Plant, I was just about to start a topic on that subject!
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I was hoping to catch up with everyone tonight, but to be honest, I feel so tired, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow's another day, and I'm sure I'll be fine by them.
Sleep well everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning Nanto/ ladies
same here Nanto rained all night but sun trying to break through .
Just put recycle bin out and its quite mild .
Daisy hope you got a good sleep how is J's eye this morning is he up yet xx
Plant that's far from a shed isn't it it's like a holiday chalet , I wouldn't mind staying in that
How is everyone and hubby's today ? Any news or anything interesting ?
Just hoovered and dusted cleaned the bathroom not much else to do going to be a long dayxx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning, Nanto and all who call in later.
We've got sunshine again, and it's not quite as cold as yesterday, but still chilly.
Nanto - we had jacket potatoes last night, with home-cooked gammon and salad. Today we've got home-made soup for lunch and a lovely quiche which was a present from DIL2 yesterday when she delivered bananas and satsumas we'd run out of. They've got a really good farm shop just round the corner from their house and they do wonderful pies, quiche, sausages and all sorts of goodies.
I needed that early night last night - I was freezing cold so took a hotwater bottle to bed, curled up and slept right through apart from a quick trip to the bathroom about 4 am.
Nana - what a shame about your DD's OH's business. It's so sad when you put all that effort into setting up and running a business to have it collapse because of something right out of your control.Oma - I hope your SIL will be ok. Has he already stocked his showroom?
Gem - how did your Whats App music quiz go? It sounds fun.
Plant - I can understand your worries about DD and her asthma. But I'm sure she's sensible and will be very careful. We never stop worrying about our children, do we! My DS1 didn't realise he's allergic to cats until they got a kitten.
I've got lots of options for things to do today, but most of them involve things like the hot hissy thing, the sucky up thing and a floor mop. I might just go back to bed!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Hi Oma - we posted together! Thanks for asking, His Eye-ness is still asleep. He's always exhausted after treatment. I think he does't sleep much the night before. Have a relaxing day, love. Put your feet up, watch a box set or two and get B to peel grapes for you. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
Dull and damp here, hopefully it may improve.
I hope OH's eye is not too uncomfortable today Daisy. There is always floor washing and ironing if we get that bored!!
Nothing interesting to report here Oma. The most exciting thing on the horizon is GS2 's online birthday party next Monday.
I will phone mum today to see how she is. She could hardly walk yesterday. Not a good time for us to need any outside help
Take care everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Daisy, she could hardly walk when I got there yesterday and was using a stick to get about. Eventually she told me she had tripped in the living room the previous evening. Didn't hurt herself but must have pulled something , making walking painful and difficult the next day. If there is no improvement we will need a walker for her.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Sunny here, haven't poked my nose out yet, hope I can get some gardening done today, if only to relieve the boredom. After my GD and partner move out we shall be taking bookings for the shed (cabin)
Daisy I hope your OH isn't in too much pain after his injection yesterday.
I don't know about you ladies but as I haven't got to fit jobs in between my activities, my routine has gone to pot. I used to say to myself that I must clean the SR today because I am Swimming etc tomorrow. One day just runs into another. anyone else watching Liar, last episode next week.
Gemini, I hope you find your mother is okay when you phone her today.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning. Sunny here but still chilly.
Oh dear, Gem, hope your Mum is OK. I often used to go in to see my Mum and find her on the floor when she had fallen. So difficult to get her back up again.
Daisy, glad DH’s hospital visit went well, hope his eye is ok today.
DH has his docs appointment this morning for his injection. He has strict instructions not to touch anything etc but it sounds as if the surgery has their act together so he should be ok.
Plant, I’m just the same. I have a plan, but it all goes to pot and I think, oh well, there’s always tomorrow. I’ve tried making lists, but don’t stick to it. I had so many ideas about what we could do but it’s just to easy to make another cup of tea and sit down. Must do better 🙂.
Ive just texted DGD in Australia as I’ve been worrying about her with all this talk of the UK trying to get people home. Luckily she is still on the banana farm but they are in lockdown. She is still working and they can go to the shop but that’s it but at least she is with friends and she has money. They have all been there together for ages and no new people are being allowed in so it’s best she’s stays put.
Have a good day everyone 🌞
Last edited by Enfys; 31-03-2020, 08:52 AM."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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I had a flash of inspiration in remembering that my friend's mum, now in hospital following a stroke, had several walking aids at my friend's house. We went over to borrow a couple (at a social distancing distance) It was nice to see and chat to a friend even from several feet away!
I took them over to mum after lunch and hopefully she will get on with one.
She phoned me this morning to say she had diarrhoea in the night and had to crawl to the looHence me going over today. Luckily that has stopped several hours before I got there. I took her more paracetamol, made her a hot water bottle and made sure she was using her fleecy blanket when sitting on the sofa, which she was.
She says she didn't fall as such, more twisted and hurt her groin. Those injuries can take a while to heal unfortunately.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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