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    Plant it's his back and nerve damage down his leg caused by the Shingles he got during Chemo. Constant pain and even Morphine doesn't take it away. They going to try some new treatment first ,goes back in 3month see how he's doing x
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Poor B Oma
      Plant, definitely not a gardening day. A day to curl up with a good book or something on telly - or make a start on Christmas cards!
      Daisy, I hope you enjoy the evening more than you think. Mum is getting on fine with her gas fire thanks. I'm impressed really

      Tomorrow night we have night away in Harrogate in one of our favourite boutique hotels, with dinner. We love it there especially in winter, all cosy with candles in the public areas. It is a treat to ourselves to go every year. It's not far, so ideal for a single night away. They email me offers and we often do this one, which is book 3 months ahead for the winter months. We have often gone in January or February but I thought a pre Christmas break not too close to Christmas was a good idea. Our neighbours whose cat we feed will come in to to see to ours as its just one night. Not much packing needed for a short stay but I will get to it at some point today.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Birthday presents safely delivered to GD2.

        Then went into town and stocked up at the butchers.
        Also managed to get some more Christmas presents.
        Only need 1 or 2 more bits,then its all done.
        We ate out in town.

        On to the supermarket then, a few more bags of stuff.
        Anyway,all put away now.

        Oma,hope the new treatment works for B.

        Gem,what a pity GD had to miss her exam.
        Will she be able to take it at a later date.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          GD may be able to retake that exam at some point, Daisy and Nan2. If not apparantly she can bypass that one and take the next one when it comes up. They don't have to progress through every level.

          It has rained on and off all day here. I'm glad to be home and not going out again.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Same here with the rain Gem.
            I don't think its a very good forecast for tomorrow either.
            Don't think i will be going out tomorrow,plenty of jobs to do, including wrapping Christmas presents.
            Also need to sort all the meat out for the freezer, just couldn't be bothered today,when we got home.

            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              It hasn't stopped raining all day and its so dark , Came out of the restaurant at 4 and it was raining so hard we had to stand in the doorway for 10 mins till it eased enough to get to the car ,

              Gem I wrote all my cards out the other day , GD wont miss out im sure they will just wait till her next level but she must have been disappointed poor thing , I hope she's feeling a bit better by tomorrow , you hate to see them poorly don't you , at least if they are naughty and noisy you know they are well xx

              Nanto best to start fresh , when your tired its such a chore xx

              Nanto the GGC are growing fast they are so cute

              Clover in this weather its best to order on line if you can saves getting wet

              Hope Daisy is dancing the night away

              Its B's Birthday on Tuesday I have been browsing the net too but cant find anything that he needs , its so difficult to buy for a man

              I have been chatting to Nana tonight she's still very sore and tired but sounds upbeat .

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Not sure if its mild or if its me, in my hot blood.

                Oma, hubby is the only one left to buy a Christmas present for.
                He says there is nothing he needs or wants.

                Gem, have a lovely night away. Hope you both come back rested and relaxed.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.
                  I like that feeling when most of the presents are bought Nan2. I'm lagging behind this year.

                  We are looking forward to our night away. I will have my phone of course so will probably say Hello.
                  We will be back tomorrow afternoon as both cats have vets appointments around 5!
                  Have a good Sunday everyone.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Wake up everyone! I thought I would be the last one posting as usual, it is nearly 10 o.clock. I have to go to JL yet again, probably today as the weather is dreary so no to gardening. I have been troubled for two days with Atrial Fibrillation for which I take 2 tabs, very annoying. Saw the GGC again yesterday, they just popped in, GGD was awake and smiling again for her GM. GS2 is home, GGS loves his uncle.

                    Enjoy your night away Gemini, what a good idea, I hope that virus has gone so that you can enjoy yourself and I hope the GC are all on the mend.

                    Men are difficult to buy for Nanto and Oma. My OH was hopeless at buying presents so we used to treat ourselves to a meal or theater tickets.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good morning everyone. I haven't just got up, but this is the first chance to call in and say 'hello'. It sounds as though we're all 'enjoying' the same sort of dismal weather. My mother always used to call this time of year 'the dark days before Christmas', and it's certainly been that just lately.

                      But at least Nanto's cheerful graphic made me think of Spring. Nanto - it's not cold - I actually woke up hot in the night!

                      Gem - I think your night away has come at the right time - good planning. Have a lovely time. I'm sure the cats will be fine - it's lovely to have a neighbour your can trust for an overnight trip.

                      Oma - poor B. I do hope they can find something to ease that awful pain.

                      Clover - what a nuisance the roof won't be repaired until next week. I hope this week stays dry for you. I'm sure it's much easier to shop online, but some things you really want to see before you buy. I know you can always return things but that's a chore in itself.

                      I wonder how Grauntie's invasion is going, and the big question - have the children cracked the code to get into the attic?

                      Last night was more enjoyable than I expected - I'll write a bit about it in my Journal.

                      OH is still asleep after a late night. I might go and get Eva to sit on him in a minute to wake him up!

                      Stay warm and dry everyone. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Afternoon all , ive had a busy morning , cleaning and shopping and giving the Oven a good clean out ,
                        Just put shower head in some Vinegar went in shower this morning and the water was spraying all different directions so it must be blocked jets ,

                        Have the darks in tumble dryer didn't intend washing today but I had several wet floor cloths that needed washing as I don't like to leave them wet so put what darks I had in too .

                        Have Dog staying tonight like Gem DD & SIL away for the night , GS1 so far is staying home unless he changes his mind later and comes to stay too

                        Daisy glad you enjoyed your night

                        Plant the AF sounds awful are you ok otherwise ? xx

                        Nanto men are so awkward arnt they

                        Gem have a lovely night away relax and don't worry about us lot xxxxx

                        Didn't sleep good again knee really playing up so may try a Nana nap later ,
                        Have a good day ladies xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Been a busy morning for me as well Oma.
                          I've washed a load of darks.
                          Sorted the meat out for the freezer.
                          Wrapped the presents we bought yesterday.
                          Written the last of the cards,the special ones.
                          Wrapped birthday presents and wrote card for GS2, partner has her birthday next Sunday.
                          Cleaned up. Realized at 11.30, that i hadn't been in the shower.
                          So,had a quick shower.
                          Easy dinner to cook,hubby asked for a pizza when we were in the supermarket yesterday.
                          Just need 5 boxes of Forrero Rocher, but hubby says he will pick them up on Tuesday,when he is in town.
                          Last edited by Nanto2girls; 24-11-2019, 12:39 PM.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Ooops, GRUS went a bit haywire. Posted my post twice, hence the deletion.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Ooh I love Ferrero Rocher! I always get some in my stocking 😊
                              Good to hear the night went well Daisy. I will read your diary later.

                              We've had lunch and left everything out the cats may need , so we will be setting off soon.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                I must start by thanking everyone for your good wishes & kind thoughts. They really do help. Thank you💕

                                Enfys .... I think the pic would make an ideal Christmas card. I'm so glad you were helped by the nurse. I hear they're wonderful people.
                                Gem .... I hope that you & S have a good, restful time away. Pleased that your GS is getting better from his ordeal too.
                                Mimi .... I went into Bon Marche but even with the help of the shop assistant I wasn't successful. I'm such a funny shape at the moment, (hernia wise). Never mind, hopefully something will turn up.
                                Daisy .... I hope J gets sorted with the dental treatment. Poor man has enough to cope with with his eyes. I'm under the dental physio & consultant at the hospital for MJD (jaw joint unsteady) but pay privately for my own dentist. I'm at that point now where I'm considering finding a good NHS dentist. What a minefield tho'. Will head over to your diary later re posh frock do.
                                Grauntie .... I'd love to know what crafts you've been making.
                                Plant ... I'm sorry to hear about your instructor's mum. Speaking from experience it's an awful time (close to Christmas) to loose a loved one. Couldn't one of the other 'learners' help you out?

                                Please don't feel offended if I haven't mentioned any of you. You're all important to me but I just run out of steam. Thanks Oma for speaking on my behalf on here when I couldn't.

                                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                                (Doe Zantamata.)

