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    Daisy just read about your tags , if you don't get them done for this year you can keep them for next
    Nice to hang on the tree after they open their presents though
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning, ladies. I'm late to the party today, although we had an early start. Lovely graphics to cheer us up.

      Last night a warning light came on on my car. Eventually we worked out it was type pressure, so OH took it round to the garage first thing to sort it out. All good now, but I was a bit later than usual getting Cooper. Both dogs are tired, so it's fairly peaceful - apart from the tree surgeons taking down a row of conifers next door.

      I need to almond paste the cake - I keep putting it off. I might not ice it though, as neither of us likes icing much. OH doesn't like marzipan either, but I love it - it's my treat.

      The washing machine's just finished - stripped the bed this morning - so I'd better go and deal with it. Back later.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Sounds like we are all getting our jobs done.

        Oma, B's jaffa cake sounds scrummy.

        Lizzie,up and down all those stairs will keep you fit.

        Weather here is wet,breezy,dark and miserable.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Daisy, I rarely buy tags these days. I use different paper for each person! Saves all that fiddly writing out and sticking on!

          Been raining here all day. Took pressies to the Oncology staff this morning and popped into Sainsbury's for things I'd forgotten on my delivery. Car park busy, but very pleasant( if you can describe supermarket shopping pleasant) inside. No pushing and shoving, everyone wearing masks and keeping their distance. there weren't even any queues at check out! Came home much less frazzled than expected.

          Have to go to pharmacy to pick up prescriptions. Just hope there's not a queue standing in the rain!

          OH complaining that he's cold, so have just lit the woodburner and got a supply of logs in. That should keep him happy!
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Very rainy here today and got dark very early. Just back from hairdressers, usually go in the morning and I walk but with all the rain I took the car. Of course, they’ve got the road up near the hairdressers, where I would park so had to drive round the roads looking for a space. Honestly, I should have walked, although wouldn’t fancy coming across the park in the dark.

            WG, there was a huge queue outside our chemist this morning, so o,eased I didn’t have to go in there. I’d ordered some flowers for my friend and picked them up and took them round to her. She was so pleased she and her OH have been so kind and thoughtful to me over the past few months so just wanted to say thank you.

            We are all ready here, not much happening really, very low key for us this year. To be honest, I would just rather stay at home but DH wants me to go there for Christmas dinner but I’ve said I won’t stay on into the evening. That will be enough for me at the moment.
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              OH went to our pharmacy for our prescriptions today, she said it wasn't too bad.
              We have lovely busy afternoon with the GC, a lot of fun had by all Boys very excited about Santa coming tomorrow night when we said goodbye!
              We are sitting down to eat and watch TV now.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning. Very chilly this morning.

                Off to in laws later. Not a lot to do,just make sure everything is tidy.

                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good Moaning Each, and a peaceful Christmas to you all.
                  I am very early this morning as I have been awake since 4.30 am. I don’t know why. I am slowly catching up with you.
                  It’s been a funny old week, we have reconstructed our sundial which is the armillary type being held up by Atlas. Unfortunately Atlas’s legs broke at the ankles. My brother was able to mend him, so the whole thing got a good clean and its position has been moved. I have had it for 40 years so poor old Atlas got a rest for a week or two!
                  How busy you have all been! We are in tier 4 now and I have had an email telling me to shield so nothing doing here except for my daily constitutional and housewifely duties. We did have a lovely surprise yesterday though, DD2 sent a box of sweets. Our favourites, mine being peanut brittle and nougat.
                  I shall munch my way through today and tomorrow and probably feel vile by Boxing Day. 😁
                  Enjoy whatever you have planned ladies.
                  Christmas wishes from me to you.
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    Good morning ladies.

                    Nan2, a lovely Christmas Eve graphic to start the day.
                    I'm sure Atlas enjoyed his rest Grauntie

                    As we will be at DD2's tomorrow, all I have to do today is some prep. Most of the Christmas Day meal has been ordered in from a local deli, prep done so DD and SIL basically have to just put it all in the oven tomorrow. They have a double one which makes it all easier. I love mash, so have offered to take bowl of that to go with the meal. Also Christmas pudding, brandy sauce and a chocolate orange pudding for the children. I also wanted to take my Jamie Oliver mulled wine which is the best I have tasted. So the only cooking is the creamy mash, and the mulled wine. I intend to make both of those today for reheating when we get to DD's.

                    Golf for OH today. I think I will drive over to my mum's bungalow just to check all is well there.

                    Merry Christmas Eve everyone.

                    Party tonight in The Granny's Rest by the way! Dig out your posh frocks (or come in your festive PJs!!)
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning, messing about this morning, I have decided to go to DS2's tonight, DS1 and family are going, GD1 is coming home in the car with me to keep me company! I have just done my exercise class, there is one on our TV every morning, All Holland moves! It is good as well, you really move everything!!!! I don't do it from the TV, I do a catch up on the laptop.

                      I have ordered new specs and they will be delivered today. I have ordered from them before and they are very good so I hope these are. I will see if I can find a photo.

                      Gem, you will have a good Christmas day!!!

                      Grauntie, poor Atlas with a broken ankle.

                      You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                      This gallery has 1 photos.


                        Nice glasses Lizzie. OH ordered some reading glasses online recently and is pleased with them.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Thanks Gem, I ordered specs from them 3 years ago, those that change colour when out in the sun etc, I love them, so, hope these are as good.


                            Good morning everyone. Thank you for the lovely graphic Nanto.

                            It's hard to believe it's Christmas Eve. My Christmas spirit hasn't quite reached me yet.

                            Yesterday ended up being busy with things not related to Christmas - a lot of phone calls, and my friend M's baby great niece was rushed into hospital with a very high temperature. So poor M is very worried. I'll ring her in a bit to see how the baby is. I'll call round with her Christmas present later.

                            I've got no food preparation to do with being at DS1's. It seems strange not rushing round prepping veggies etc.

                            Gem - if you don't see me in the Granny's Rest tonight, just check under the table. I'll probably be in festive PJs, clutching a large glass of mulled wine. What a lovely afternoon you had with your GCs' Christmas party. I think it's such a lovely idea.

                            Enfys - best laid plans! I hope you didn't get your hair wet when you came out of the hairdressers. The chemists seem to be pot luck. There were the 3 allowed people in ours when I went on Monday - but the two being served took ages. Luckily it wasn't raining and I was well wrapped up ready for a dog walk, but the chap behind me was shivering. I think going to your DD's for lunch is a good idea. It will ease her mind to see you, and you can go home when you feel ready. She wouldn't want you to be on your own all day. xx

                            Grauntie - I bet you're glad Atlas is back to full strength and doing his job again. Well done to your brother for putting him right.

                            WeeGranny - I tried to keep different papers for different family members, but it never works out. There's always at least one awkward present, or I run out of one type of paper. I like doing little pyrography tags, and they look different. Poor OH feeling cold - but aren't log burners great for warming right through the house!

                            It's time I got a move on - I haven't even had a shower yet.

                            Take care, everyone and stay safe. xx

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good Christmas eve morning ladies ,
                              Lizzie nice glasses all ready for Santa

                              Gem it will be strange going out for Christmas lunch for you and S i hope you have the most magical time and enjoy every minute , you deserve it

                              Nanto send our Christmas greeting to your in laws hope they are well xx

                              GM poor Atlas breaking his leg , I would like to see a photo of him he sounds wonderful , having him so long I bet your pleased he is fixed .

                              We have a good layer of snow but its forecast rain so it wont last ,

                              Had a long chat to all my brothers girls last night my phone never stopped ,
                              They all have mixed emotions about tomorrow but bless them they all phoned to see how I was feeling ,

                              The boys( well men ) text both feeling sad I don't think they wanted to actually ring in case they cried like the girls all did ,but they doing ok ,

                              Like lots of our ladies this Christmas will be the hardest , I want you all to know we are thinking of you and our love and hearts are with you xx

                              Merry Christmas Eve ladies I hope this time next year we are all back to normal , also thinking of our dear Tizzy xxxx

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Just reporting in, I have to go to the doctors for the nurse to give me the injection for my bones. I will be back later.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

