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    Enfys, only natural that things that have caught up with you.

    Someone posted a photo on Facebook less than an hour ago, it is snowing in Hereford.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning one and all. I like the graphic, as well, Nanto. It's cute and I like the colours.

      Jack Frost had a busy night - he's been here, too, but at least it's dry. I hope the rain's keeping away from Yorkshire and Derbyshire today - they've had quite enough.

      Clover - what a pity you've got the rain today, just when you don't need it. Well done for getting on with sorting out the garage though. I'm glad your DS is able to help for the week-end. I'm sure your laburnum will recover next spring if not before. xx

      Enfys - yes, you definitely need to recharge your batteries this afternoon, and relax. P must have a lot of patience to make clocks - they're so intricate. What are you knitting at the moment?

      Nana - I hope your sister has a warm coat with her after being in Miami. Brrrrr.........

      Gem - how kind of S to take a donation to the Hedgehog charity that cared for poor Andrew. I was reading the other day that a lot of hog charities are overwhelmed at the moment. A lot of underweight hoglets are being brought in - too small to hibernate so need daily care, and the charities are desperately looking for foster homes for the stronger ones. I would love to take a couple, and have a weather proof shed they could stay in safely but I know Eva would be constantly at the door wanting to check on them.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Oh my goodness Nanto. Snow that far south doesn’t bode well.

        Enfys I think you’ve been living on adrenaline for the last few weeks and now it’s a natural reaction. I’m sure you’re doing the right thing and letting your body adjust. Go with the flow. Glad P is feeling up to tinkering with his clocks.


          Morning ladies ,

          Enfys it does catch up a day resting and snoozing is in order , your body and brain need that rest xx

          Nanto He visited us too but its now sunny but boy is it cold , went out to put stuff in Recycle bin had to prise it open.

          Clover typical when you want to get on with things

          Gem im sure the lady will be very grateful for the donation

          Nana your sister will need her fur knickers on its arctic out there

          Daisy any plans for today ?

          We just popped down to Lidl this morning for fresh rolls came back with a Christmas Table cloth and several other bits I didn't go in for
          But the table cloth is pretty it has Nut Cracker Soldiers on

          No plans to do anything today potter on doing bits and bobs but that's it ,

          Have a good day ladies xx

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            OH has decided weekend may not be the best time to go to the hedgehog lady, so we will go on Monday before we go to my aunties.
            My mum phoned saying she has only one paracetamol. It annoys me that I shop for her weekly but she often phones for something she has run out of between visits! I said I was going to see her tomorrow afternoon so would bring some then, but she sounded crestfallen, so I asked OH if she would drop some in.
            I really want a day in today. OH is buying an electric golf trolley from a club member, so she is dropping in at mums while she is out collecting that.
            It's almost getting to the stage where I feel I should buy everything my mum could possibly need, every week!'
            The paracetamol situation had happened before. I have decided that next week I will buy a couple of boxes and secretly leave then in mums house, somewhere she won't notice them but will be able to find them. Then if she phones asking for some I can point her in their direction

            It's lovely and sunny here. I haven't been out but I'm sure it is cold.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning all. It’s very cold here this morning, some places near us have had a dusting of snow.
              Has anyone been effected by the recent floods.
              I have been chatting to my friend who’s house was flooded out a few weeks ago . She doesn’t think she will be back home till after Christmas as there is a lot of work to be done on it and the trades people are over run with work as some many properties it this area have been effected.

              Gem I totally understand how you feel , hoping for a day in and then you have to go to your mum’s Dad used to do this sort of thing to me.
              He didn’t do it intentionally, in fact he used to get upset by having to rely on me for all the little things he used to do around the house that he could no longer do himself.

              Right , now brace yourselves.....
              I have just brought two Christmas presents this morning . ( Me thinks I may well be in trouble with Daisy ! )

              Have a good day everyone
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Well done Mimi
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Originally posted by Gemini View Post

                  Well done Mimi
                  I have just brought another Christmas present from H Samuel on line .

                  Quick , better go and hide before Daisy sees this
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    We ordered one of GS1;s Present online last night and I bought a CHRISTMAS table cloth this morning
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        You naughty ladies upsetting Daisy by buying C presents. Mind you it does creep up quickly and now the shops are in full swing.

                        Well skip filling has gone well. I think the gods were smiling on us as the rain cleared and we had a good morning.When we came in for lunch it rained heavily again but by the time we were ready to continue the rain had cleared to a few spots now and then. We were just deciding to call it a day as we were getting cold and damp when the rain came down in torrents again.In now with a welcome cup of coffee. Tomorrow there is some general clearing up to do before DS goes back at teatime. We’ve filled the skip anyway. I sorted out a lot more metal which I shall get the same people I had before to come and collect.We had quite a lot of new wood which I offered to a neighbour down the road who is a local jack of all trades but he said he had nowhere to store it. A shame .

                        Hope your day is going well and you have a cosy evening.


                          Clover I bet you feel better for getting that all sorted. Advertise the wood for free I bet you get lots of takers. FB has selling pages for all local areas we have sold and given lots on there.
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Originally posted by Oma View Post
                            Daisy any plans for today ?

                            Yes, I did have plans, Oma. Let me explain ....

                            for years I've bought a rich fruit cake from a well-known supermarket, and each year come December - usually the 24th I've covered it with almond paste and icing. But last year it was horrible - tasted more like cardboard than cake, so this year I decided to go back to making my own!!! Given that we like it well matured and well-dosed with brandy, I've gone and made it today, NOVEMBER!!

                            <skulks away and hides in corner after betraying the "Keep Christmas for December" campaign.>

                            so I suppose I can't moan too much about people buying presents. Even though it's far too early
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Clover well done to you and your son for getting that done, and the weather for co operating!
                              Daisy, you have made your Christmas cake before I have!!

                              We had a nice afternoon watching The Guernsey Literacy and Potato Peel Pie Society on Netflix. A lovely film which we both enjoyed. We expect a pizza delivery at 7, so a nice lazy day for us
                              My throat and ears are still sore, so I have appreciated a day in the warm with nothing much to do.

                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Clover,thats another job out of the way. hope you feel better for getting it done.
                                Gem, a lazy day might have done you good.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

