6ft too small
I don't know if I have posted today, busy! The friend is coming this afternoon to drill new holes to hang the washing racks on, I got the wallpaper yesterday, came home from my therapy and decided to strip the old paper off, only 2 rolls so not much work.
I am pleased your MIL is improving Oma, you have a busy day as usual!
I have to be at the (new) hairdressers at 2pm as well.
It is very warm and muggy here, it was yesterday as well.
Gem, enjoy the visit to the beach with your mum, I bet she loves it.XX
Daisy, good luck with the labels.
Plant, pleased you are feeling better, watch what you are eating and take some rest.
It was sad about the shooting, I will have to catch up on all the news later!
Been for my injection lesson! Pinch an inch on his tummy, the nurse said! Ha!Ha! he's lost so much weight there's hardly an inch to pinch. Looks fairly easy though. Back there on Tuesday for bloods, another hospital on Monday for his eye check and I think we're clear of hospitals until the following Wednesday. Won't know what to do with myself!
GP phoned yesterday to discuss my recent tests. All good and he wants to take me off the BP medication. Very helpful about OH's Alzheimers as well. So maybe at last things are looking up for the surgery after all the nonsense we've had lately.
DD coming out this afternoon, don't know how long she's staying, but it'll be nice to see her. She's suggested a Chinese for dinner tonight, so no cooking for me.
Sainsbury's arriving later this afternoon. Few ' not availables' but nothing major.
Hope Gem's mum is enjoying her trip to the seaside. I'd have been happy to stay for another week at Aldeburgh. Just sitting watching the sea helps me relax.
Oma, pleased MiL is improving. Plant, sometimes a bland diet really does help. When my liver plays up, I have to cut out all fats and my diet is a bit boring! No alcohol is usually the most difficult part of cutting out!!!
Enjoy the rest of the day ladies xxBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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MIL is home and so much better , she was almost back to herself
Been for my Diabetic bloods I just know they will be high
While I was there I asked her to take my BP its through the roof so the new tablets are not working , Dr is ringing me on Tuesday lord knows what will be done then but its got to be sorted somehow .
WG you will soon get used to giving his jabs but I wont lie it is scary at first , you don't want to hurt them .
Dont you feel like you live in different Hospitals , it seems never ending xx
Lizzie how was the new Hairdresser was she any good ? Its difficult getting someone you trust and like , Mine has been doing mine many years now .
Plant how did the carpet cleaning go , did it take long ?
Daisy how did the labeling go was your fingers sore writing them all outwhat kind of Chutney did J make ?
Just had a lovely piece of baked Salmon with Jacket Potato , simple but very tasty , I do like Salmon
Im not fat just 6ft too small
I hope they change your meds to control the BP Oma. I wonder if I need change as mine is high despite medication too.
We had such a nice day with mum. I will write about it on another thread later. She had forgotten totally where she has been living for the last 16 months so the trip home was a bit tricky, but on the whole a very good day. Mum loved it“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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