I hope they can clear up that infection quickly Oma.
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Oma, what a performance going all that way when you could have done it locally. At least you are now up to date with the changes to the road systems inSunderland. Has that stitch come out yet?
Poor B I hope he doesn’t have to wait too long at the drop in centre. This country must waste so much time waiting in the doctors, in hospitals, on the phone etc, it’s a wonder anything gets done.
Lizzie, I sympathise, trying to navigate a tourist area. Tourists are the main reason our journey between DS1’s and home can take so long. It must be quite scary on two wheels though.
Nanto, no matter how hard I try to keep the chest freezer tidy everything seems to collapse into s heap as soon as I lift the lid. At least you know what’s in yours. 👍
It’s still raining here - no let up today. 😨
Plant, I hope the weather is nice for the family trip to Cornwall. Per haps by the time your GD gets back from holiday she’ll be able to find work. Fingers crossed. What kind of job is she looking for? Sorry if I’ve missed it, but have you finished the jumper for GGD yet?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
B sat almost 3 hours to be told just to keep a eye on it , we’ll I’m sorry but if it’s the same tomorrow he will be going to our Dr , it’s clearly tracking up the back of his hand , Dr said it’s not red or hot enough to worry about
Does it have to be on fire and dropping off
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning everyone. I woke up early this morning, but too late to go back to sleep, so sitting with my first cuppa of the day - always the best! Watching the sun rise over the rooftops.
I’ll be back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning ladies did any of us sleep last night
I have been up and did all sorts so far .
Lizzie yes been bathing and ice packs the cut is oozing this morning so hopefully the infection is draining .
Off to MIL soon then I have more blood tests after lunch .
Its a lovely morning enjoy the sunshine while it lasts ladies I will pop back later xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning dear ladies.
Sun is shining here too.
I hope B's hand heals soon . More blood tests, they want a lot of your blood don't they Oma?!!
I am going to see my mum for an outside visit at the care home this afternoon. The first time since leaving her there on April 11th. It will be emotional, and difficult in the practical sense, but I hope for us both, and mum especially, it helps. I am taking her some chocolates and a couple of perfume sprays I bought on my Avon order as she likes those sprays. I would like to take her some flowers and plant for her room next time, but need to check on that .
As DD2 lives close to the home I will call in there for a cuppa when I leave mum. I won't see them tomorrow as they are going away for the weekend, so it will be good to see the children today, especially GS2 who I didn't see last week.
No other real plans today.
Have a good day and take care everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gemini, I hope the visit to see your mother goes well and not too emotional for you both.
Pleased to hear B's infected finger is improving Oma. Hope you find Mil well.
Lovely juicy graphic Nanto, I love raspberries.
An aqua friend has a small holding, she raises rare breed sheep. Any aqua members who are available are invited to her place at 3pm this afternoon, take your own tea. I missed last time so I intend to go this time.
Sun shining here today, hope it is for you too.
Hope there is good news of the poorly ones.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
MIL was all of a flutter today , Decorator going tomorrow to strip walls to start sitting room / Dinning room on Monday ,
Martin went yesterday and took curtains. And poles down , today she was trying to pack stuff away and getting herself stressed , so we sorted boxes out and put it all upstairs , wasn’t much just ornaments and pictures but she was making a drama out of it
Came home and my elderly neighbour knocked with a lovely bouquet for me , she hadn’t known I had had op so when she found out she went and bought me flowers , how kind was that bless her.
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Went to Drs for bloods , what a carry on , had to go to side door ring a bell and wait till a member of staff came out check you had a appointment then be led into a room with three chairs to wait turn .
while I was there I asked if I could get a appointment to see Dr as I’m having pain in my shoulder and arm ,
I have to have a phone appointment with the practice nurse next Thursday afternoon and she will decide if I can see the Dr or not
I will have a phone appointment with the same nurse on Wednesday about results of today’s bloods but can’t discuss about arm in same conversation it has to be two phone calls
How silly is thatI wasn’t impressed,
Im not fat just 6ft too small