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    Gem - we will be having fish tonight as well. Both lots I had in the supermarket order are on very short dates so need eating up straight away. I could freeze one packet, but I always forget to take things out in time.

    Plant - OH looked at my efforts at cleaning the oven and suggested we get someone in to clean it when we are allowed! Do you find they do a good job? I bet the Guiders' clever trick with the saucepans could be used on pans on the barbecue as well?? Are Garibaldi biscuits easy to make?

    I've cut the lawn and trimmed the edges, but it's really warm here and too hot for Eva to lie outside. She won't go indoors if we're in the garden or shed, so I've brought her in and will see how it is later in the day.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Chicken in Honey and mustard sauce with green beans and new potatoes for tea .

      I have descaled my iron . And B is sitting in the sun stripping down our Dyson ball cylinder hoover and cleaning it . It's heavy to pull so doesn't get used that often but it's a while since it was cleaned out .
      I'm looking for work now just to keep busy but there is very little to do .
      We are going to sand and re oil the work tops next week if we are really bored it could be the weekend
      Celebrate our Ruby wedding working on them
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Regarding the cleaning of the oven, my nephew was in the RAF and when they were posted the oven had to be left clean for the next people, they were told to rub it all in with soft soap, leave a bowl of ammonia in over night and it is so easy to clean the next day, I have done this ever since I heard and it must be 35 years ago! My DIL does the same as well with her double over Boretti.


          Yes I have heard that Lizzie or cover with a paste of bicarb and white vinegar
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Must try vinegar and bi-carb next time. I don't put it on overnight, I leave it on until it needs cleaning again. So you have to have a clean oven to start with. I have not tried putting the mixture on a dirty oven and leaving it overnight.

            Daisy, I got the garibaldi biscuit recipe on line. Very easy, mine are all shapes.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Not doing a lot today . It's one of those ' I can't be bothered days ' . Perhaps tomorrow I will have more 'get up and go ' .
              We did go for a walk this morning and I have tidied up so I haven't been completely lazy . Bed is made, rooms have been vacuumed and dusted so I have made some sort of effort.

              Plant I love garibaldi biscuits, when our DC were little they used to call them Squashed Fly biscuits...
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Mimi, I think you have done very well.

                Squashed fly yes Mimi, I didn't have any currants so mine looked like large flies
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Weather has been lovely,but we have put the heating on for a bit.
                  Ordered a new clock from Amazon for the kitchen.
                  Then the one in the kitchen is going in the conservatory.

                  Have a good evening ladies.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    So much happening with you Grans. So sorry to hear about poorly people, (have commented in another place). Hope everyone gets better soon.

                    Our pooch is much better today, eating & drinking again, thank you. Got more energy about him too. Phew. OH ended up helping me with the oven cleaning this afternoon. Hard graft. We did have a chuckle saying how awful it was that it took a pandemic for us to clean the oven.😉🤦‍♀️

                    The ammonia tip reminded me of a story from when I was small. Mum left ammonia in a bowl in the oven overnight. My Aunty was unaware it was in there when she opened the oven door & nearly passed out with the fumes. Shouldn't laugh really but it was like watching a period drama where the heroine swoons & nearly passes out. Poor old girl.

                    (What do you do with the ammonia when it's finished with?)
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                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Nana - that oven is dazzling! It looks brand new. I had to laugh at your poor auntie and the ammonia. I'm glad you doggy is better - I think they sometimes have off days - just like us. Is he the sort of dog who eats anything he finds?

                      Nanto - I'd like a new clock for the kitchen, but can't find one I like with proper numbers on! The nice designs all seem to be Roman numerals.

                      I keep saying I'll try bi-carb and white vinegar. Does it have to be white or can you use brown malt vinegar (that's all I've got, apart from ACV)

                      Mimi - I've felt I can't be bothered today. We haven't even been out for a walk, but oH has been busy wood-turning. I've just been lazy!

                      Oma - my DIL2 used to have one of those Dysons and it was really hard work to use!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy I have always used white vinegar but vinegar is vinegar isn't it so worth trying on a small patch see how good it works ,
                        Yes I like my stick Dyson the Cylinder one sucks so strongly to the carpet I can't push it and puling it is hard work.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          And yet another lovely morning.

                          Nana, you did a good job with the oven. We have a double oven,and i've just cleaned the small one.

                          Waiting for washer to finish. Done a load of darks this time.
                          Yesterdays washing to be ironed,and i want to hoover and wash the kitchen floor.
                          Dare say some other jobs will crop up.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning, Nanto and everyone who drops in later.

                            Another warm sunny day here.

                            Oma - your brother is on my mind. I hope he's holding his own and fighting back. xxx

                            I'll try the bicarb and vinegar on the glass door of the oven - that's covered in burnt on splashes!

                            Your chicken in honey and mustard sauce sounds wonderful, Oma. Is it easy to make?

                            We also have a poorly doggy. Eva has got lumps all over her face and head! Three possible causes, and not sure which it is. A possible reaction to the tick we removed a couple of days ago - the lumps started to appear last night. She had been sunbathing on the patio yesterday, close to an ants' nest, so they could be ant bites, and the final one might be my might fault. She has a severe chicken allergy, but has always been ok with turkey, duck etc. Yesterday morning I gave her a turkey heart in her breakfast (from the giblets I froze at Christmas), and I wonder if it's a reaction to that. She's never reacted to turkey before, but I just don't know. I would give her Piritin, but we haven't got any in. I'll see how she goes during the day.

                            I hope poorly people are feeling a bit better today - sending love. xxx

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning ladies.

                              Nan2 and others you are putting us to shame with all the oven cleaning. Ours has been done in living memory, but not for some time!
                              Poor Eva Daisy, let's hope it improves as the day goes on. If not will you phone the vet for advice?
                              Thinking of Oma's brother and the family.

                              Today we will go over to my mums house. I need to keep an eye on things and get the post. It can be seen if it mounts up in the glass fronted porch, and I need to check it all anyway.
                              OH says she will come over and do bit more gardening as she has been cutting back some of the large shrubs. I will give the house an airing , get the recycling boxes out for tomorrow and clear little more corner-clutter! I think we will go over this morning.
                              I hope we will spend the afternoon in our own garden, and we need a walk as it never happened yesterday. NHS and key worker clap at 8pm.

                              Take care everyone.
                              Poorly people, and animals get well!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning ladies , our oven is newish so hasn't needed cleaning yet apart from glass door needed a wipe down .
                                lazy start for us just pottered around then ironed a hand full of things that was there
                                Got a Tesco delivery after 9 last night so quickly wiped everything down and bunged it in fridge and cupboards so I have sorted that out this morning .

                                Daisy sounds like Ant bites poor Eva Ants can give a nasty nip .
                                Chicken in Honey and Mustard is a jar of cook in sauce , B adds extra Honey and Mustard too it it's lovely and I don't like mustard

                                Gem have you spoken to Mum anymore does she sound happy ?
                                I bet you enjoy getting stuck in without having to do the work without her knowing

                                Just been out to sort the plant pots next doors cats have dug up the Gladioli's .I did think they had pooed in there but no they just dug the bulbs up

                                How is everyone ? I don't seem to have taken much in these past couple of days so my apologies if I have missed anyone .

                                I have updated about my Brother on that thread , not much to tell till my Niece rings this morning ,
                                Have a good day ladies
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

