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    My family are having a 5 way video call this evening, my DD had a video choir practise yesterday. I am so pleased I have the internet so can chat to you lovely ladies and some friends.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Oma - your niece is young, and no doubt worried about getting what her baby needs - but I would have still slapped her!!! I can understand, but her logic has gone out of the window! Yes, we need to keep you out of prison, young lady!

      Plant - I think that's it - people don't think the rules apply to them. I haven't taken Eva into the Forest today because it's a lovely sunny day and I bet there will be lots of families out enjoying the spring weather. Most of the isolated places I know in the Forest are too wet to walk in at the moment, and of course, we've still got Alabama Rot to think about.

      Both DSs rang this morning for a long chat, so it was lovely to hear from them. DS2 persuaded DIL not to come over with flowers and a card, or go to her mum's, so DIL, who is notoriously hopeless with flowers is now custodian our two bouquets and will be sending photos every day so we can enjoy them at a distance! DIL1 Face timed me this afternoon. She was a Face Time virgin - Mrs Tech-Savvy herself had never used FT before, but she'd got her work iPad set up on her desk and thought she'd give it a go! We had a lovely chat and a good laugh. They have been self-isolating since Tuesday, apart from DS1 going into Boots yesterday because it was quiet to ask if they'd got hand sanitiser. The answer was 'no'.

      Gem - that was thoughtful of you to take your mum the goodies she would have had at your house.

      My friend M, has shunned all technology - she has a very basic phone to use when she's travelling and that's all. She has various activities every day and I've been worrying how she'd cope now they are all cancelled and she can't even go down to the library to use their computers, especially as she's got very elderly relatives in America. Then today when we were chatting, she said her nephew had rung her and told her he was getting her an iPad, and he would set it up for her and send it down from Leeds, where he lives. I thought that was so kind of him, and I'm also very relieved as it makes it so much easier for everyone to keep in touch with her.

      I've done some gardening today - trimmed the edges of the lawn and cut it again - I'm gradually getting is down to a reasonable level. Just off to cook dinner - turkey stirfry is on the cards, and Eva has just come to remind me that it's past her dinner time.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Im speechless at the moment

        B rang his Mother earlier she said she is going into Town tomorrow she's sick of staying in and doesn't care .

        She is 86 is on antibiotics for a chest infection and has plenty around her to get her shopping .so no need to go anywhere ,

        This is a woman who should know better ,

        Brian ended up shouting at her he is beyond angry with her , his Sister rang she said if she goes out she will refuse to go over and anything she gets she will just leave on doorstep .

        B said Mam I cant talk to you anymore I have to calm down I will ring during the week , B doesn't loss his temper so I was shocked when he raised his voice at her but I totally back him up , His Sister was in tears and she shows no emotion to anything but I think anger got the better of her too .

        She always has to make a drama of everything , im hoping she doesn't go and sees sense but I doubt it ,
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oh dear, I can understand B being cross with her. Perhaps she needs to know if people still keep going out and mixing we will be in a shutdown situation. They had to get the police to clear Southend beach (I think it was), what are these people thinking of.

          What a good idea and kind of your friend's son to get his mother an Ipad Daisy.

          Spent a lovely couple of hours in my sunroom with my knitting and audible story. It is full of spiders webs, I need to empty it and give it a clean.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Today was mixture of happy and sad.
            No reason for the sadness except it seemed so odd for the 4 of us to chat online (me and the 3 DDs, with GC chipping in!)
            A happy time in the garden having tea and cake with DD3, keeping our proper distance. It was a lovely sunny afternoon, and warm enough with coats on. We heard the family whose garden backs onto ours in their hot tub!
            Your MIL will be very silly if she goes out Oma. If shes sick of being in now, she wont last the proposed 12 weeks!
            Plant, cleaning the conservatory should be on our Being In More list!

            It's madness seeing coverage of all the crowds out today. I fear we will face lockdown if people are so stupid.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oma, you mentioned baby milk.

              DS1 called in Asda yesterday. he has a pal who works there.
              He told DS that pensioners have been buying baby milk. they said they would use it if they can't get any ordinary milk.

              DS1 is off work. He works in waste disposal. The powers that be,rang him today, and told him to close 5 sites because of the virus.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Oh dear. Why are people being so illogical & uncaring. I have full faith that my DD who lives close & my neighbours will help us if we run out of things & can't get the essentials. I'm staying home but OH is still ok to shop.

                Thanks for Mother's Day flowers Nan2 & Gem.

                (Going on Virus thread now as I'd rather not make Chat Away miserable).
                Last edited by Nana; 22-03-2020, 08:34 PM.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Good morning.Hope everyone is keeping well.

                  Frosty start,but the sun is shining.

                  Going to be strange for me,not going to in laws.

                  Dinner today is corned beef and onion pie,mash,mixed veg and gravy.
                  Pie is a biggish one,so it will do for tomorrow as well.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good Nan2 and everyone else.

                    I am having my reflexology this morning. Reflexologist and I have messaged about it and as long as she and I are well and not been in contact with anything, we decided to go ahead with it. When working on the feet you are a good distance from each other! I have my treatments on my own couch, which lays back, so my head is a long way from her. I'm sure she would anyway, but I will ask her to wash her hands when she arrives.
                    Later OH and I may drive out somewhere to walk, away from people.

                    Stay safe ladies, whatever your plans for today are.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning ladies ,
                      Nanto we have a big pan of Broth ready will have dumplings with that and the rest will do for tomorrow too

                      Gem enjoy your reflexology you deserve a pampering , give our lv to S and tell her we will see yous as soon as this is all over.

                      I am having 5 mins to have a cupper , im in the middle of painting the kitchen and dinning room walls , doing a bit at a time rather than ploughing through , we have all the time in the world , no Dog or GS coming and going ,

                      Have a good day ladies I know nothing exciting can happen but none the less enjoy what you are doing , keep the good old British upper lip stiff
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning Oma
                        At least we always have GransRus to dip in and out of if we can't do much else
                        Looking forward to getting together as soon as it's possible.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Lovely and sunny again, I hope to have time in the sunroom again. DD and Sil managed to play in the garden with GGS but he didn't want them to leave, his mother said he keeps asking where they are going today. DD and Sil walked there and back, it was 8 miles, they are trying to keep their fitness level up.

                          Pleased to hear you are getting some reflexology Gemini and sitting in the garden with your DD.

                          Are your in-laws okay knowing you are not going to be visiting them, is your OH going to be poping in?

                          Sorry Gemini, haven't noticed The Being in More Thread, must do better next time.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good morning ladies. Just a quick 'hello' as OH is waiting for me to go and tell him where I want hooks putting in my summerhouse! Important stuff going on in the Daisy Domain, eh!!

                            It's a beautiful sunny day, so we're going to take Eva to the paddock at lunch-time - timing it for when the paddock owner will be inside having lunch!

                            I am disgusted at all the people who thronged in open places yesterday, putting so many at risk. It was so bad here that from midnight today all the car parks on the New Forest will be closed until further notice. It doesn't matter much to me as I can walk - the Forest starts at the end of our road - but for dog walkers living two or 3 miles away it will make a huge difference. Most of us are the sensible ones who try to avoid other people normally because our dogs need to.

                            Oma - I don't know what I'd say to your MIL! B must have been really angry with her, and M must be furious too.

                            Plant - poor little GGS - he's old enough to express his feelings but a bit to young to really understand why things have changed. Bless him. I hope he enjoyed his birthday anyway. xx

                            Nanto - it will be a real worry if waste disposal sites have to close for 12 weeks.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Plant, in laws are fine about me not going.

                              DS1 was told yesterday his site was closing. he works in waste management.
                              He's at the site today,to explain to anyone that comes,why its closed.
                              Sounds barmy to us.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good afternoon. Nice and sunny here today but that chilly wind again, brrr!! Managed to get washing dried outside and made a cake this morning. Also, DS FaceTimed this morning. Things are getting worse in Australia, you can’t cross from one state to another now and he is working from home although schools are still,open.

                                Felt so sorry for DD today. She wasn’t looking forward to going into work (building society) and she was so right. They were fully staffed and were rushed off their feet. They had been instructed to only allow 5 people at a time into the building, 5 cashiers so that made sense. Of course people were kicking off sbout that, the queue was right down the high street and people wouldn’t keep their distance from each other or the cashiers. One customer was asked to leave as he was being very abusive to the cashier. People were coming to to just have a book made up!

                                Then to cap it all, she had a call from GS who is working from home to say he had just come round from a seizure, so she had to rush home! Poor girl, luckily GS seems ok now, but he has bitten his tongue badly and has been sick a couple of times. What a day for her. They have been told now that opening hours will be from 10 until 2 so that’s better, but people will complain I’m sure.

                                I’m pleased I booked my online shop, there’s nothing to be had at all. I am looking at different ways to use my supplies, to make them go as far as I can and be as varied as possible. We have also decided to have 2 or 3 meat free meals every week.

                                Otherwise, didn’t do much else today apart from a quick look at my new family tree programme, well, it was going to be a quick look carried away a bit.

                                Enjoy your evening everyone. 🙂

                                Last edited by Enfys; 23-03-2020, 05:13 PM.
                                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

