Oma I forgot to say that my GS3 who wants the jumper is 4yrs old just after Christmas. He too is HP mad. Can you imagine me as Mrs Weasley? Wish I had her magic knitting needles. You made me smile about Desperate Dan's pie. Clover did it have cow horns poking through the pastry?🤣 Sorry I couldn't resist a bit of leg pulling.
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Good morning ladies
Lovely autumn graphic there Nan2
Dull and damp here, it must have rained overnight.
While I was feeding the cats and making our morning tea, OH shouted for me to look out of the window. She saw a heron fly up into nearly willow tree. Not a sight we see every day! It stayed a while.
We will visit my mum later. We plan to move her outdoor freezer into the kitchen, to a recess which was once an airing cupboard. It will take a while as we need to remove at least one shelf to make space, and move crockery from the lower shelf to higher ones. A lot of washing up too as the crockery is never used, the recess has no door so they get very dusty.
No other plans today. Have a good one everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning.
Oma ,yes I am freezing part of the pie.
Nana I forgot to order cow’s horns
Gem ,a bust day ahead moving the freezer. I hope your Mum is going to be pleased with the change.
As it’s raining (again) a good tidy round the house is on the agenda but we’ll see how the mood takes me.
Enjoy your day
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Morning ladies a very misty foggy day here.
Love the Pumpkin Nanto
Gem not a easy job but be better for your Mum although it puzzles me why a 91 yr old would need two Freezers ? my MIL is the same she has her Fridge Freezer then a small one inside the larder in her kitchen , she doesn't buy enough food to fill them both .
Off to our Martins this morning for a few hours haven't seen them for a while .
Its my Sisters 74th Birthday today , I phoned her earlier shes expecting her children and grandchildren today along with the two GGC so a busy noisy day for her
Have a good day ladies xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning everyone, will try and remember what I have read! Gem, people react differently go having a new knee. I have seen them in pain and seen them up and about in no time. Where I used to go for the medical sport they used to come in and learn to walk again. Does your mum still cook Gem?
Dry here at the moment but rain all yesterday, warm here actually today. DS1 came with his partner last night and ate here, I was showing him how I had done the drainage etc for the washer and dishwasher, they went home and I put the dishwasher on, I must have accidently moved the tube and it pumped water over the kitchen floor, as luck would have it, if that is luck, I was in the kitchen and switched the dishwasher off but was a mess I had!!! Got it all mopped up and only hope the lady under me has no damage! Will make sure it is secure next time I use it.
Daisy, I also have a Nespresso and love it, I can do milk with it was well for when I fancy a capiccino. DIL always loves one after the meal.
Enfys, I can knit with 4 needles, once, many years ago I knitted my father a pair of socks and he loved them. That is as far as I got with the 4 needles, I did once knit Fair Isle style (Norwegian) jumpers for the boys on circular needles. I was in England last year, Haworth, in the area was a store selling wool, I did buy a lot and knitted scarfs etc for everyone, I was stopped by the customs in Hull, I usually get searched, he saw my knitting needles sticking out and asked what I was going to do with them!!!!!!! Hijack the boat with knitting needles.
Oma, pleased the pain has gone, you will be feeling better now.\
sorry if I have missed anyone. Looks like rain here yet again, I went on my bike to Delft yesterday and got soaked!!!
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Good morning everyone.
The autumn graphic is lovely, Nanto. It's pouring with rain and very dismal here this morning, but as I was reading earlier posts I caught a glimpse of bright, deep red out of the window. It's a tree in a neighbour's garden - I'm sure it will still green a few days ago, but not even in this murky weather it's positively glowing with colour.
Lizzie - it's amazing how even a small amount of water gets everywhere. I hope the lady below didn't get an unexpected shower. It's lovely to have our grown up 'children' round for a meal, isn't it! Do they live nearby? Glad you're pleased with your Nespresso.
Oma - enjoy your morning with Martin and his OH, and happy birthday to your sister. I'm sure she'll enjoy her busy day. Congratulations to J and his team - another medal/trophy to add to his collection. I know you're very proud of him but it must still be a thrill when they do so well.
Clover - give yourself a day off! I'm sure the house is ok and you've been busy just lately.
Gem - I hope the freezer isn't too heavy - be careful, both of you. Will it make things easier for your mum? I love it when an unusual bird lands in our garden - perhaps your heron will become a regular visitor.
I'm very impressed with all you clever knitters, not content with two needles! How on earth you keep track of where you are on 4 needles or, even harder, on a circular needle is beyond me! Lizzie, my MIL used to knit Fair Isle and it was fascinating to watch her switching from one strand of wool to another.
Lizzie - sometime it's impossible to keep up with everyone on Chat so don't worry. We all know nobody is ignored deliberately. xx
An exciting day ahead for me - changing beds and cleaning upstairs. Plus our bed has developed an annoying creak (no, not OH!!!). We think it's just the headboard but it keeps waking us up so needs sorting out.I hope the weather improves a bit so we can take Eva our - she doesn't like too much wind and rain, poor delicate little flower that she is, bless her.
Have a good day everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy, one son lives in the next village, 5kms, the other in Rotterdam. DS2 that was here yesterday asked if I had a large plant pot, I told him I hadn't then as I was cleaning the water up I realised I do have, a full set of them so went in the garage and found them so he will take them next time he visits. DIL came with an orchid for me, I made her a tote bag before they went on holiday so this was a thankyou.
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Morning all. Another wet and dull day here .
Daisy, all that excitement in one day, I am so envious
Nice picture Nan2 , very autumnal
Oma enjoy your day with Martin.
Lizzie48 I have over time been given a several orchids, all of which I have managed to kill over a few weeks. I can grow flowers outside but bring them indoors and they soon start to fade before my very eyes.
Have a good day everyone
Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Late up this morning, was awake a bit in the night. Almost finished the moving back into my bedroom, just a few bits to go. JL rep came and measured windows for new vertical blinds. I have a box of throw-away and a box for the charity shop. Went to JL yesterday morning with GD1 for her to buy some bedding, my DD was too poorly with a cold to go with her, then we picked up her partner and I bought them lunch. They are on their way now to Ibiza for a week. Miserable weather here, at least I can concentrate on the bedroom instead of the garden tempting me outside.
I used to love making gloves Enfys, liked working on four needles.
Don't you go hurting yourselves moving that freezer Gemini, hope your mother will be pleased to have it in her kitchen.
I don't remember ever having meat and potato pie or corned beef hash
Pleased to hear you are in less pain Oma, hope the infected sinuses clear up soon.
Hope you sort that creak out Daisy.
I wonder whose fish that heron was after Gemini. I had a lovely colourful Jay in the garden yesterday.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Lovely to read what you're all up to. Lizzie I enjoy reading your posts. Sounds such a different way of life.
Raining here but just settling down to watch Scotland v Japan. The match was doubtful but the resilience of the Japanese after the typhoon has won through. Sorry that people have lost their lives because of it."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
We have had a change of plan. I agree with those of you who said Mum doesn't need 2 freezers. I am going to try to run down the outside one and encourage her to use what she has in the inside one.
I am just going to see her this afternoon now, write all the snooker dates I have looked up into her diary. OH will take my reflexology foot stool which I don't use and keep meaning to sell, for our friend to borrow to rest her poor operated upon knee on! We were going to drop it off on the way to Mums, but OH may as well go on her own.
Its a rainy miserable day, I'm so glad we got the washing and gardening done yesterday!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I hope your mother agrees with only having the one freezer Gemini.
My bedroom is now straight, lots of things thrown away and a box to take to the charity shop tomorrow. My back is aching so I am going to spend the afternoon sitting on the sofa watching TV and possibly a snooze. Watched some of the Scotland/Japan match Nana, shame Scotland is now out of the competition.Last edited by Plantaholic; 13-10-2019, 01:16 PM.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Lizzie,just read your post about the dishwaser. just switched ours on,and i don't know why,but checked to make sure weren't flooded.
Dinner is over with,we had gammon done in the slow cooker.
Before the internet came along,i used to do a lot of knitting.
I could knit with 4 needles and with the circular ones.
Been a rainy morning, but its brightened up a bit now.
Just watching some old bake off programmes while i'm computering.
Oma,pleased the pain has eased off.
Plant,pleased the bedroom is sorted now.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.