Oma, I do tend to forget to use the slow cooker.
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Hello everyone. I’m late to the party today. I didn’t wake up till 9 am and have spent most of the morning online for various reasons, so am now sitting having a sandwich and catching up here.
It’s bitterly cold here today but at least it’s dry. Eva’s sitting on my lap nudging my iPad. She’s lovely and warm to cuddle up with but not a great typist. 😁
Oma, good to hear C is doing so well and I’m sure M will make sure she is careful when she does return to work. I hope your niece’s health improves as well. It’s been a long hard haul for her as well. I think my DS will be glad of a break from the daily journey to the hospital, and DIL gets a rest from driving, too.
Plant your GGD sounds as though she very clear what she wants in life, but it’s good she’s ‘got’ yes as well as no! 😀
It may be the cold weather that’s bringing out everyone’s slow cooker. Lizzie, I’d be interested to know how you are doing your red cabbage and how it turns out. It’s a vegetable I’ve only just started buying and am looking for tasty ways to cook it. I’d only ever tasted pickled red cabbage as a child and definitely didn’t like it.
Mimi you were a brave girl going out in this cold weather this morning. It does blow the cobwebs away though! 👍
Gem, glad you enjoyed the show from the Globe, even if it’s not quite the same as a live performance. I’m sure every little helps in terms of keeping theatres afloat during lockdowns. Will the pantomime company survive?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Originally posted by Daisy View Post
Gem, glad you enjoyed the show from the Globe, even if it’s not quite the same as a live performance. I’m sure every little helps in terms of keeping theatres afloat during lockdowns. Will the pantomime company survive?
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Lizzie - thank you - I'll have a look - I've got a red cabbage in the fridge.
Gem - it sounds promising for your panto, and at least you won't have to go queueing up at the crack of dawn this year to book your seats.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Taking our decs down on the 6th. I would have the lights up all yr if I dared. I love the warm glow. Picture was taken at the start of putting up the decs.
Sorry I can't comment on all your posts. I have been keeping up with all your news though.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 1 photos.Last edited by Nana; 04-01-2021, 08:01 PM."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Good morning Nanto /Ladies ,
Nanto your right it is what we do isnt itxx
I had a half decent sleep last night got about 5 hours so im happy ,
I have washed all my paint work, doors skirtings etc downstairs , washed kitchen cupboard doors and cleaned wall tiles around work tops ,
Put some bicarb and vinegar down plug holes ,
Gave the microwave a clean and dusted where needed ,
Had a shower cleaned bathroom now im sat with a hot drink nursing a aching arm but feel better that the house is clean
Its raining still but it has brightened up we have lovely orange clouds so the sun must be up there somewhere .
I will pop back later see how you all are xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning everyone.
It's like Groundhog Day, here we are in Lockdown again!
You are right Nan2, we will soldier on! Cute morning mouse
Today was to have been my first day to collect GS1 from his new school, have him for the night and take him to school in the morning.
At 8pm last night of course all this was cancelled. DD is bringing him here mid morning. His homeschooling doesn't begin until tomorrow, so she can get some work done today while he is at ours. He won't stay the night now of course.
Take care ladies. Stay strong and safe and we will get though this.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Morning ladies, and Happy New Year! First visit to you all of 2021....... our little pup is keeping us busy! Christmas came, we enjoyed our day with eldest son and family who lives 15 minutes drive from here. Boxing Day with our other Son had to be cancelled but they did pop in on Christmas Eve to open presents. (We are in a childcare bubble so it was allowed). We announced that we wouldn’t be providing childcare for the foreseeable future which didn’t go down too well! But hey ho you have to do what feels right for you don’t you. And here we are in another lockdown. We are luckier than many as we live in the middle of nowhere with a SSI wood opposite our house and lots of walks, with an acre of garden My heart goes out to those in flats in cities with a couple of children 😢. It’s very cold here today so the log burner is alight and we will snuggle round it in between puppy walking, puppy feeding, puppy playing and puppy training!! Best wishes to you all.Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
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Good morning one and all. Yet another lie in for me this morning - I must start going to bed a bit earlier because I'm wasting too much daylight sleeping!
Avo - it's very hard to say no to childcare when it's what you've always done, but you do have to do what it right for you and your OH. I agree - we are also very lucky in where we live. The whole of the New Forest is at the end of our road, but it is being overrun with more visitors than the wildlife and habitats can stand. Which is so sad, but like you, I can't imagine how awful it must be to be stuck in a high rise flat in the middle of London. People need space and fresh air. I think this puppy stage is busier than the first few months with a baby, but lots of fun and you're laying the foundation for many years with Bella. How is it all going?
Gem - poor GS1 with not even being able to have one day in his new school. Would it be possible for him to have at least a virtual tour so he can get some idea about the layout and be able to say hello to some of the staff?
Oma - a few hours sleep and you're up and at that housework like the Duracell bunny! Sit down, put your feet up and relax girl!!
Nanto - you're right - we just soldier on.
Nana - your tree is very striking and artistic! It seems a pity to take it down amid all the gloom and doom, and if you want to keep the lights up, keep them. At least until the days get a bit longer and/or we can go out again. x
Just off to get a shower and get dressed. I might do some painting today, but I also need to run the sucky up thing round upstairs. I'd better do that first as I won't get round to it if I start painting.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Up late again, watery sunshine atm. No plans, I am sure I can find something to keep me amused. The bird feeders need refreshing, they give me so much pleasure watching them. GD1 popped in to tell me about the Boris statement, she is very tired and would like this baby to come soon, it isn't due until the 10th. They are ready for the off. All singing, all dancing crib in their bedroom, bag packed, car seat fixed in car, all they need is the occupant.
Love your tree Nana, very tasteful
Nanto, soldier on as you say.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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