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    Nice sunny morning so far.

    Have a lovely relaxing time Nanto.

    Enfys, nice to hear P passed his test and is feeling well. I think you are wise to dog at your DD's house, you don't want a repeat of your nasty fall.

    GS2 cooked us a lovely meal, he is home until Dec. as he is changing flats and moving in with his GF. They have taken up the wet carpet, it will have to be replaced.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      First sleepover ...tick
      1/2 term look after day ... tick
      Second sleepover, Fri-Sat .. waiting to be ticked.
      I'm feeling all ticked out. 🤣 I really need to make a day for the fourth GC. Can't leave anyone out.

      I love reading all your news. Sorry if I can't reply to it all.

      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

      (Doe Zantamata.)


        Good morning everyone.

        Today I have a day free of children and an extra dog - until lunch time! DS1 is on holiday this week, and is trying to get lots of things sorted out with their house extension, which is in full swing. GS1 is on work experience, DIL2 is at work but GS2 is at home, so DS is bringing him and Bailey the dog down for lunch. Really looking forward to seeing them, so I'm just having a wizz round with the sucky up thing - we're knee deep in dog hair again! It's not raining, so I want to clear out the greenhouse to get my banana plants in there before we have any more frost. Other than that - a free day.

        I really have to get my skates on now, but I'll be back later.

        Wee Granny - I hope and pray your worries are unfounded today, but so pleased you are feeling so much better in yourself. xxx

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning ladies ,

          Gem hope S gets the pole done without to much hassle , just saying to B I might get some more Sketchers , they so comy arnt they ,

          WG fingers crossed all is well with scan ,

          Nanto enjoy the sun xx

          Enfys sounds a good plan doggy sitting over the road , pleased to hear P is feeling well xx

          Nana you got to treat all the GC the same haven't you even if your run ragged

          Plant its sunny here too did you enjoy your Birthday xxx

          Been up to Aldi needed Milk and some Chicken B bringing his Mam for tea today Doing Chicken in BBQ sauce new potatoes and green beans , then a Home made Victoria sponge cake for afters
          Its a change of scenery for her if nothing else

          Letter arrived about my latest Scan said there is activity in left side Parathyroid that must be treated so waiting to see a ENT surgeon to discuss it , I was hoping it wouldn't need a op but might be no option , just wait and see what ENT say

          Have a good day ladies xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Had a lovely day thank you Oma.

            I expect Mil will enjoy the change of scene, hope she doesn't moan. Sorry to hear you might be in line for an op. Oma

            I hope your plans go okay Daisy, I got lost as to who is doing what. Have a nice time anyway.

            GC keeping you busy Nana, have to treat them all the same.

            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              I'm glad that P got positive news re his diabetes Enfys. I think dog sitting in doggys own house is a wise idea. No more falling please!
              Oma, I know you don't want an operation, but if it's needed best get it done. As you say wait to see what the ENT surgeon says.
              I hope you enjoyed seeing your son and GS for lunch Daisy.

              Brrr, it's chilly day.
              I decided to wait to get my shoes. I pass the designer outlet , with the Sketchers shop on Tuesday on the way to to the school pick up for GS, so I'll go then.
              We went to Aldi instead! Less walking round too, as I am trying to rest my knee a bit today.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Evening ladies ,
                B just taken MIL home , we have actually had a lovely afternoon ,
                She wanted to go to our shopping mall then to Lidl we then came home and had tea and watched Neighbours with her ( I don't watch soaps ) but she wanted to see it and it was company for her , she was too full for cake so has taken some home to have with a cup of tea later .
                She said she's enjoyed herself so that's good , No moaning thank goodness
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Oma - how nice that you've had a good afternoon with MIL. Don't you wish it was always like that. I hope you don't need an operation, but if it solves the problem then the sooner it's over and done with the better.

                  Gem - I never feel like shopping for things to wear, even shoes, when it's cold - it puts me right off. If you're passing the shop on Tuesday it makes sense to wait until then. How's your knee tonight?

                  Plant - I was confused about who was doing what today as well! It worked fine in the end. DS1, GS2 and doggo came down for lunch and a chat. We had a chance to catch up on how their house extension is doing. They're hoping to be back in the house by Christmas but won't have a functioning kitchen as the work surfaces can't be measured until the units are installed during the week before Christmas. It was lovely to see them. GS2, who'd 15 in January, is shooting up. He's only about 1/2" shorter than my OH now.

                  I managed to cut the lawn before it rained and started to clear the greenhouse now all the melon plants have finished.

                  Enfys- you must have been very pleased that P's diabetic check went so well. I had been wondering whether the chemo affected his blood sugar levels or made it harder to control. Good idea not to be walking, even across the road, with Dexter, and I'm sure you are pleased to get on with your knitting.

                  Nana - wow, what a week. You'll be meeting yourself coming back. I hope you get some time to put your feet up. xx

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Thanks. Daisy my spare time now is taken up quilting. I got so frustrated with it the other day that I nearly threw it out of the window. Like everything else it will be beautiful once it's finished. (Famous last words).

                    Oma I hope you get your app't soon .... the sooner the better as they say.
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Nana - I can imagine the quilting takes a long time, and you can't rush it. Do you get frustrated with the time it takes, or is it if it's not going to plan?
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Both Daisy. I'll not be making another that's for sure. The cost adds up too. Fabric stabilizer, wadding, material for the back. I've also bought extras to make it. I find it quite tedious too. Here's a small section. Cut squares are 4 1/2".

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                        This gallery has 1 photos.
                        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                        (Doe Zantamata.)


                          Good morning ladies.

                          That looks lovely Nana.
                          How nice that MIL was on good form Oma.

                          Usual Thursday stuff here, Ladies Roll Up golf this afternoon for OH. For me, doing my mums shopping and visiting her this afternoon. It was to be a BP appointment for her, but not now. I will write about this elsewhere!

                          Tonight we are going to see this
                          As it is 9pm, we will grab a bite to eat somewhere first. I am now going to see what offers and vouchers there are for tonight

                          Have a good day all, and I hope you get no Trick or Treaters tonight unless you want them !

                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning Gem and everyone. Happy Halloween from me as well.

                            We usually get a procession of little witches, ghouls and ghosties so are all prepared with lots of treats. They tend to be quite young with watchful big people waiting at the end of the drive, so no problems

                            Nana, your quilt will be beautiful, but those squares are quite tiny and I can't imagine how many hours of work it will take to complete, to say nothing of the costs mounting up. Good luck - I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.

                            Today I am definitely, possibly, perhaps, may be going to get the ironing done. I've treated myself to one of those Lakeland hangaway thingies as an incentive. I usually end up with loads of hangers balanced on door handles etc to I thought a proper hanging thingy might encourage me - a bit! LOL

                            Nanto - I hope if you're reading this, you're relaxing in the sunshine with your morning coffee.

                            WeeGranny - I didn't manage to comment yesterday about what you and your brother remember about the dog and your brother's engagement party. Memories are so selective, aren't they. I find it fascinating.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Happy Halloween ladies

                              Just a quick pop in we off to Friends new retirement flat this morning , they are moving in on Saturday so today im sorting out her kitchen putting everything in the cupboards and drawers , D doesn't trust J to put them in the right places he will stick the pans on top of the plates knowing him
                              B is taking his tools to put curtain poles etc up .

                              Their house is up for sale she cant manage the stairs anymore ,

                              Nana the quilt will be lovely when its finished but it does turn out expensive , I have only ever made one that was many years ago , took me ages I have never attempted one again

                              Gem enjoy tonight and tea out make the night of it

                              Daisy don't you get a shock how tall the GC are getting when you haven't seen them for a week or two , what are they doing for Christmas lunch without a kitchen ?

                              I will pop back later xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Thank you for your spoooooky card Ladies!

                                Am off for a trip to the Civic Amenities Site, in other words, the Tip! Cleared out stuff from shed the other day, so going to get rid of it while I'm in the mood.

                                DD arriving later this morning. She will be working this afternoon, but we have this evening and tomorrow together.

                                Will drop by later.
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

