Good morning,blue skies,and no frost here a lovely day. Should be a pleasant dog walk , girls again here for tea ,major works in process at DD's. Again tomorrow Have a good day all.
Morning all, wet and chilly here this morning, I was supposed to go and do errands yesterday, but put it off will have to today, my MIL has been ill with an awful cough, sounds like it is on her chest, been like this now for a couple of weeks, OH really worried about her but she is point blank refusing a doctor, he called in last night and she appeared to be a bit better, even DD rang after speaking to her to say she was concerned, but MIL having none of it, OH is popping in again today and if she is the same is getting her doctor in......
Spoke with my lovely GC yesterday, they were with dad, E and T are now at there mam's so finding that so so difficult after everything, but they were all cheery......there coming here for the weekend so looking forward to that, G and DD are coming too, OH going out on a birthday "bender".....don't know when he will act his age.....
Morning ladies , wet and dreary hear too Pearl ,
Well you know when I go shopping I love to people watch as you see some very funny things , that wasn't the case this morning . Walked into Asda and two women were screaming at each other and a little boy no more than 3 in between crying his little eyes out and clinging to Mammy , Turns out they were mother and DD and while the mother had gone to get a trolly the little boy had run off from Nana and in stead of ticking him off she had smacked him really hard on his legs and back , a man who was there said she had really gone to town on the little mite and the security guard had stepped in to stop her , when her DD came in with the trolly she pulled down his trousers and you could see the hand marks very red , well the DD had gone ballistic, at one point she had her mother by the coat shoulder shaking her , you could tell she wanted to punch her , eventually they stopped and security got the Mammy a chair so she could sit down and cuddle her baby , they asked if she wanted the police but she said no she would deal with it herself . Poor little boy was clinging to her sobbing , That's one family that won't be speaking . The Grandmother just carried on with her shopping as though nothing had happened, well everyone was looking at her , a old gentleman passed her and said ,you madam are a disgrace of a grand parent ,she told him to mind his own F business , charming or what ๐ฒ
My cold is definitely improving, I hope yours goes soon Daisy.
Your poor GS, Plant. Now he is home he will hopefully soon be on the mend.
Pearl I hope you have a fun weekend with T there. I'm sure you will
Oma, how appalling! That man was right, a disgraceful grandparent and that is one case where I would approve of a grandparent being denied contact, at least for some time and until ground rules were laid!!
At midday I have to be at my computer to book the first Disney Fastpasses of the holiday , which must be booked 30 days ahead, online. We will be in Epcot in 30 days time. SO excited, and hope we get what we want!
At 2.30 I have a bone density scan. Although part of my NHS treatment these are done in the local Nuffield hospital. OH has hers there several years ago. Much nicer in every way, and easy parking.
โA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ โ Unknown
Gem i think everyone there was very upset by it , luckily we didnt see the actual smacking as i cant say for sure i wouldnt have smacked her to the ground
Your hols have came around so quickly havent they hope your not long at the Nuffield , i know when i went to our local Nuffield to have a brain scan many years ago now we were in and out in no time there was no hanging around with them , xx
Oma I would have been upset too, this would have been on my mind the rest of the day, what a horrible person, bad enough thinking it was the "mother" but grandmother, poor little lad....
Hope everything goes well at the Nuffield Gem, I had an operation there many years ago, even though it was via NHS, what a totally different experience, was like a hotel... could have stayed a few extra nights...x
Pearl my mum had a gall baldder op at our local Nuffield several years ago. It has moved now, but then it was right next to the Minster in a wonderful building. My mum, like you, would have stayed as long as they let her
โA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ โ Unknown
That is outrageous Oma, no wonder the DD wanted to slap her Mother,totally over stepped the mark there. That's one little one who is going to be very wary of his Grandma. Good luck with the apptmt Gem x
Libra if she had gave him a pat on his bottom well ok but to leave hand marks through his clothes she must have gave him some smack , I also think the way they were screaming and shouting scared him more . i hope he was ok and his Mammy she was really shook up you could see her shaking not sure if it was anger or shock to be honest .
Afternoon all. Think I might try to sort all the toys out this afternoon๐ฑ I've ordered a bookcase for all the children's books, from Ikea, so hopefully that's a job for next week. Three different aged boys so the toys need sorting.
Can anyone remember the gulls from 'Finding Nemo'? Well the last time the oldest boys were together it reminded me of the gulls as they both held the same toy, pulling one way then another screaming "MINE"..."MINE"..."MINE" . I was in the other room & in fits of silent laughter.๐
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
Nana, outside the Nemo ride in Disney are some animatronic gulls who say that! I will think of you when we see them next month
Scan went OK. Lovely free parking right outside. I had a strange little Russian sounding woman doing my scan though, who did not get my sense of humour. Or maybe she didn't have one!
We then went to Asda to get OHs bloods done in readiness for her appointment next week. She joined the short queue I went off to look at baby clothes. OH found me, and told me we (we??) had come without her form, so she wouldn't be able to have blood taken. Doh!!
We bought some fruit and cheese downstairs though, so it wasn't a totally wasted journey!
โA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ โ Unknown
Oh Oma you do seem to find incidents in supermarkets. That GM certainly overstepped the mark, no wonder her DD was very cross but they should have considered the child who was very upset.
GS feeling a lot better, he is cooking the dinner for his parents and sister this evening.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant that's why I love shopping we see some very strange things and funny things , you see it all the time when you people watch like I do ๐ Thankfully not many nasty events like today though
Oma that was a horrible thing to see. Poor child. He must have been so frightened as well as physically hurt.
Gem I love it when our OH's say "we" instead of "I" Your long awaited holiday is nearly here.. I can almost feel the excitement building
We've had a mainly sunny day. OH had to have a blood test. Then we went into town and had lunch in a restaurant on the 28th floor of the Meridian Tower on Swansea seafront. As you can imagine the views are spectacular,all of Swansea bay,the Marina and the town.
Plant - I'm pleased to hear your GS is on the mend. I bet he enjoyed cooking for the family.
Oma - what a dreadful woman. What upsets me is that if she behaves like that in public what on earth is she like in private, and did she treat her daughter like that when she was little. Poor little lad!
Nana - I keep saying I'll sort out toys - they seem to be spreading all over the place and I'm sure there are some that even GD2 is now too old for.
Gem - doesn't it just show how stressful life is when you can't do really simple things like find a parking space at the hospital. It's such a luxury when you go somewhere where you can just drive in and park. I've been to two of our local Nuffields for various things, but only as a day patient, but you still feel as though you're in a nice hotel not a hospital. I had to smile - we have the same problem when 'we' forget something! Have you started packing yet?
Clover - what a fabulous view that must be. I've only ever stayed at the university, but still some lovely views.
Pearl - your poor MIL, she sounds quite poorly. You're going to have a busy week-end, but I know you love it.
We got back from walking Eva about 10 o'clock, so I set to with freezing dog treats I'd already cooked and chilled, made bread, tidied up the kitchen and sat down for a few minutes while OH got lunch (bless him!). Then off to dog training.Eva was really good, but it went very cold and by the time I got home I was freezing. I've just about thawed out, but now tired and ready for bed. But at least my cold doesn't seem to be getting any worse.
Tomorrow should be less hectic! We're going to a 'do' of some kind at the local Honda garage - a new version of OH's car, I think - not that we're thinking of buying one, but OH wants to have a look. The wine and nibbles are probably what have persuaded me to go along with him! Anyway, my old Picasso banger passed its MOT today, so why would I want to change it!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "