We are experiencing very high winds, I am in my sunroom and feel I might be blown away.
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Evening All.
A funny old day here! It started with OH having a weird turn after breakfast. Perspiring heavily one minute and cold and clammy the next. He went to the bedroom to lie down but crashed out on the floor! After numerous phone calls and an actual drs appointment, it seems he has an on going ear problem which caused the symptoms. I hope that’s all it is.
I have caught up with lots of jobs today so I can sew tomorrow if it’s still windy. If the weather is good I will chop off the lavender flowers now they are dead and the bees have finished. Likewise the Agapanthus which look sad and battered now. It just seems too soon. 🙁
Night night gels.
Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Morning Nanto and everyone else when they arrive.
I’ve been a bit quiet on here lately. To be honest I’ve been feeling a bit low. Days follow days with not a lot happening .Apart from daily phone calls from family members I rarely speak to anyone apart from greeting people on my walks. I try to keep busy but there is a limit! I know I should count my blessings but it’s so hard without G. Yesterday I was just washing up and I missed him so much I just sobbed into the washing up !
I sound such a misery when others, especially E have their own sadness and worries.
Reading all the posts about missing hugging/kissing loved ones makes me wonder how many of the younger generation are still following the rules.Some seem to think life is back to normal . Not wanting to worry people unnecessarily I think there should be more public information with television reminders etc. about the seriousness of Covid which is still very much with us.Keeping it in the public eye is important.
The weather here was atrocious yesterday. Mumbles which is only a few miles away was the place with the second highest wind speed recorded. My poor garden has suffered.
Just read this back and I’m sorry it’s nothing but negativity. Apologies, I’ll try harder next time!
I hope there is good news for those worried about anything and everyone has a good day.xx
Good morning ladies ,
Clover the days are long and when you can’t get out as much and see as much of your family as you would like on top of missing G , your entitled to feel miserable. It’s still early days don’t beat yourself up your doing a great job staying sane in these horrible times ,
Massive hugs xxx
The sun is out at the minute so we took the opportunity to clear all the leaves that have fallen and been blown of the trees out of the garden ,
I have put the cover over garden chairs they were full of leaves At least they will be protected if this wind and rain we are forecast hits .
Did a couple loads of washing and got them tumble dried I just need to iron them later ,
not much to do now , I had a restless night went to bed at 11 but was up again at 1.30
I went back to bed at 6 and slept till 7.30 so going to be tired today no doubt
Grauntie how is hubby today?
hope all ladies are ok ,
Thinking of Tizzy on her Birthday xxx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Dear Clover, I do feel for you. I am lucky to have DD so close but without her I probably wouldn’t see anyone. Friends have been good phoning or texting but to actually see someone would be so nice. It’s so difficult without all the usual activities taking place, and keeping busy is difficult sometimes too. I too wish we lived nearer, I’m sure Plant, you and me could have a great day out together. Keep strong, I will pm you xxx"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Good morning everyone.
Still quite breezy here Nan2, and very cloudy.
I hope OH is well this morning Grauntie.
Clover, it is such early days in your loss, it's no wonder you are feeling low. The whole world situation has us all feeling low, and the sad losses some members have had, feel even worse than they would in normal times. Sending love xx
Enfys, you are lucky in having DD close by, but seeing friends would be good too. We must all look forward to our time away together too, when things change for the better.
Our lawn is covered in apples blown down from the tree, we must get those up today.
No other plans. We thought we were going over to feed DD3's cat this morning (they are away for a few days) We don't need to go as the cat sitter can in fact do this morning's feed, which for some reason DD thought they couldn't. Confusing!
We have a new member, Fairy Queen. I don't know if she will make it over to Chat yet, but please do welcome her on her thread on the Welcome section.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning, everyone. I'm trying to catch up on Chat, but please bear with me at the moment. I'll do an update about DS1 later, but basically nothing's changed.
Clover - you're doing well, and it's ok to cry. You need to grieve and the present circumstances are so hard. Wouldn't it be nice now your GD has passed her driving test if she could come and see you (although I'm not up to date with the restrictions in Wales). Will she be closer to you when she starts Uni?
Enfys - we could meet up when you're ready for a get together and I can plan round what's happening with DS's treatment. xx
Grauntie - I hope your OH is ok and the ear problem is sorted out quickly.
It's still windy here - poor Eva is in bits! She wouldn't go in the garden yesterday morning, but OH went to put the bins out and she nipped into next door's garden to use their 'facilities'. The house is currently empty, fortunately, but OH had to go back with a pooh bag to clear up.
I'm being a domestic goddess today (sort of!) still trying to get the house spick and span after abandoning it when DS was rushed into hospital. I ran out of energy yesterday, but slept like a log. I'm not exactly bouncing about like a spring chicken, but much better. Haha - I think it's spring lambs that bounce about!
Take care in the wind, ladies. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)