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    A merry Christmas day everyone , we are still not dressed , in no rush not picking MIL up till 11 so taking our time ,
    Lots of texts and emails to answer ,
    Have a good day ladies xxxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Same here Oma except for the Mil bit. Must get a shift on, I have all those blinis to decorate.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning. I am dressed as I have just FaceTimed with DS. They are on a beach cooking turkey on a barbecue! Now waiting to go over to DDs for dinner.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Good Morning ladies Gems your Christmas Cat reminds me so much of my Oliver !!
          I'm just packing up the car and transporting the Christmas food to DDs which is a job in its self making sure I don't forget anything and putting together a plate for Jim next door which he can heat up later on this afternoon,I'll be meeting myself coming back shortly
          Have a great day ladies xxx glamma xxx
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Good Christmas morning everyone. Fairly quiet here. The GSs have opened stockings - cool teenagers but not when it comes to Christmas stockings. 😁😁😁
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              It's been a lovely day for us. Hope it's the same for everyone else.

              We are both looking forward to tomorrow.We always treat it as an ordinary day.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                We have had a lovely day , MIL was a angel , no complaining , eating all her lunch and had a good laugh , B just taken her home .

                Im tired but happy been spoilt and it was so good spending time with my family , now back to lockdown days

                Hope everyone has had a peaceful day xxx

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I’ve had a nice day too. A lovely meal and so nice for us to be together.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Good morning, I went to DS2 on christmas eve, DS1 and family were there as well, I am pleased I went as I really enjoyed it. We made our own mini pizza's in small ovens. DS1 said he would see I got home safe, GD1 was with me in the car and we followed him home, it isn't that I don't know the way, the first lane is very dark and small, no problems on the main roads, in fact, I was bothering over nothing!!! As usual.

                    I am going to DS1 and family for brunch today, maybe DS2 and partner will be there as well but they weren't sure.

                    I phoned BIL yesterday, he was so upset, I expected him to be, he was expecting his DS2 to call in so hope he did.


                      More of a normal day for us,which we like.

                      Oma,pleased to hear MIL was angel. You'll be polishing her halo next.

                      DS1 came for his dinner yesterday.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Nanto/Ladies
                        A quiet day for us today Nanto im tired so lots of reading and lazing around , although I have washing on the go .

                        Lizzie good to hear you got home safe its silly what we worry about isnt it .

                        Enfys im so glad to hear you had a nice day well done xxxx

                        How are we all today , ? No hangovers I hope

                        Its very cold this morning dark and wet , we back in lockdown so wont be going anywhere anyway ,
                        I will sort all my presents out and put them where they need to go , get the washing dried then settle down with my book and Puzzle book and just rest , my shoulder has hurt all night and I feel tired but happy I saw my friends and family ,
                        D&J went home a little earlier yesterday as J's Asthma was playing up he had one inhaler but hadn't brought the other ,

                        I don't think we will be having anything heavy to eat today we all full up .

                        Have a relaxing day ladies xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning. Dull and dreary here. No plans for today. DD and GS are watching football this afternoon, SIL has a cycling event so a busy day for them. They invited me over to tea but to be honest, once it gets dark I don’t want to go anywhere so I will be quite happy with a quiet day in my own. Books and knitting to keep me occupied, and they’re only over the road if I change my mind.

                          Have a happy Boxing Day everyone 🌞🎄🎅🏻
                          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                            Good morning Lizzie, Nan2, Oma, Enfys and everyone else on this Boxing Day morning.

                            I have loved reading through all your Christmas Day reports I'm glad your MIL behaved Oma!
                            We had a lovely day too. Very different for us, but mostly in a very good way. Just not seeing mum was hard.

                            Whilst we were at DD2's house we heard that DD1 managed to pour a flask of hot tea all over her hand When we left DD1 and family to go on to DD2's, they met up with friends at the park, taking warm clothes, blankets and hot flasks. It meant a trip to the minor injuries unit at their local hospital (where she was quickly and efficiently seen) She now has painful bandaged hand .

                            Today we are going to cook a Christmas Dinner here, just us two. We had everything in, just in case plans changed and we had to stay at home yesterday. So roast chicken and Christmas pud for us, with prawn cocktail starter! Apart from cooking and eating that, today is a laid back catching up on TV, reading, jigsaws etc day.

                            Have a good Boxing Day ladies.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning one and all. It’s dull but dry here.

                              We had a lovely Christmas Day. The GSs had some fantastic teenager ‘essentials’. A new phone for GS2 and an iPad for GS1, and they were both delighted. 😎

                              we decided to have a quiet evening watching a film. It took ages because we had to keep pausing it to work out what was happening but we stuck with it!

                              It was a tiring day for DS1, but he said he’d enjoyed it.

                              Like most people we ate too much and I can’t face the thought of food this morning.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Gem poor DD hope it heals soon what a awful end to a lovely day for her xxx

                                Daisy isn't it different kind of Christmas with Teenagers ,

                                Enfys you may change your mind later

                                GS1 played piano for us yesterday and Guitar ,we all sang around the piano it was like the war years hahaha ,
                                we are not a set of singers we wouldn't make a good Choir but we had lots of fun doing it .
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

