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    Morning ladies , been up since 4.50 not as early as some of you but couldn’t stand the bladder pain had to get up and sort myself out . Got the twins from lunchtime today with a sleepover, so mum and dad can wrap presents put together everything that needs building etc , I am taking twins in to village to buy mum and dad presents they have £10 each to spend so hopefully we will get fixed up then Xmas cookie baking .
    Hope all poorly people are on the mend, and those who arnt hope you will be before Xmas .
    Gem looks like you will be going car shopping after new year or even before you could have done without it but these things happen
    Thanks for the e mail card beautiful
    Enjoy your weekend whatever your doing


      My ecard is beautiful, thank you admin.

      Good morning all . I had the headache from hell these past two days and I put it down to the news I had from DS2 . He went for his asthma check up and nurse has said his blood pressure is very high so they have upped his meds, he is boarder line diabetic and his asthma treatment has been changed as he has been on the same for many years . He has to go back in January for another check up and to get the results from all the blood tests he had.
      He feels he can’t win, he never eats junk food, hardly drinks and on the whole is extremely fit , what with working outdoors and his gym indoors!

      Nan2, lovely graphic.

      Enfys what a nuisance about your washing machine. I have read that Hotpoint have dragged their heels when it came to announcing to the public about the problems and some of the machines due to be recalled are still on sale !

      Did anyone see Michael Ball and Alfie Boe on tv last night ? Shirley Bassey was on and whether you like her or not you have to admit that she can still sing just as powerful at the age of 82 !

      Have a a good day ladies
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Wee Granny - I'm sorry I missed your post last night. Enjoy the blue sky and sunshine. Have a lovely time with DS, we'll be thinking of you enjoying yourselves. xx

        Mimi - I'm so sorry your DS is having such a hard time health-wise. I think it can be difficult to tell how, or if, one medication is affecting something else. I hope they can get his blood pressure to a better level, while still balancing his blood sugars. Sending you a hug, because we mums always worry about our children, no matter what age they are.

        Qwerty - I hope you have a lovely time with the twins. I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain. It was awful having your appointment cancelled like that. Take care of yourself and don't overdo things. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Mimi, we saw that on TV last night.
          I'm sorry you had the terrible headache and worries over DS's health.
          Qwerty, I feel sorry for you with the pain. I hope the little ones take your mind off it.
          Oma, you have the good sense to know not to eat branflakes at night!! So do I now
          I hope you enjoy brunch and the film.

          I'm back from the booksale/coffee morning. We had a fair few, more than I expected so close to Christmas, so it was worth going.
          Lunch now then off to my Mum's.
          I think I misled some of you. It wasn't my last full day with GS as I will have him all day each Friday until he starts school In September. From then on just school holidays and school pick up with his sister. I meant it was the last December day, as next Christmas I will be picking him up from school.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem - it's good to see the book sale was better supported than you expected. I hope your mum's ok this afternoon.

            It's quite possible that GS2's last day of term will be an early finish - so you'll still have him for half a day next December. It doesn't seem possible he'll be starting school in September though!

            Just catching up on a few posts I missed this morning.

            Nana - thank goodness things are finally looking up, even the weather was on your side for the outing.

            Oma - enjoy your brunch and Cats.

            Clover - how is G today? Equally important, how are you? xx

            After two busy days with Cooper, Eva is sleeping, and the Christmas tree remains in tact!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Thanks so much for the e-card.

              Hope everyone is not too busy,busy.

              I’m going to marzipan the cake today.

              Daisy thanks for asking . G seems to be on a bit of a downer at the moment. Nights can be quite challenging.He’s started new medication today and had to stop the previous one a few weeks ago which is when I think the latest decline began. I’m hoping and praying the new lot kicks in soon as it has to be gradually introduced over 4 weeks and of course that it works! I’m plodding on. Not enjoying life much at the moment. Oh that sounds awful I know.What else can I do?

              Keep Calm and Carry On.


                Clover - my heart goes out to you, and G. It's bad enough any time, but at this time of year you must be feeling very fed up. The weather's awful, everyone is going Christmas-mad and I'm sure you just want it all over and done with. I do hope the new meds kick in as they should do and life gets a little bit easier for you.

                You know you've got a forum-full of friends here - please come and moan to us if it will help.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Clover, i hope the new medication kicks in soon.
                  I know how hard thing are for you.
                  Such a pity you aren't enjoying life at the moment.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Clover, I hope the meds kick in soon and you have a more restful night. Sending hugs and wish I lived nearer.

                    Pleased to hear the book sale went better than you thought Gemini.

                    Have a lovely shop with the twins Qwerty, I wonder what they will choose. Will J go with you.

                    All quiet here, the family are at a pre-Christmas gathering.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Clover I can't do anything practical but I can send hugs and my best wishes.
                      life can be very difficult at times and this time of year seems to magnify those difficulties doesn't it.
                      Chin up love you never know the meds might work quickly and life can get a little easier xxx

                      Qwerty shopping will be fun 😁 hope your bladder pain is better tonight and you can sleep xx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Thank you so much ladies. I know you are “ with me”.I so appreciate your love and support.xxxxxx


                          Clover I know life must seem like a complete battle, especially at this time of year . I don’t know where you get the strength from, you are truly amazing.
                          I hope OH’s meds start to work ASAP and you are able to see some improvement, especially at night.
                          Sending you lots of love and hugs x
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Clover I know how hard it must be for you. I've said it before but you must have the patience of a saint. ((((Hugs))))

                            Finished wrapping presents today. I have a fine wire stand which I put on all my 'special' decs. A ball with GS's baby footprint on, couple of things made by GC. Painted eggs which my Aunty, (like my 2nd mum) gave me. I miss her daily. Then there's a few really old (antique) ones that used to be on mum's tree from before I was born.

                            There's just the crib left to put up & all the decs are finished. The children play with it & why not. OH doing food shop while I marzipan & ice the mini Christmas cakes. I need to bottle up the sloe gin I'm making for a gift too. All that's left then is to get the spare bedroom ready for DD1 & her boys coming over.

                            OH & I also intend to make some freezer meals so it saves time that week DD is here. Never cooked Mac & cheese in slow cooker so I'll be interested to see what it's like. All this & all I want to do is sleep.
                            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                            (Doe Zantamata.)


                              Good morning ladies, how is everyone today?

                              Clover, we are always here for you, and I wish we could do more, Joining the others in hoping these meds work fast and well xx
                              I hate to think of you in such discomfort Qwerty.
                              It sounds as though you are getting on well with things Nana.

                              This afternoon there is a family get together and lunch at my ex's which we are going to. All my DDs and GC will be there.
                              This morning I plan to colour my hair, wrap the last couple of presents and ice the Christmas cake.

                              Have a good day everyone. Three more sleeps until Christmas!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Clover,i wish there was more that we could do to help.
                                We are here when yo want to get things off your chest.

                                Nana,i'm a big fan of making freezer meals.
                                I'm a bit short of space in both freezers at the moment, so haven't done any batch cooking for a couple of weeks.

                                Gem, enjoy the get together.

                                Off to in laws soon,baking fruit cakes when i get back.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

