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Good moaning each.
Commiserations to all the poorly folk, I wish you all a speedy recovery. Nothing much going on here so far...tea drunk and that’s it.I am meeting a friend later, we are still on the trail of the best cheese scone!
Have a good day gels.😁Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Good morning ladies.
Nana, I hope everyone recovers soon!
Meeting a friend is a good tonic Grauntie
It's raining and next door are having work done to the fireplace. Our house has been filled with the sound of hammering and banging since 8am. Something to do with a lintel.
I can't say I am looking forward to today much. My mum is coming here this afternoon to have her toe nails cut by the mobile podiatrist. Well in fact by her mum, who is also in the same job, and comes over once a week to cover whilst she in on maternity leave. She had her second baby last month. Mum then stays here for tea. She know it won't be Lauren but her mum, but she may not remember today. Also I will be taking mum to Asda afterwards to have her blood taken, in readiness for her annual medication review on Monday. I haven't told her as two things in one day would stress her (and always did) so I hope she co operates and doesn't make a fuss. It may all go well and be a nice afternoon however - who knows?!
This morning I will prepare the shepherds pie for tea, do mums shopping and go for her audio books.
Have a good day everyone, keep smiling!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Morning everyone. Grauntie I love your sense of humour. Search for cheese scones indeed😉 Thanks Nan2. What have you got on in your slow cooker today I wonder? Gem. Sounds like you'll have a challenging day today. .... & breathe.😌
I'll be baking later. Love the tradition of Christmas cake making & having the smell permiate the house. Mmmm.Last edited by Nana; 16-10-2019, 10:24 AM."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Good morning. After all the rain of the last few days today we have ☀️ sunshine. Had a busy morning yesterday, Boulder was services, and I I’d lots of cleaning sorting out etc. Felt shattered in the afternoon but a few jobs done and dusted.
Poor P is feeling rotten at the moment. Terribly tired, in fact yesterday afternoon he went to bed and slept for a couple of hours, I’ve never known him do that before. He got up this morning for breakfast but has gone back to bed and is dozing on and off. He is halfway through this last round of chemo, 5 more days then he will have a scan. I popped out to the supermarket so we are stocked up. Got a few treats for him too.
Hope everyone is well, and any problems are being sorted out, haven’t had chance to read back. Hope you all have a good day 🌞"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Good afternoon ladies ,
Enfys sleep will do P good when they are like that its a great effort to try and stay awake , the middle of the cycle is always hard poor man ,
How are you are you getting out and about ? I do hope so as you need your time too xx
Gem take a deep breath and don't let your Mum get to you xx
Nana I bet your house smells delish mmmm
GM , B loves Cheese scones I love any kind
Nanto hope in laws are well , it dull grey and wet here
Had a busy Morning , we travelled into Sunderland this morning to the Fish Quay and stocked up on Fish for the month , so much to choose from ,
Only one problem this morning was I wanted some Smoked haddock for a fish pie and it was on the counter amongst Shell fish so couldn't take a chance of cross contamination ,
They didn't have anymore in , the Fish monger was so apologetic and said they will make sure in future they don't put any kind of fish with the shell fish ,
I said it was ok not to worry about it but it was worth thinking about
We then went to Aldi , Lidl and B&M all before 12
So now im going to sort the fish into portions for the freezer then be lazy for rest of dayIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good afternoon one and all!
I knew I was tired last night - but I didn't expect to sleep until 9.45 this morning! So it's put me all behind - my friend M popped round for coffee at 10.00 and she's just left. OH had gone on a major supermarket trip - the cupboards and fridge are all bare, and I am playing catch up with a few chores before my major plan for today - sorting out my wardrobe. It's full of stuff I never wear and today is the day most of it goes.
Love to all those who are feeling poorly,especially Enfys's P. I hope being able to sleep helps him cope with this spell of chemo. Sending hugs, Enfys.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Sorry to hear P is feeling poorly Enfys, hope the effect of the latest Chemo wears off soon.
I wish I lived near enough to get such fresh fish Oma. shame about the smoked fish.
I am feeling quite smug having sorted out my wardrobes Daisy.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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What an afternoon this has turned out to be!!
Went up to the chemist for our prescriptions, also had my flu jab as they offered to do it there and then, discovered something missing on P’s prescription which took ages to sort out. Got home, popped pizzas in the oven for lunch, go over the road to pick up Dexter. Coming back with him, he does pull so, I tripped up the kerb, went flying and am now nursing a bumped head, a huge graze and lump on my knee, all the skin gone from my knuckles and terribly sore ribs! P had to act as nurse as I was dripping blood everywhere but luckily no bones broken. I was really shaken up but feel ok now just very sore. Oh and Dexter is fine 🙂.
Phew, after all that and I can’t even knit as my hand is so sore ☹️.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Oh Enfys I’m so sorry about your fall. You must feel really shaken.Thank heavens you didn’t break anything. Poor P having to play nurse when he is feeling rotten himself. Just sit with your feet up and get the easiest of meals tonight.
I don’t mean to rub it in but the sun has shone here all day, washing dried beautifully outside and I won £25 on the Premium Bonds.
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Bl***** dogs! Doggo has pulled me over on more than one occasion Enfys! Not a good look, lying spreadeagled on the ground! Broke a finger when he decided to chase a squirrel and took me with him. Take it easy tonight and I hope all your injuries soon heal. Hope too the P has an easier few days with the chemo. Sleep will help him.
Sun shining now after a wet morning. The weather girl said that yesterday was the first day without any rain since 21st September in this part of the country. I'm getting on with the ironing.....I'm sure it multiplies when you don't get it done!
Enjoy your evening ladies whatever you're up to xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Ouch Enfys , Storm has pulled me over a few times but lucky for me its always been on the Grass ,
He did pull DD over on the drive once took all the skin off her hands and hurting her hip , not nice is it , take it easy tonight xx
We have been to the Turkish restaurant for tea tonight two courses and two drinks for only £24 on the early bird menu , it was very tasty , im rather full now so got my PJ's on and makeup offIm not fat just 6ft too small
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