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    Gem - how could you have forgotten your quiz night. I've jut been catching up with my friend who organises our golf club lunches, and we both agreed, we never knew the bins being emptied could be so exciting!

    Plant - it's good to hear things are a bit more relaxed in Sydney.

    WeeGranny - I'm sorry you've had a difficult couple of weeks. Squirrels seem to be very clever at finds things to eat, especially things they're not supposed to be eating!

    Gem - I do hope your DD3 is ok. You can't help worrying, but she must be disappointed about her wedding and be missing you all. I hope the sun shone for your walk this afternoon.

    I was a good girl this morning and spent a long time pushing the sucky up thing round. Not something I enjoy, but the house does look better for a bit of TLC!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gem,sorry to hear your DD is struggling. Hope she manages to perk up.

      This morning we had sunshine alternating with cloud, then we had a shower about 3ish.
      Sun is shining again now.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Oh Gem poor girl I bet she needs a hug of Mum and you need a hug from her . When this is all over you won't want to let them go . It's so frustrating you want to protect her but can do nothing . This is effecting people in strange ways . Hope she's ok xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Mimi - sorry our posts crossed earlier!

          I think your rain dance with your bistro set has worked - down here anyway. There are storm warnings apparently for tomorrow. I had to rush out and mow the lawn and trim the edges before it disappears in the floods.

          But we did get to sit in the garden this evening with our restorative glass of Ribena.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy you are kidding nobody, Ribena? Might be a similar colour.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Just catching up with everything you've all been doing. Oma that must have been such a hard thing to do but also a loving thing to be able to do. I imagine that you feel a little better for having done it & sent it.

              Enfys, I hope you're alright. Clover & Glam my heart goes out to you both. You must miss your OHs terribly. Love to you ladies who need it just now.xx
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                Good morning, lovely and sunny here, it is a bank holiday here today to mark the end of the war, it was going to be a special one with lots of celebrations, not to be! Remembrance service yesterday evening in Amsterdam, usually packed, just the King and a few others, he did make a very touching speech.

                Gem, I hope your DD3 soon gets to see the rest of the family and life gets back to what it was.

                Oma, I hope the card arrives, the one I posted to my BIL for his birthday took 2 weeks.

                I was out on the bike yesterday and got some veg from the growers, a cauliflower and strawberries I delivered to DS2 and family. I got something new for myself, Kai choi? Mustard green, I did it in a stir fry and it was very tasty. I was running out of cash to pay for all this as we pay with our cards in the shops as often as we can, I did forget mine in a shop last week though! A neighbour has a grower son and he has one of those automatic stalls where you put money in and choose a door to open, he ends up with lots of cash, my neighbour takes it to the bank for them so I asked him to save €20 for me, handy to have in my pocket, he came upstairs yesterday afternoon with it so I have plenty to last a while now.

                For all that I have missed out, sorry!
                Last edited by Lizzie48; 05-05-2020, 05:41 AM.


                  Good morning Lizzie and all who follow.

                  Beautiful sunshine this morning.

                  Off to in laws in 1½ hours.

                  Hope everyone has a good a day as possible.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good moaning each,
                    Easing into the day with a cup of tea before I do anything. (not strictly true, I have taken some rubbish out, tidied up etc.) It’s not such a good day here, dull, windy and chilly.
                    I’m having a few days off from sewing as there are other things I must do, one being a visit to our local garden centre which will open for a few hours everyday. I will judge whether I get out of the car when I get there. If not I will send OH in with a list, at least he can bring stuff to the fence for me to say yes or no! This is because of a lack of germination from seeds. The sweet peas were a mix of saved seed from last year and a new packet. I’ve got three measly seedlings! Never heard of before in Grauntie land.
                    Apart from that it’s hicework. 🤨
                    Onward and upward, sitting around here won’t get the baby bathed.
                    Have a good day all, well, the best you can under the circumstances.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      Good morning each and every one, including Nanto's happy little chappie.

                      Grauntie - what it it with seeds this year! Are they just being contrary, knowing we can't just nip out and replace them!! I've never had such miserable efforts - but the seeds would complain that they are old and tired not fresh young things newly arrived for this season! I hope you can get what you want, but do be careful. I'm sure OH would be very happy to go and shop your list.

                      The promised downpour hasn't arrived (yet!). It's quite breezy but mild and sunny.

                      After being such a domestic goddess yesterday I think I deserve a day off! After all, I need to prepare for one of the week's three exciting events tonight!

                      I hope all are well.

                      Love and hugs to those who need a few extra at the moment. xxx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning everyone.

                        Lizzie yesterday would be May Day bank holiday here normally, but this year they moved it to Friday 8th, VE Day.
                        I have SO much cash at the moment! Mum used to pay me in cash for her shopping, and our neighbours who we shop for don't do online bank transfers, so pay us in cash. No one wants cash these days. I gave the person who made our masks cash, and the window cleaner, and the odd time I have shopped at a self checkout. Otherwise it's cards all the way!
                        I hope your in laws are well Nan2.
                        Grauntie, I hope you get what you want at the garden centre. This is the first year ever my OH has lack of success with seeds. She had to give in and order some plants from a garden centre last week.
                        Daisy, you deserve a restful day!

                        Sunny here today, with clouds. No plans here, apart from a family video chat for DD3's birthday this evening, so I will report back later what we actually do.

                        Have a good one ladies
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies
                          Its rained most of the night and it's not quite bright yet still dull .

                          We have very little in our pots . The lily's are going strong and the Fushia I paid 48p for in Morrisons as tiny plants are coming through again,
                          We are having a struggle with the bulbs we planted , only 2 Gladioli's are coming up and no sign of the early Dahlia's at all .

                          Its my Dear Father's memory today and funnily enough my Brother's funeral will be the day before my Fathers funeral was . All a bit much really but life goes on and nothing can bring them back so we must be brave and handle it xx

                          Have a good day ladies Gem hope DD enjoys her Birthday xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Well, I didn't wake up until nearly 10am, I did wake at 8 for a wee but got back into bed and the next thing I knew was my DD coming in to ask me if I wanted another rock cake. I think breakfast will run into lunch.

                            Sunny here atm, not sure what the forecast is.

                            Nanto, love the graphic, hope the in-laws are keeping well. I bet your OH is missing his boot sales.

                            I don't grow from seeds anymore, I am missing visiting my favourite garden centre. One of our very local shops is very enterprising and has loads of different plants outside his shop, plus hanging baskets. One of his customers posts photos of the display outside his shop on the local website. The vegetables and fruit also look lovely and fresh and he had flour before the supermarkets. If only I could go and look at the plants.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Can it get any worse .
                              Today is my fathers Memory now just had a phone call to say my Uncle died in his sleep this morning. I'm not answering the phone anymore today
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oh no, you are going through it!

