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    Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

    I like the cheery teddy Nan2
    Your GD will appreciate your help with the 'decorating' I'm sure Daisy!
    Enjoy your mince pies with friends Grauntie. I have had far too much of that sort of thing recently!

    We watched the Paddington film on TV last night. We had seen Paddington 2 at the cinema, but had never seen the first one. We then watched the Christmas edition of Dancing On Ice, which begins for real on December 5th. I was very tired and kept falling asleep, but enjoyed all that I saw
    This morning my OH is heading out to do our fresh food shopping, just a few things. I will wrap her presents while she's out and strip our bed and dust and hoover the bedroom. We have a friend staying tomorrow night (which I will write about somewhere at some point!) The spare bed is made up so I think I just need to dust and hoover in there and put towels out for her. The Christmas cake is still dressed in only marzipan, so icing that is on the list for today too.
    It's panto night. My 3DDs, 1 SIL and 2 of my GC and I are meeting at Pizza Express for tea then onto the panto

    Have a good day everyone.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Morning ladies just a quick hello we heading out for B's appointment at Hospital , then take his Mams present over then to Aldi forgot Cream and Milk ,
      Will be back later bye for now xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning. Bright and sunny here this morning.

        Had a lovely long chat with DS yesterday. They were at their beach house on the coast and said they could smell the smoke even though fires are quite a long way off. Even DIL complained about the extreme heat..47degrees one day 🥵

        I managed to get my walk in yesterday, must keep on track. We are going out for coffee this morning to the garden centre for a last minute look round and I might buy a pot of something for the front door step.

        Hope you all have a good day 🌞
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Morning from a very wet Bratislava!Think rain has followed us from UK. No trip to Vienna because it’s the same there! Hope all well with everyone! X
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Morning ladies sorry I didn’t get back yesterday, our friends stayed quite a long time which was nice but didn’t get our tea till late watched recording of Boe and Ball and fell asleep again. I don’t sleep well when the kids have a sleepover well you wouldn’t would you when there is 3 in the bed ,grandad gets to sleep in the spare room, lucky him , the twins won’t sleep on their own yet in the spare room , I try to sneak away after an hour but they wake up later shouting me
            A few of you asked about my bladder pain thank you, it wasn’t so good the night the twins stopped but last night and through the day it wasn’t so bad but it’s a such a discomfort when it starts , so hopefully I will remain ok through Xmas
            Off in the shower Gem like you I’m going with eldest g/d and Dd to pantomime, Little Red Riding Hood at the City Varieties where they used to have the Good Old Days some of you will remember it , we are at the matinee and Bella Italia for tea Dd always treats me as a thank you for being her mum bless her .
            Leaving OH with jobs , bedding gone in washer he will put it in drier then and put another load in after , also Mr Tesco arriving at 3 ish so food to sort can’t leave him with nothing to do 😂
            Oma bet your still buzzing after the family visit , WG what a Shame about the Vienna trip
            Enfys enjoy your coffee out
            Daisy your turn to be knackered by the sound of it , my eldest g/d asked if she could come for a sleepover during the school break , I asked when and for how long , she mentioned a week and I passed out !!!!!!
            Gem quick flick of the duster and the sucky up thing will be fine I’m guessing this lady who is staying could be the one that recently had a bit of a break up ?
            Have a good day ladies


              Good morning ladies.

              Cooper and Eva are both hassling me to play - what on earth do they think the other dog is for!! The GDs are super-excited. I promised them we'd make Christmas decs for their parents' bedroom, and got everything read last night, except printing out the templates which I left till this morning. And the s***ing printer won't work! I hate printers!! Hopefully OH can fix it when he comes back from the marathon supermarket sweep.

              They have brought an ice tray mould of unicorn heads and want to make chocolate unicorns as well. We can't do that until OH comes back bearing huge blocks of chocolate. We could start on making cup cakes, I suppose. I'd better get back to the fray!

              I really do hope to be back later.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Welcome back, Sunshine. How was the cruise - the photos on FB looked lovely? xx
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Ooh yes Sunshine, do tell
                  WG, damn that rain.
                  Daisy, I hate printers too Happy chocolate and cake making!
                  Qwerty, well guessed, it is that lady. Enjoy your panto. DD2 always pays for my meals out to thank me for all I do. DD1 is more tight with her money

                  Well OH is back from Tesco, and said it wasn't too bad. We have everything we need now - we hope! I walked down to the village for a couple of things while she was out. Nice sunny morning here.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Well I'm being a lazy bones & a Bah Humbug, the latter never ever happens. Lots to do & feeling swamped by it all ...hence me resting before I start what will be a hard day. After DD's, my batteries are drained to almost nothing. "🎼🎵🎶I will survive."

                    Went to finish my mini Christmas cakes & they had all gone mouldy! Never!! How? Wrapped in foil, airtight tin, what? To be honest I laughed cos that's just how things are going at present. At least the sloe gin I make for a gift got OH's approval.

                    Must get on & get all the chores done & dusted (literally). Gem & Qwerty I really envy you your panto. Gem when I see your picture of you all there each yr I wish I could do it. Seats are so very expensive now to any theatre productions. I hope you both enjoy it.x
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Oh what a shame about the mouldy cakes Nana
                      Yes we love our panto. It's a thing I have done with family all my life, since my own childhood, and all the years my OH worked at that theatre we were even more involved, of course. It is expensive but as we have to book in spring, at least it doesn't add to Christmas costs.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Hallo everyone, you are all very busy today! Weegran, I loved Bratislavia when we visited years ago.

                        Gem, enjoy the panto. Qwerty, what is the problem with your bladder? I have been in pain all the weekend, got to pick antibiotics up later this afternoon, just seems to go on and on! You will be tired after having the GC to stay over.

                        Daisy, printers can be very awkward! I had to scan a photo yesterday for my passport and took a while to get it right.

                        Nana, pity about your mini Christmas cakes, I can imagine you laughing after all the worries you have had, a cake is a cake after all.

                        I have done my voluntary work this morning, only 2 of the ladies turned up, one is very, what can I call it, b####y. Well in her 80's and always has nasty comments. I am not the only one with that opinion. When they left I had to make coffee etc for a group of people that go for a walk, only been going a few weeks, started with 2 or 3 people but now 20+, they walk for one hour then have coffee on their return. After all that coffee making I don't want anymore today.


                          Morning all.

                          Tesco delivery has just arrived. The desserts I had ordered to take to DS’s and DIL’s look delicious. I’m taking in total 3 puds. One traditional Christmas pudding, a chocolate tiffin star and a Millionaire’s Chocolate Dessert with a Piñata Topping . Hopefully that covers all tastes .

                          Daisy don’t talk to me about printers ! I have had several over many years and whatever make I buy they are absolute b*****s !

                          Nana what a disappointment with your Christmas cake, all that hard work for nothing.

                          Qwerty I hope your bladder doesn’t cause you too much pain

                          I have stripped the bed this morning and it’s all on the line, in the machine now is the cats’ feeding mat and cover I put on top of our bed in the day as she tends to sneak on there when my back is turned. If I didn’t cover our bed we would have muddy paw prints all over the duvet cover.

                          Have a good day everyone

                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            What a lot of busy bees you are ladies. Qwerty what a shame you had the difficulty at the check-out, sound lovely presents for their mum and dad. Hope that pain keeps away over Christmas.

                            Sorry the trip to Vienna wasn't possible WG, hope the weather improves.

                            Daisy, the girls will love their decorating, hope you survive.

                            I have just had my hair trimmed and am about to make another batch of mince pies to take to GS (home from Birmingham Uni) tomorrow. We had a lovely evening with the family yesterday.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Nana, such a shame about your cakes.
                              We had a cuppa earlier and sampled one of the fruit cakes i made yesterday
                              Safe to say,it's ok to offer to visitors.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Hi everyone. Well I’m home from the cruise. It was wonderful. We had quite a few really sunny days. We did have some rough waters though, but that doesn’t bother me in the least. I’m so lucky not to be troubled with sea sickness. I enjoyed the spa and the mineral pool. I had two of the best back and shoulder massages that I’ve ever experienced.
                                I am off to my daughters tomorrow for my GD’s 18th birthday party. I don’t know where those 18 years have gone! I will be staying overnight and then we all get together at my son’s for Christmas Day. We are all looking forward to it. My son was so ill last Christmas while he was waiting for his lung transplant. This year he is amazingly well after the very successful operation in April. I will then stay for a few days with my DS, DIL and GS2.
                                Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.

