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    Good Moaning each.
    Lizzie I hope you are feeling much better. Not been quite the ticket here for a few weeks but feeling better now. (not COVID)
    No rain yet but we often miss it anyway. Definitely cooler though.
    I have many indoor jobs to do, just a matter of prioritising.
    It is SiL 1’s birthday next weekend and when asked what he would like he said all he really wants is spotted dick and custard! DD1 is not remotely interested in cooking puddings so that and a promise of 10 puddings of his choice at his request will be my gift to him. I would like to point out that I have never made spotted dick before. 😆 Have a good day ladies.
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.


      Hope you are feeling better now GMeg, spotted dick!!! That takes me back to my mum's steamed pudding days! Plus the school meals!


        MMM,Grauntie, my mother used to make a lovely spotted dick. I remember she used to roll it and steam it in a piece of floured cloth. I have made it, way way back, but baked it. Tell us what other requests he has made.
        So sorry you have been off colour recently, hope you are feeling better now.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning ladies

          Lizzie you must have been feeling rotten hope these tablets work for you .
          It's strange when GC shop for you isn't it they become the ones looking after you when your used to looking after them

          GM hope you feel better each day it's no fun having weeks of being off colour , Spotted Dick is a lovely old fashioned pud very tasty

          Gem hope the rain holds off for your reflexology you need a session at the minute .
          Could kitty have had too much sun maybe ?

          Daisy a wet day is the time to get the duster out you can't do anything in the garden , hope weather is better for your outing to DS at weekend xx

          Plant will we get a pic of your garment when it's done ? How are the shed dwellers any sign of the Badger returning ?

          WG hope neighbour gets the doors painted and dried before the rain

          Nanto do you use a lot of ginger in your cake ? I love a ginger cake you can really taste , some shop bought ones are just like treacle rather than Ginger .

          I have spent a few hours cleaning got a bucket and washed all paintworks down , doors, skirtings stairs etc , then pulled furniture out and hoovered everywhere , got ladders out and dusted light fittings then washed the floors , in between I did two loads of washing and tumble drier so pile of ironing to do now .

          Having 5 minutes before I tackle glass tables , Sea air did me the world of good

          Typical yesterday I ordered some new Rattan high back chairs for us for Garden , now watch the weather will be horrid now , nothing fancy just two sort of arm chairs and a little coffee table

          The table and chairs I have are fine but the patio area is so small it takes all the room up . I will keep the fold up chairs in the shed for when we get company but will get rid of the big table .

          It's belting down with rain and dark but very stuffy I wouldn't be surprised if we get thunder .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Grauntie, I'm glad you are feeling better. You had been quiet here so I wondered how you were.
            Lizzie, you are having a miserable time with the cystitis. I hope the current antibiotics work.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              GM, glad you are feeling better. I can remember Mum making spotted dick, delicious.

              Raining here and much cooler. Our water butts we’re getting empty so I hope they fill up a bit.

              I was supposed to be going to the hospital for my heart monitor this morning but DH woke up feeling unwell, he was very hot and sweaty and generally a bit shaky. I decided to cancel my appointment as I didn’t feel happy leaving him on his own. It was only a check up, my ECG was find so I’m happy to leave it a couple of weeks. He’s feeling much better now so I could have gone but had to let them know in good time. I hate just not turning up.

              We are waiting for the result s of his blood test from Monday, who knows what will be next.

              I was feeling very down yesterday, things getting on top of me again. Asda delivery today, something to look forward to 🙂. How sad is that?

              Enjoying our games, Plant and GM 😀

              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                Enfys hope he's ok could he be getting a cold ? No point going for a heart checkup when you are fretting leaving him .

                I said same thing about getting my Asda delivery it's something to look forward too and I said sad isn't it hahaha xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  You did the right thing not going Enfys. Your check will wait, and you would have been so stressed leaving OH if he was still feeling poorly
                  Take care xx
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning all.
                    I've had a few hard days but I'm trying to keep myself positive. It hit home yesterday that I am turning into my mother. She endured painful arthritis for many and I seem to be following her.
                    Yesterday when we were out for a walk I was lagging behind OH , which isn't unusual but when we had to walk back up the hill I really struggled. I can only describe the feeling of pain would be like bone rubbing on bone . He is 7 years older than me and he has heart problems but that doesn't seem to slow him down at all.
                    Added to that DS1 depression seems to have returned and I don't think I have the energy to try and be strong enough for him at the moment.

                    Oma it's the little things that bring us joy isn't it, you looking forward to your Asda delivery, for me it was finding that part baked baguettes were in my Tesco shopping order. I haven't been able to get any for weeks .

                    Enfys, you did the right thing cancelling your appointment. You would have worried constantly and that may well have shown up in your test results giving a false result.
                    Hope P is feeling stronger today .

                    Lizzie, how is the cystitis, hope the tablets have worked and you are feeling better

                    Have a good day everyone
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Mimi, being in pain brings us down, add to that a tendency to depression, no wonder things get you down. Take care.

                      I had a video chat with my mum on What's App this morning! I have written about it elsewhere.
                      We have a vet's appointment for Henry the cat this afternoon, as he's just not himself.
                      We have to take him to table in the car park for a distance discussion with the vet, who presumably then takes the pet inside for examination.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Mimi I agree with Gem constant pain brings you down and you can't smile all the time plus think about someone else when your struggling yourself . You need to look after you for a change you have enough on your plate as it is .

                        Gem hope Henry is ok and it's just the sun and heat xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Enfys,hope P is feeling better.

                          oma,it was a Wrights cake mix i used,but you could see small pieces of ginger in it.
                          We've all had some with a cuppa,and we could taste the ginger. Half of it has gone in the freezer.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            A bit inconclusive at the vets. Our vet is not there at the moment. This younger vet said Henry had heart murmur, and his teeth are not good but they won't do anything to his teeth due to his age and the heart. He may have kidney problems, could be something else going on. All quite unsure. They took bloods for testing and from there we will see if any scans are needed. I think our vet would have sent his home with a shot of anti-inflammatories for the teeth and maybe a shot of antibiotics, just in case. This one was very much by the book and didn't want to give anti inflammatories until they have more of an idea whats going on. No temperature, so no real, justification for antibiotics.
                            So poor Henry is no better off really. He is eating a little bit, but something is bothering him. He is a bit more himself today, being with us rather than hiding himself away as he did yesterday and the previous evening.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              A bit odd, I have had to sign in twice today.

                              Enfys, sorry to hear your OH was feeling unwell, you would have been very worried about him if you had kept your appt.

                              Gemini, poor Henry, I hope he continues to feel better and the tests show what his problem is apart from old age.

                              Mimi, so sorry you are in such pain, can the medics do anything to relieve the pain you are in.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant, I have to sign in every time I visit, and then I get timed out! I think it must be my settings though.
                                Well, this day was a surprise! DD2 and boys came for a visit, arriving mid morning. No rain and a very pleasant day meant we were able to be in the garden. We went beach combing too.
                                On a sadder note, the spotted dick was not as expected. Whether due to the vegetable suet or my inexpertise I do not know, all I can say is there will be some birds out there finding staying airborne difficult soon. Hints and tips gratefully received.
                                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                                Eleanor Roosevelt.

