I hope you and your family will feel better soon Gemini.
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Mimi - I wish I'd known you needed a teapot - I found about 30 of the at my cousin's when we were clearing his house out. I use a teapot with teabags, but I still think proper tea leaves make the best cuppa. Oma's sounds very good with the container for the tea leaves.
Plant - I hope you didn't get as wet as Oma when you went shopping.
Oma - thanks for asking about J. The dentist said he's got some gum disease, which seems to be treatable, so he's booked in for about 3 sessions over the next three months and then another one in April, I think. His eye is finally starting to look a bit less scary. He went to wood turning club last night, but a friend drove. We've got a posh dinner and dance tomorrow, but I don't know if he'll feel like tripping the light fantastic!
Gem - your poor babies. I do hope they're soon better, and it's about time your sore throat cleared up as well. Do you think it's stress-related?
I've done a whole load of housework today, so feeling smug! But I've still got to do the guest bedroom for my friend M, who's kindly offered to stay to look after Eva tomorrow night. A job for tomorrow, I think.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy my throat isn't sore any moreI have annoying catarrh type cough, which is slowly improving. Although I have never smoked these throat and chest things always hang on for me.
Little GS is like a different child today, just about back to normal! GD suffering with her cold but really brave. We opened a small selection box this afternoon to spoil the poorly ones
We are going to grab something quick to eat then head over to DD's for them to catch the 7pm bus into town.
I need a teapot lid! I broke ours today“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem - I'm glad your throat isn't sore any more. Hopefully the annoying cough will soon be gone too. Throat and chest things always hang around for me as well. When I was working in air-conditioned rooms I developed an asthmatic cough as well.
I'm so pleased to see little GS is feeling so much better, and well done GD for being so brave when you're feeling poorly.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Evening All,
Just popping in to say that I am still alive! It’s been super busy here. I have been crafting like a demon, making gifts etc. and trying to get ahead of the usual seasonal madness. I hope you are all keeping well and behaving beautifully. 😁 I will try to catch up with the goings on here this weekend.
I made OH put our outside lights up last week as I know I will be asking for trouble if it gets left to the last minute. For some reason this job makes him so bad tempered! Don’t panic, we won’t turn them on until Christmas week. 😎 Off to bed now as we have an invasion of GCs tomorrow.
Night night.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Hi Daisy. I will certainly put some pics on after the weekend. I have locked all in the attic (a walk-in door from the spare bedroom) as little people like to go in there and it is full of Christmas stuff.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Good morning Oma and all who follow.
Enjoy your lunch out.
Guess what,its raining again.
I was up in the night,so i didn't wake up till 7.
Breakfast is over and done a bit tidying.
Plans for today.
First stop, is going to the cafe to see GD2 and take her birthday presents.
Although her birthday isn't till tuesday.
We don't go too often,as we don't like to interrupt her at work.
Manageress is quite good though. If they aren't too busy she gives her an extra break.
Then into town shopping,will eat there as well.
Supermarket shopping on the way home and that's it for today.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good morning my dears..
Wet here but not freezing, so for that we are thankful.
Busy day for you Nan2! It will be lovely to see your GD.
Have a nice lunch Oma.
Grauntie, what a good idea to get the Christmas lights up then leave lighting them until later.
GS was on good form last night when we babysat I'm glad to say. GD however I have never seen so poorly ☹️ She actually asked if she could go to bed at 8.15! She has a tap exam this morning which no way will she be doing.
Nothing much planned today. I will go to my mum's and I want to buy Christmas cake ingredients.
Have a good Saturday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning everyone. Dark, dreary and damp here, but not cold.
Oma - enjoy your lunch with M and C, and I hope B doesn't have to wait too long at the hospital.
Nanto - Oh dear, another disturbed night for you. I'm sure gD2 will be delighted to see you both. Her Manageress sounds very understanding. Will she open her presents straight away or wait till Tuesday?
Gem - it's good to hear that GS2 was back to his usual self last night, but poor GD. She'll be disappointed to miss her tap exam. Will she be able to take it later? I hope your Mum is ok. Is she enjoying her new gas fire?
I've got to sort out our spare bedroom for our friend M who's staying tonight. We're going out about 6 o'clock and won't be back until midnight-ish, so M is staying to look after Eva. It's too long to leave her on her own. I've dug out my posh frock (about 20 years old!) but I think I'm getting to be a grumpy old woman because I'm not really looking forward to the evening. It will be crowded and noisy and I won't know many people, I just hope there's a good band and I enjoy the music.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning grannies.
Rain is just what I don’t want at the moment. The roofers have had to postpone the repairs,so instead of starting on Monday it will now be the week after.I could hear the water dripping in the night again even though the wind wasn’t blowing .
Daisy perhaps your “do” tonight will be more enjoyable than you expect.I hope so.
Gem I’m so sorry for your GD feeling so rotten and having to miss her exam. Hope she gets over it really soon.I’m glad GS has bounced back.
Oma I hope B gets on well with his appointment and you both enjoy the rest of the day.
Nanto I hope the “invasion “ goes well
GM you certainly sound well on the way with your C preparations.
I must check on the wrapping paper and card situation and get ordering on line.It’s hard getting out to do any actual shopping as OH likes to come with me which makes popping from shop to shop a bit tricky as well as keeping an eye on him. I can leave him on his own for a few hours but I can never really enjoy it as I keep wondering if he is okay.
Have a good day and try to keep dry.
Pleased to hear GS is back to his old self but so sorry to hear GD is still too poorly to get to do her tap exam.
Daisy, I hope the evening went well and you enjoyed the band and tapped your feet.
Grauntie, I would love to see your crafting items. My Christmas table runner will not be displayed this Christmas, the instructor's mother died just a couple of days after the class and there is no way she will get in touch before Christmas.
Clover, sorry to hear you will not be getting that leak repaired before next week. It must be very annoying.
Oma, enjoy your lunch with the family. Not sure why B has to attend a pain management clinic Oma, is it for his back?
I changed GGS present for the second time, he already had the Duplo sets I bought, good job I like going to JL. As I was leaving to go to JL I spotted a white car in the drive which told me the GGC were visiting next door, so I postponed my trip, just had to go and see them. We do miss them, she is such a sweetie and so good and content and GGS is a delight to have around. My DD was icing gingerbread men with him. He is a bit of a rascal now, my Sil was rolling on the floor with him trying to get his shoes on, he is just a big kid, (Sil I mean). Not sure what the day may hold, was hoping to do some gardening but as usual it is raining again.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare