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Evening ladies. Sorry I’ve not posted lately. A bit pathetic I know but I just haven’t felt like it. Days come and go ,you know what I mean and some are better than others.
TodayI had an outing, to the hospital for a blood test! DS 1 and his partner took me. I’ve not seen DS in the flesh since Gerald passed away in April.I’ve got a phone consultation with the Haematology consultant next Tuesday, hence the need for the blood test. The family ring every day and we do Zoom but I do get quite lonely sometimes.
Here in Wales we are still in a stricter lockdown than England . There are pros and cons for a later easing. At least DS can come over to visit in the garden now though I think he lives a little over the 5 miles which is supposed to be the maximum distance you can travel to visit another household.
I hope anyone suffering physically or mentally can find some relief soon.xx
Clover, understandable, and that some days are better than others, I understand that as well, it doesn't help either with all the restrictions. You will get lonely, it is difficult to lose a loved one when life is "normal", now it will be even more difficult for you.
Thinking of
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Good morning everyone.
Mimi - happy anniversary for yesterday. Sometimes it's difficult to get in the mood for a celebration when everything is so strange, but I hope the coming year brings some good things for you and your OH.
It's dull and overcast here, but it could get better or worse!
Clover - be kind to yourself. You're bound to have ups and downs. It's only a few weeks since you lost your dear Gerald, and you had months, if not years, of anxiety before that. Plus, you're coping with your own health and lockdown as well. If you feel you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders it's hardly surprising. From speaking to family in Wales, it sounds as though a lot of people are glad your easing of restrictions is going more slowly than ours. The important thing is you're staying safe. Sending you love and virtual hugs. xx
No plans for us today. We'll see what the day brings.
Take care everyone. xxx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning ladies
wet and dreary
Clover it's early days yet and you haven't been able to see your son's your entitled to feel down ,
Talking to my MIL she's very lonely at the moment , it's hard when you live on your own xx
New garden chairs arrived yesterday but no chance of using them , hopefully next week supposed to be better .
Days are dragging now with nothing to do going to be a long day x
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning ladies.
Clover, as Lizzie says it's bad enough for anyone in current times, for you who have been bereaved it is awful. One day at a time, better days will come xx
My day started with tea in bed (as usual) with a jaffa cake with lit candle. I have opened my cards and presents and am reading FB and text greetings.
DD and GS1 are calling in later this morning. It is wet here so we may have to congregate between the 2 parasols, distanced!
After lunch OH and I will drive to the coast. Even if we just sit in the car a bit then drive back, we are going. Hopefully we will be able to get out and have walk there. We have a click and collect fish and chip tea to collect at 6.
At 8 we are going to DD2's. We will sit on the decked area, with a gazebo if wet. This will be the first time I have been with all 3 DDs since lockown. SIL 3 is coming too, and I will be able to see SIL2 as he lives there. It will be after GS2 is in bed, or he will want to join us! I am lucky that restrictions have eased a bit in time for my birthday
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem - it will be great to see so many of your family today. I'm sure you're really excited and looking forward to it. It's a pity the weather isn't being more co-operative, but a trip to the coast is still good. Have a happy day. xx
Oma - I'm sure the weather will pick up towards the week-end so you can relax in your new garden chairs.It must be hard for people living on their own, but I'm sure your MIL appreciates the phone calls.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Clover, you have been so brave, it must have been so hard not seeing and supporting your dear Gerald at the end. I hope it will not be too long before you can continue your activities and be able to meet family and friends.
Gemini, that sounds like a lovely day planned, even in the rain.
I have no plans, the house is clean (to my standards). The garden is looking very colourful, so I will potter and continue with my knitting and book. DS1's wife sent me a picture of my GGD, she had pulled herself up holding the settee and was standing looking very pleased with herself.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Gem, not going to be such a bad birthday.
Plant,lovely to hear about GGD.
I'v ironed,cleaned up amongst other bits and bats.
hubby says its a wonder we have any floor coverings left, they get hoovered/washed that many times.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Afternoon all.
So far it hasn't started raining yet but we don't expect that it is going to stay that way for very much longer.
This morning we went for an early walk while the sun was still shining, we were home just in time to play Pop Master while having a cup of coffee. It's sad that thats become the highlight of our day , one day just drags into another and keeping ourselves occupied is getting difficult now. I know I shouldn't complain, there are so many worse off than us.
As you may be aware we are lucky enough to always get a Tesco delivery slot and I know some items of groceries have been in short supply but I have tried for weeks to get of all things, rubber gloves! I have given up and just ordered some from Ebay.
Clover you are not pathetic at all , you have been through so much. Its early days and these are exceptional times . Be kind to yourself, you will eventually have more good days than bad days but it will take time .
They say grief is like an empty room , at first you don't leave that room , then you step outside the room while still looking in , you then are able to walk past the room glancing at it as you pass . One day you will find you have walked passed the room without looking in . Eventually you feel strong enough to close the door of that room safe in the knowledge that your loved one is still in your heart and you are able to open the door of that room whenever you feel the need. You will eventually be in control without ever forgetting your dear Gerald
Sending you hugs xBring me sunshine in your smile.
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