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    Things sound nice and calm there Lizzie.

    Nan2, your OH has his priorities right, stocking up on sweets I have been working my way through a bag of liquorice toffees over the last few days.

    We went to The Range and B&Q. We only intended to go to one, but there were no big bags of compost at The Range. I got some craft papers, and OH some hanging basket liners.
    At B&Q we got the compost and some pansies,and a paint chart.
    Very cold out now!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      You all seem to be keeping busy. What a shame if they have to throw the flowers away Lizzie, I hope they make their way to homes where they will be enjoyed.

      I popped out to the small parade to get some wrapping paper for GGS's present, popped into Co-op, kept my distance and wore gloves, I just bought bananas and gin and cash. They had loads and loads of tinned goods.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        I didn't get as far as Chat this morning! The sun was shining and I was desperate to get outside and sort out my summerhouse. It's taken all day, but it's now spick and span and my new work table is installed. I've reorganised all my art materials, pyrography stuff and some wood carving materials which I want to have a go at. I also ran the mower over the lawn, although it really needs rolling PDQ before it dries out too much and goes rock hard.

        And - joy of joys! - I washed our bedding and got it dried outside after OH had kindly scrubbed the whirly gig thingy nice and clean! Spring is well and truly here, and it makes me feel happy despite all the awful things that are happening.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          DD just been with my shopping , she put it on doorstep and waited half way down the drive ,
          They have spent the afternoon securing the shop and putting signs up telling anyone that calls to phone for appointment but they don't expect anyone , SIL is still contracting with Carpetright but even them are struggling for orders as no one is going into the stores

          I so wanted to give her a hug but as she says she's amongst people all the time she wont take any chance of passing anything on
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma - I do feel for your SIL. If ever there was a bad time to start a business this must be one of the worst. There's no way he could anticipate what is happening. It's hard being so close to our loved ones but not touching them.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Such bad luck with their timing Oma

              ​​​​​​Im find it really hard today. Everywhere people are saying Stay Home, Keep away from family etc.
              It makes me feel like a criminal going to shops ( what choice do we have with no delivery slots? With so many shortages we have to go back in the hope that what we need will be in this time.)
              If I didn't go to mum's she would have to go into a home, she really needs a lot of input, things like throwing things away in her fridge which she doesn't realise have gone off or are well out of date.
              I know it sounds dramatic, but I know for a fact my mum would rather not be here than be unvisited.
              I love FB normally but I am reading so much unhelpful, and almost snug in some cases, advice which is stressing me.
              I think for a while I will just post the daily happy photo which I am doing, then close without reading anything else.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem we feel like lepers , as we live in a cul-de-sac that is made up of mostly apart from maybe 4 households mainly over 60's it is so quiet no one going out don't even see anyone to wave too ,
                Some people have like yourself no choice but go out
                We were saying today we are lucky B's sister lives over road to his Mam but she is 66 , if she wasn't there we would maybe have to consider moving his Mam in with us as a temp matter , trouble there would be ,
                1 she wouldn't leave her house
                2 after a few days I would want to kill her .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning.

                  Gem, we have to do what we have to do,when we making sure the oldies are ok.
                  A few days ago i asked mam and dad if they wanted me to stop going for a while.
                  They both said no way. they don't want anyone to keep away.

                  Oma, best if your MIL stays at home then.
                  We don't want you up for murder, especially during these trying times.

                  Ah well, going to get some washing sorted,and have breakfast while the washer is doing it's thing.

                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning Nan2, and everyone else, and a Happy Mother's Day.

                    It helps me that you are seeing your in laws, Nan2. I sometimes feel I am the only one seeing any family
                    Enjoy your day as much as you can ladies. It will be a strange Mothers Day for most. You may not see your family, but I know they love you all.

                    Mother's Day flowers for all of us

                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning.

                      Gem, I can understand how you are feeling, it’s very difficult. I feel bad when DD does shopping for us but I don’t know what we’d do without her.

                      The people I get cross with are those like all the crowds congregating at our local beaches yesterday! Thousands! And those families going off to camp sites now the schools are closed! Australia closed Bondi Beach because it was so crowded. What is wrong with people? I despair.

                      A quick trip to the shop doesn’t compare with that, your DM is very lucky to have you x

                      I hope to see DD later, at least to chat at a distance. That’s all we can hope for.

                      Have a lovely day everyone 💐

                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        Good morning from me to everyone. Thank goodness, the sun is shining and the wind has dropped.

                        Gem - I think you and Nanto are heroes for doing all that you are for your parents. There's no way you should feel guilty about having to keep shopping because you can't get essentials because stupid, thoughtless, selfish people have cleared the shelves. The thing that worries me is that you must take utmost care all the time and I'm sure that adds to the stress. Sending hugs. xx

                        Enfys - I'm sure your DD, like Oma's, is just happy that she can help with shopping etc. As mums and grandmas we're used to being the ones who do the caring, helping and supporting, and it's hard to have that turned on its head so it's our children helping us. I'm finding that the hardest thing of all, but imagine how awful they would feel if they didn't help and we got the virus! We have to allow them to do what they can to care for us, and be thankful that they are near enough to do so. There must be a lot of adult children who are beating themselves up because they are too far away to help. People like WeeGranny, Clover, and several others come to mind.

                        Gem - thank you for the beautiful flowers for Mother's Day. I'm sure it won't be like most Mother's Day for most of us, but we can celebrate later when all this is over.

                        Love to you all. xxx

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Yesterday on FB I had to tell my Niece ( Martins DD) off , she was moaning that old people were panic buying and she couldn't get Baby Milk and Nappies

                          Since when did pensioners need Baby milk and Nappies ? she also didn't think it was fair they got to shop a hour earlier than most ,

                          I couldn't keep quiet I had to put her in her place and told her to remember most over 70's cannot dash like younger people or rugby scrum through the crowds and she also had a 86yr old grandmother who although fit for her age cant do the mad dash or stock pile ,
                          She also said that some people didn't look disabled and were fitter than her ( shes 22) so I pointed out uncle B looks fine but look at his problems and someone with no immune system doesn't always look ill ,I was so angry with her ,

                          She did come back and say she wasn't judging and didn't mean it like that it was just everyone was pushing and shoving and panic buying ,
                          NO she said the elderly were preventing you getting baby stuff ,

                          Honestly if she was in front of me yesterday I would of slapped her.

                          Our Martin phoned me he was furious with her and had rang her and gave her a telling off too , he said she was a idiot .

                          At 22 she can fight her way around a supermarket and she's fit and healthy but no consideration for older people like B's Mam

                          Rant over
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Right now ive had my Rant I will wish you all a happy mothers day

                            We busy making Corned beef and potato pies for freezer , just waiting for potatoes to cool down ,

                            DS rang we going to Face time the children during week that's best we can do for now , He was going to come over and put card through letter box and the children could talk to us through the window but told him not too it would be too hard for us too see them like that .
                            DD rang she's popping over with my card and flowers but again they going on door step .

                            The sun is out so at least looks good ,
                            Have a good day ladies even though it will be a quiet one xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              We have been told we are heading for the same situation as Italy is in if we don't take care to isolate and not make unnecessary trips out, so what are those idiots doing filling the beaches and piers, apparently Snowdon was crowded yesterday. We are heading for shutdown at this rate. A lot of people feel it doesn't apply to them. I see the NT have now shut their gardens. I know I am lucky to have my DD and Sil next door and can chat to you lovely ladies. It is GGS's birthday today and I will not be able to see him.

                              Oma, We don't want to visit you in prison, sounds as if your Sil's DD needs a slap.

                              Nanto, your in-laws depend on you so much.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Oma, good for you telling your niece! Old people stock piling baby food and nappies indeed!
                                Neither could I see my GC through a window and not be close to them, it would be harder than them not being here and just facetiming.
                                I hope the little one has a lovely birthday Plant. I know you must miss seeing him.
                                Beaches around here are very crowded in Yorkshire too. When we go we will find a quiet isolated one, not one of the main popular ones as apparently they are more crowded than in high summer!

                                I went over to see my mum, briefly and kept my distance. She partly understands what's going on, but not fully, so it's hard. I took her a little goody box of the food she would have eaten here. In the end she decided not to come, which I felt was a wise decision.
                                DD3 is coming over soon for a while and we are going to sit in the garden (her choice)
                                We all plan a video call later today.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

