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    Plant yes another 3 , her other hip and both knees.

    She is on her way home they have discharged her.

    I hope H is ok , they catch so much at that age don't they.
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      As we thought, nothing contagious (sp), cream prescribed. It was my DD that advised going to the doctors.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant, glad to hear H is ok. It hard to know what's caused a rash, isn't it, and better to get it checked out than to leave it.

        Oma, your niece has done well, and must be relieved to be going home. I hope she's got strong enough painkillers to enable her to sleep well tonight.

        Gem, isn't it lovely that your GD wants to pass on her love of dance to the youngsters. I'm sure the love her, too. My GD1 started helping out at Rainbow when she was doing her DofE, and is still going. She loves coming up with ideas for activities and crafts and I think she takes a lot of that sort of work off the adults.

        I got some gardening done - mostly pruning hydrangeas, and cutting back some overgrown plants. Then it went much colder but only drizzled with rain. I'm just going to take Eva out - she keeps asking.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Plant, pleased to hear H is ok.

          It was lovely weather this morning, dried the washing lovely.
          Turned quite cool about 3ish, but i don't think any frost is forecast.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning. Had a bit of rain during the night.

            Not going out today, hubby wants to a few jobs in the kitchen, ready for nephew coming on Monday.

            Dinner will probably be a chicken tikka for hubby, I'll have what I catch.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Morning Nanto/ ladies
              Nanto I now have visions of you chasing a meal around the garden trying to catch it 🤣🤣

              It's rained all night and it's dark and miserable,
              I have stripped the beds that I should have done yesterday but other things were more important like the dog 😂
              Need to go to Lidl for fresh bread and along to the charity shop,
              I sorted out all my costume jewellery that I used for formal nights on the cruises, all in boxes so they can have them.

              How is everyone today?
              My niece rang she slept well with no pain so that's good news.

              My son in laws business card has been cloned,
              It was used in two B&Q's in Mid Lothian and Edinburgh,
              Luckily SIL had checked his banking first thing yesterday morning and could prove the day they were used he was with the accountant so money refunded by the bank and a new card issued.

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good Saturday morning, everyone.

                Nanto I hope you find something nice for dinner! What a lovely cheerful graphic for today.

                Oma, Your niece is doing very well. You're getting on well with sorting things out. It's scary when any card gets cloned, but when it's your business card it's even more worrying. Thank goodness your SIL could prove those payments weren't made by him. But he still has the nuisance of changing the details on all his online contacts.

                More gardening today for me - at least while the weather is good. But I need to get all Eva's bedding and blankets in the wash first.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  As I went into the charity shop they were just putting new dresses on the mannequin's in the window, so they opened some of the boxes and used them instantly
                  I timed that right.
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning everyone.

                    Oma, I bet they were very glad of the donations

                    Don't overdo that gardening Daisy.

                    We had rain overnight as well Nan2. Dull this morning.

                    We are going to the theatre tonight to see Now That's What I call a Musical. DD2 saw it during in the week and they loved it.
                    We are going with friends - sort of! We booked this last year and I asked our group of friends if any fancied. Two declined due to possible jet lag (and maybe having spent all their money on a 7 week holiday ) The other six wanted to come. However I like good seats at the theatre and am willing to pay for them. They all wanted cheaper seats so are not sitting near us! Two of them realised this week that they had booked the 2.30pm performance not the 7.30 So 6 of us are going tonight but all sitting in different areas of the theatre. We are giving two friends a lift so will see them of course. The others we may see in the interval. best laid plans eh?!

                    I shall write up the Minutes today, but no other plans.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gemini, certainly best laid plans, enjoy the show.

                      Daisy, I keep looking at my borders and am so frustrated and longing to have a go at them now the spring flowers are out. My family would not be pleased with me if I fell over. Enjoy your gardening. Not quite so sunny today.

                      I can’t understand why the gardening bug has slipped past my children and grandchildren. My GD2’s partner loves his new garden and has restored the greenhouse he has acquired in their new home. I have given him things I can’t use anymore and tips although his father is a gardener. I can’t think of anything nicer than loosing oneself putting the borders straight and just being outside, my DD would rather go to the Gym. I have a promise of a gardener but he hasn’t moved into the village yet.

                      Oma, pleased to hear your niece is home and resting although not nice that she has more ops in the future. Good job your Sil spotted the use of his card.

                      I have been offered another Covid booster, not sure about going ahead with it. How would you feel?

                      Nanto, are you hoping to catch, trout?

                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Oma, that was good timing, especially for the charity shop. Most charity shops do a really good job of dressing their windows and it's good to see your glamorous costume jewellery being put to good use.

                        Gem, the musical sounds fun. Is it based on the long-running CDs of "That's What I Call Music ..." What a shame you have all ended up sitting in various parts of the theatre. When we go it's usually with a block group booking, so we do all sit together - usually about 20-25 of us. The seats are always in the stalls, in the centre and about Rows N-Q. It's a good view provided I don't have the tallest person in the theatre in front of me! I think it would be a real treat to have a box sometime, although I know in some theatres they are not always the best view. It would still feel special! Plant - didn't you have a box for a special occasion at the Albert Hall?

                        Plant, it must be sooo frustrating to see things that need doing in the garden and not be able to get on with them. I certainly can't do the heavy gardening I used to do on the allotment, but I potter and stop when various bits of me ache! What works best for me is to have, a few jobs on the go, say digging out weeds with a long-handled trowel, pruning, and something like dead heading or potting on. It's funny how two generations in your family aren't gardeners. I pin my hopes on little H for you. My GD1, 14, loves helping her Dad in the garden or greenhouse. She likes the feeling of her hands in the soil. I was feeling a bit stressed when I went out to the garden this afternoon, but soon noticed I felt about 100% better for being outside. I was putting a clean edge on one side of the lawn and doing the weeding as I went along, and it was lovely to have something to show for my efforts.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning. We've had rain during the night. Yesterday afternoon the heavens opened.

                          Gem,hope you enjoyed the theatre.

                          Oma, glad your SIL could prove he hadn't used the card.

                          Just a few other bits to move, then the kitchen is ready for tomorrow.

                          I had some chicken, leek and mushroom left from when I made some pies,so that's for dinner with mash and green beans.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning everyone.

                            Nan2, I would love that dinner. It's OH's turn to cook, I don't know what we are having.

                            Daisy, being out in nature is very good for destressing isn't it, and there is something therapeutic about gardening.

                            Plant it's funny that no one has inherited yours and your OH's love of gardening.

                            The show last night was so good, we had a really good night. We met up at the end for a chat with the two who were sitting in the stalls. The friends we gave the lift to invited us in for a cuppa when we dropped them off. A very nice evening.
                            I will make a thread about the play after my breakfast!

                            No plans today. It is raining and dull.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies
                              I like the sound of your dinner ,
                              It's always good when you can use up spare fillings isn't it , no waste at all.

                              Sounds like a good night I will have a read of your thread in a moment 😁

                              Gardening isn't for everyone.
                              Joe our decorator was saying he loves to see a nice garden but has no interest in doing any , he leaves it to his wife ,
                              He will mow the lawn but that's it.
                              I used to love my big garden and was out every day doing something , I don't have the same with this garden we only have two small borders and even that feels a chore sometimes.

                              My DD on the other hand is a avid gardener , she spends a fortune on plants and trees,
                              We know if we can't think of anything for a gift that she will be thrilled with garden centre vouchers 😁

                              Although I think we will still have our COVID jab I can understand your reluctance,
                              My MIL and My DS have both refused it this time..

                              We are out for Dinner with the family at 1 , I have the washer on but not much else to do.
                              Have a good Sunday ladies.
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good Sunday morning, everyone.

                                Nanto, that's the only savoury pie I make, and the combination of chicken, mushrooms and leeks is delicious. Enjoy. I love the basket of flowers.

                                Gem, what a good night out you had. Relax and enjoy a day indoors. It's good to have a day off!

                                Oma, have a good time with the family today. How is D these days? Your DD is so busy, I'm sure gardening is a relaxation for her.

                                At the moment, we have glorious sunshine, so we're going to do some more gardening. I'll pop back later.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

