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    Goodness me, Lizzie48 (is that your age by the way?) and Oma, I can't think of anything worse than decorating. I am hopeless, OH used to do all the decorating, I pay someone to do it now. Good exercise.

    New television just been delivered but he couldn't take the old one, not allowed, so now I will have to store it somewhere. Sil will set it up for me later. I have paid £15 for them to take away the old television. The heating engineer is coming this afternoon to hopefully fix my heating, I am managing in this fine weather. I forgot to switch the immersion on yesterday so had a very lukewarm shower this morning.

    I am confused, are you not supposed to drive somewhere to exercise your pets?
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Plant, I think 48 may be Lizzie's birth year. I know she is older than me.
      Plant, I'm confused about the driving to exercise or walk pets too. It makes no sense if it's not allowed.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Well we are soon running out of heating oil .... it’s on order but we don’t know when it will be delivered. Hopefully very soon. We’ve had to turn the heating off! Fortunately we have lit the wood burner. We will light the other one later as it heats the water so we’ll be able to shower. DIL is Midwife so she has to work and eldest DS manages motor part delivery depot so he has gone in but they have shut their face to face retail counter. Other DIL has had to close both her Salons (she is the main income) and younger DS can work at home on the days he’s not looking after the children! It is such a worry. We live in a beautiful hamlet with a tiny PO/shop that sells limited items.... we have had people driving here to buy stuff... it’s frustrating because we can’t just walk round the corner to a butcher or supermarket several times to see what stock they have , fortunately at the moment we have everything we need (except the heating oil) oh to be able to have gas! 😏 Stay safe ladies xx
        Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


          Beautiful sunshine today,making it feel quite mild out there.

          Plant,we pay for the decorating as well now.

          out on the line.
          All downstairs has been cleaned, will do upstairs tomorrow.

          Ordered a new recorder from Currys for the conservatory. It arrived this morning.
          Instead of signing for it,i had to stay in the back porch,he brought it down, put it on the step then took a photo.

          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Plant, was that so, I was born in 1948, that makes me, almost 72 years old and shattered! I have finished the decorating though so will recover.


              Finished the painting for today .
              Plant I love decorating but the stairs are too high for me to climb up ladders too these days so we will get a decorator in for those although now SIL is off he could do them
              New microwave just arrived should have been here Saturday . The Delivery man put it on door step rang bell then stood on other side of street then when I opened door shouted over asking my name for his little hand held computer thing ,

              It's so quiet out we have a highway beyond the tree line at the back of our house , you only hear a sort of hum from the traffic but there is nothing today .
              Not one car in our cul-de-sac has moved today only people been in the street is delivery vans and Bin man
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Originally posted by Enfys View Post
                Daisy, any tips for reducing our meat intake would be gratefully received. I’ve been googling. 🙂

                I really feel for all our NHS staff, they have a tough enough time anyway but it must be terrible now.
                Enfys, One really nice, healthy and light meal is souffle omelette provided you can get eggs. You just use your normal number of eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks and whisk the whites until they form soft peaks. Lightly whisk the yolks and season. Fold them into the whites, and cook as usual, finishing off under the grill to 'set' properly. You can grate some cheese on top before grilling if you wish.

                Plant, what a nuisance they couldn't take your old tv away. I hope your DS can set it up ok for you.

                Avo - I sympathise about the heating oil. I still remember the worry of needing it way back in the 70s with the oil crisis. There was no gas in our village and power cuts. We had an open fire and an electric immersion heater which we couldn't afford to run - plus two little ones in nappies. I hope your order arrives soon - it really is hard having no proper access to hot water and heating. thank goodness the weather is on your side for a few days. It's hard for both your DSs and DILs. I do hope your midwife DIL stays safe - babies will keep coming, irrespective of Coronavirus, but it must be dreadfully hard trying to reassure brand new mums. I would be worried sick if I was a new mum in the present crisis. How selfish of people to drive to your tiny corner shop, and no doubt emptying the shelves.

                Lizzie and Oma - well done on getting your decorating done. You both make me feel very lazy.

                I've hand-weeded the beds in the greenhouse, and am waiting for OH to help me put the staging back in. It takes both of us to position bricks under the legs of the staging to stop them sinking into the soil.

                Nanto - it's strange isn't it handing things over like that. Still, nice to have a new recorder.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  It's very quiet out isn't it Oma? We remarked at how many cars are on drives.
                  You are a busy bee Lizzie! And Nan2!
                  Avo I hope you get the oil soon.
                  I hope your new TV is soon set up Plant. More time for TV watching these days!
                  Daisy, OH is sorting out our greenhouse too.

                  It was nice to have a walk today. Tomorrow we may walk somewhere else.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gem, on channel 5 news they were filming in York.
                    Saw the odd one or two folk walking about.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Oh, no Nan2, DD3 was hoping no one watched Channel 5 news. She was interviewed, according to her, crying with no make up on, on a run. She doesn't know why she talked to them! She's mortified. I haven't seen it.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Oh, Gem, you can be sure you're never at your best when someone takes a candid photo of you or catches you for an interview. Tell DD3 she's probably said what most of us are thinking or feeling. xx

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Every time I read about Nanto's delicious pies, I drool. So today I had a go! Null points for presentation, but it tasted ok.

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                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Looks scrummy to me Daisy.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Thank you, Nanto. I still haven't learned how to keep the crust on the edge of the pie dish though! I put a base collar on the edge first but half of it fell off within a matter of minutes in the oven!
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Never mind what it looked like....did it taste good? I love a good Scottish steak pie!
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

