Gem - all good here - we miss you but know you're busy. Hope things are improving. xxx
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Good morning ladies.
Up with the larks again .
I took my bucket and ladders out and cleaned front window frames and door
Then I tried to hose drive only to discover Storm had put holes in my hose so it was coming out like a shower and I got soaked so that plan was over . He loves to play with the hose but I didn't think he had bitten it.
What are we all up to today anything exciting?
Gem we know you have a lot on don't fret about us lv xxx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Morning ladies.
I know I’ve been AWOL from general chat for ages No way can I catch up with everything . I did just have a quick scan through and Gem I’m sorry to hear about your Mum.
I’ m still struggling with my situation but I know we are all worried about something.
Today I’m going to make some vegetable soup. I just have no appetite these days so I reckon I’ll get some of my five a day with that.I’m lucky in that I’m well stocked with food in the freezer, but I just don’t want it.
I’ll try and join in a bit more .
Off for my lonely walk now.Hope to see you later.xx
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Oma - I can just picture you, the sun rising slowly over the horizon, and this figure emerges carrying buckets, cleaning materials, and a hose pipe, and then stands in the middle of the front garden using the hosepipe like a shower! What must the neighbours think!!For goodness sake sit down, SIT, STAY. xxx
Clover - good morning, it's great to see you on Chat. The vegetable soup is a great idea - nourishing, healthy and satisfaction in making it yourself. We'd love it if you feel you can join in - hopefully we're company, and a bit of a distraction. Talking about lonely walks - do you have any self-isolating neighbours who need a dog walking? A walk is always better with a dog (unless, possibly it's Eva!) . There's probably an online support group for your neighbourhood and I know round here people have needed help with dog walking. They tend to be small and/or elderly so not a challenge to walk. Are you able to get shopping ok? If so treat yourself to something you really like. See you later. xxx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I really don't know what I will do when every thing is done .
Plant I might just come down and do them for you .
Daisy the neighbours already think I'm loopy
The man across the road came to put his bin out and shouted . Couldn't you sleep ?
Clover Veg soup is just the ticket . Warming full of good things and you can freeze it too . Keep your strength up , lovely to see you on hear xxxxx
Lizzie I had no idea he had bitten it usually he just lifts it with his nose and jumps around it but the dog size tooth marks tell a different story .
I keep it in a tub with a Lid on as it's one of those hoses that shrinks back when your finished with it but he can get the lid off . I may now have to find somewhere else when I get a new one
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Hi again,
I don't even want to talk about yesterday so I won't! I may make thread later.
We did manage GS's party though. I had a little cry once we closed it. Much better than nothing though. He had a lovely day.
This morning I had a lie in, have done two lots of washing and hung it out. Ordered some stuff for mum from M&S, and trainers for me from Sketchers, and repaid myself some money I spent on mums behalf.
I had no down time at all yesterday so this has been good. I will go over to mum's in an hour and see if they have got her up. Make her lunch, do anything which needs doing and keep her company. I will go again to sort her tea, then if she is out of bed (which I hope she is) I'll go again with OH in the evening to get her to bed. We tried to combine the two yesterday but she refused to go to bed so we had to go back again.
Anyway, I hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely weather. I hear the two children over the fence of the house behind ours. I love to hear them as I can't see my own GC , as none of us can.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem - starting off with hugs to you. I'm glad you managed GS's birthday party. It's bitter sweet in a way when we can't actually be with them. I always feel a bit emotional after Skyping the girls. Sketchers trainers - lovely. they're so comfortable aren't they. I think I'll have to order some as I can't go shopping for them. I really prefer to try them on first. I hope having a bit of a break this morning has helped.
I like hearing the various children round us out playing - it makes things feel a bit more normal. Take care. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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We have no children at all near enough to us to hear them .
Thats what I missed when we moved as our old house was opposite the Primary and infants school . From our bedroom window I could see my two playing in the yard when they were small and hear the noise when it was break time .
Nothing nicer than hearing children playing
Just think of those first hugs Gem they will be so special xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma dad's garden backed on to the fields of a local school, he used to love hearing the children playing, all their chatter and laughter , it used to brighten his day .
A new neighbour moved into the flat above him and moaned constantly about the noise from the kids playing.
Dad pointed out to him what a dreadful world it would be if we could no longer hear children playing, at best it would be because we have gone deaf at worst children were longer able to be free to play outside....rather scary when we realise where we are now at this present time. It's as if he could foresee what lay ahead of us.
Gem pleased to see that you were able to link up with GS's party , sending you hugs though because there is more to this than meets the eye x
Hope you are all keeping safeBring me sunshine in your smile.
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We have a lot of back gardens backing onto us and younger families have moved in over the years. It is lovely to hear them play, said hello to two little girls who told me my name is Amelia and the little one said I am Amelia's sister. One little girl over the back has a very load scream, not so keen on that.
Gemini, lovely to join in the party but not the same as being there. I hope you find your mother improving, three visits a day for you and S must be tiring for you both. Pity you can't make it just two.
I have never had sketchers trainers, I suppose I should try them.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Mum was in bed when I arrived, asleep. She wouldn't get up and the carer can't make her. Only one comes so its not easy. I washed soem cushion covers and throws from her living room and hung then on the line and did a bit of dusting and polished mirrors. Mum woke and I made her some lunch and a coffee. I had a couple of cups of tea and we had a chat. She was quite cheerful but her chest didn't sound too good, she really need to be up. DDs and I are looking into private carers, for night and morning. Mum is keen to go somewhere elsee to cared form but not so much when I talked through the no visitors for the time being thing.
OH and I will go back later, do mum a meal, keep her company and do the night time routine.
Only two visits today Plant. As mum is already in bed she cant refuse to go so we are free to leave then we are ready and lock her up safely with no need to return!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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They can be so stubborn. As you say Gem the Carers can't make them get out of bed. We found that three visits for mum was just right. They all ended up being really good friends.
Oma, you're a nut-case, but a lovely one. Obviously I'm on here after the devastating news that poor Clover's Gerald has died. We all have a lot to be grateful for ... puts everything into perspective.💕"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Gem - you really are a kind and caring daughter. I hope you can get some help with morning and evening caring - you can't keep this up indefinitely. I think you're right - she does need to be up and moving about as much as she can. If she was being cared for somewhere else she would have people around her all day, even if you and the girls couldn't visit.
Nana - you're right - we have to count our blessings these days, and keep a sense of proportion about what's important and what isn't.
Talking of living near schools - I'd totally forgotten that when we lived in Surrey our sons' First and Middle Schools were immediately behind our house. There was just a tiny lane in between, but the schools were set in woodland and we could barely hear them out playing let alone see them. They were both fantastic schools. Happy memories.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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